Minecraft net en us get minecraft

Can I get Minecraft for free?

Minecraft is available for download from both Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Minecraft is not a free game and one needs to purchase it before downloading it on your Android or iOS device.

How can I buy Minecraft in the US?

Start by navigating to the Microsoft Store and log in if you are not already logged in. Search for 'Minecraft Launcher' in the Microsoft Store search bar and select 'Get. '

Is Minecraft net the real Minecraft?

Minecraft.net is the official website for Minecraft. It allows users to sign up, play and buy the game, provides links to related community sites [including the Minecraft Wiki] and is also where players can download the Minecraft launcher and server client.

Can I Play Minecraft for free on Google?

Minecraft is easy to download on Android and iOS platforms. On your Android phone, go to the Google Play Store to download the free version of the game.

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