Informative speech topics about relationships

TITLE: The Science About Love
Purpose statement: I will be informing the audience about the changes that the human body under goes when it is in love and how these changes can affect our actions.
I. The human body is a very complex system that affects our everyday lives. Today however, I will be focusing on the one that all of us in this room can relate to, love. Whether it is a friend, significant other, or even pet. We all love.
A. Depending on the type of relationship, we encounter different stages.
1. In this short story I will make these stages clear. I had a huge crush on this guy in 6th grade. Seven years later we started to date. We are currently still dating. However, in a number of cases the last stage ends with more content
Oxytocin bonds couples together and promotes intimacy. Fun fact: The rise of this hormone may also increase your tolerance for physical pain.
2. Although testosterone is known as a male hormone, it increases in both men and women.
C. Marriage could lead to a longer healthier life.
D. Love may ease chronic pain.
Transition: While most of us try to avoid this step, some relationships do unfortunately end in heartbreak.
III. Main Point 3: Suffering through a heartbreak has a very detrimental effect on your body.
A. Although nothing as physically been done to you, your brain is literally sending signals to your body telling it that the pain is real.
1. To summarize what Naomi Eisenbuerger, Ph.D., and assistant professor of psychology at the University of California at Los Angeles told Women's Health Magazine, the same area of your brain that lights up when you are physically hurt and suffering though heartbreak.
2. Heartbreak is inevitable. Every single person on this planet will eventually go through a heartbreak.
a. This is because humans are wired to have social contact with other humans.
b. Heartbreak is caused by the loss of a family member, a break up, the loss of a pet or even a close friend.
B. According to Lois S. Marshall PhD, RN, "Individuals can die from a broken

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