college boards là gì - Nghĩa của từ college boards

college boards có nghĩa là

A board of people who are greedy and wish to make money on the notion that all kids will the SATs [they are also in charge of AP testing] In real life they don't give a shit about kids and only use the testing as an excuse to make money by selling stocks. A proof that they are fake is when they decided to make a NEW SAT testing with writing included so that the Universty of California, better known as UCs, colleges would still accept it. Sometimes they may lose your test scores and will not refund you.


College board fucking lost my test scores for the SATs I took in June.

college boards có nghĩa là

A group of filthy monkey making hootchies that ruthlessly forces many students to give them monetary value in exchange for "elgibility."


The College Board took my baby away.

college boards có nghĩa là

A greedy, monopolistic corporation that abuses and inflicts pain on students everywhere by writing their idea of college entrance exams and charging them a shitload of money for it. The most disgusting part of this is that the college board essentially profits off of the torture and abuse of these kids who are literally working themselves to death.


prostitute - a woman who sells sex for money college board victim - a student who gives in to the sadistic abuse and demands of the college board in order to get a college education

college boards có nghĩa là

A branch of the Soviet secret police, the KGB. This organization used to be known as KolleGeBoard, but the title changed due to inconspicuousness. The aims of College Board include:
1. undermining the US economy by forcing honest citizens to create a direct deposit of their hard earned salary to College Board's bank account
2. brainwashing the youth of American by conditioning them to respond to BUBBLE stimuli The rest of College Board's aims are currently unknown, but a group of specialized agents are currently working on that.


"The KGB still lives inside all of us in the form of questions with 5 answer choices. They promote themselves through College Board."

college boards có nghĩa là

Created to ruin the lives of all high schoolers, especially in the United States of America. It is because of this website that many teens cannot live the life they want today.


E.g 1
Mom: You never reply ANY of my emails!
Teen: That's because 90% of them are FORWARDS from College board! You spam my inbox EVERYDAY!

E.g 2
Teen: I'm going to the mall to hang out with Kate!
Parent: Oh no, you don't! I just checked your SAT scores online College board and you are grounded for the next 4 weeks!

college boards có nghĩa là

a company that makes and distributes the SATs, SAT IIs, among other things. known for its tendency to force students and their parents to pay too much for a "standardized" test. works closely with colleges to bleed students and their families' bank accounts dry for their own benefits.


Student 1: Man, College Board is the devil incarnate. Student 2: Tell me about it. I just bombed my SAT Math II subject test, even though I've taken every math class available up through AP Statistics. So... not only did I not get a good score, but I had to pay for it, and I'll have to pay to cancel it. Student 1: That sucks.

college boards có nghĩa là

[noun] An evil government conspiracy created by corporate America to test all students "equally" through standards, when really they are creating a social hierarchy between rich kids who can afford tutors and poor kids who cannot. Though deemed a non-profit organization, they use much of the money from their "tests" to eat $1000 plates New York City. They hire evil masterminds to create tests devoted to ruining high schoolers lives by asking them questions on AP tests not pertaining to anything they have learned that year, or for that matter what pertains to doing well in college. They do not grade their supposed tests, and instead give rich kids the better scores allowing rich america to keep going to Ivy League schools, and the poor kids to community colleges. The rest of us receive scores by which The college board hires a room full of monkeys to throw darts at a dart board, and whatever numbers they hit are the scores you receive in the mail.


"Dude I didn't get accepted into any good colleges!" "WTF? but you have a 4.0!" "Yeah but The college Board said i got a 1600 on my SATs, apparently I'm not good enough to go to college"

college boards có nghĩa là

A monopolistic institution filled with a bunch of greedy motherfuckers whose main goal is to work closely with colleges and universities and gang bang you and your family for every fucking penny you got. You may know College Board as:
1. The group of evil motherfuckers that make you take a $75 dollar one-size-fits-all test that you can't even properly prepare for no matter how much studying or tutoring you get [SAT] 2. The wicked proprietors of the AP Exam who make you pay $95 to take the damn thing and drill the material THEY want you to know into your head and hope you can retain it until May, only to find out you got a fucking 2 or 3 on the exam after all that 'studying' and' learning'. 3. An institution that decoy themselves as the CSS Profile who want you and your parents to put out your entire fucking financial and tax history from the beginning of time just so they can look it over with your top schools to see if your worthy of admittance, or, and if your lucky enough, a fucking scholarship. They claim they are trying to 'help you' but they are just signing you up for even more fuckery. 4. The devil incarnate


Person 1:"Why should I pay these College Board motherfuckers for a test that schools will just throw into the scrap heap as well as my AP exam and {potentially} give me a scholarship that will barely pay for a portion of my tuition?" Person 2: "That's just apart of the College Board process man." Person 1: "Fuck this shit."

college boards có nghĩa là

a aristocratic group that manipulates khan academy into advertising the SAT [to gain popularity over the ACT]. And really expensive AP tests. they have convinced colleges that making kids pay a lot of $ to send one number to them is a good indicator of college readiness. not to mention some ppl can pay $69420 for test prep and likely do well


College Board charges so much to send one fucking number to a school. I got a 5 on the ap test but i m broke from buying the test. how tf will i send my scores to colleges? might as well not take any college board tests and not do college :[

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