Rough sex là gì

His skin, which must have once been quite fair [đẹp], was now bronzed [vàng] and rough like rawhide leggings. The Comanches called him Backecacho, but he had once answered to the name Clinton Smith.

Thomas Bird, a tall fellow with large muttonchop sideburns [tóc mai kiểu sườn cừu] and rotten [sâu,thối] teeth, stood at the gallows [giá treo cổ], his large hands, rough as rawhide, tied behind his back.

Paco found with his fingers the place where the frag [lựu đạn] went off [the bare dirt rough as rawhide] and quickly made out the guy's feet and legs, the guy himself slashed [chém] open in a hundred places like a burst plum [mận bung]—split open.

◘[geim]*danh từ ■trò chơi ■[số nhiều] cuộc thi điền kinh, cuộc thi đấu ⁃Olympic Games Thế vận hội, Đại hội thể thao thế giới, Đại hội thể thao Olympich ■ván [bài, cờ...] ⁃to win four games in the first set thắng bốn ván trong trận đầu ■trò cười; chuyện nực cười, trò đùa; sự trêu chọc, sự chế nhạo; trò láu cá, mánh khoé ⁃to have a game with somebody trêu chọc, chế nhạo ai ⁃to make game of somebody đùa cợt ai, chế nhạo ai, giễu ai ⁃none of your games! đừng có giở trò láu cá của anh ra! ■ý đồ, mưu đồ ⁃to play someone's game vô tình giúp ai thực hiện được ý đồ của người ta ⁃to spoil someone's game làm hỏng mưu đồ của ai ■thú săn; thịt thú săn ⁃big game thú săn lớn [hổ, sư tử, voi... chẳng hạn] ■[từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ], [từ lóng] mục tiêu theo đuổi khó khăn, mục tiêu nguy hiểm ■con vật bị săn, con vật bị dồn; người bị theo đuổi, vật bị theo đuổi ⁃fair game vật [người] có thể bị theo đuổi tấn công một cách chính đáng ⁃forbidden game vật [người] mà ta không có quyền theo đuổi tấn công ■bầy [thiên nga] ▸to be off one's game ■[thể dục,thể thao] không sung sức ▸to be on the game ■bị dính líu vào những việc nhục nhã ▸to play a cat-and-mouse game with sb ■chơi trò mèo vờn chuột với ai, lập lờ đánh lận con đen với ai ▸to give the game away ■làm lộ bí mật ▸a mug's game ■việc làm ngu xuẩn ▸the luck of the game ■vận may rủi [ngược lại với tài trí] ▸to fly at higher games ■có những tham vọng cao hơn ▸to have the game in one's hand ■nắm chắc thắng lợi trong tay; làm chủ được cuộc đấu ▸to play the game ■chơi đúng luật lệ, hành động ngay thẳng ▸the game is yours ■anh thắng cuộc ▸the game is not worth the candle ■việc làm lợi chẳng bõ công; thu không bù chi ▸the game is up ■việc làm đã thất bại ▸to beat sb at his own game ■đánh bại sở trường của ai ▸a game that two can play, two can play at that game ■trò bịp bợm có thể bị chính nạn nhân giáng trả ▸to play a waiting game ■cố tình trì hoãn để đợi cơ hội thuận lợi hơn*nội động từ ■mạo hiểm, liều lỉnh*tính từ ■như gà chọi; dũng cảm, anh dũng, gan dạ ⁃a game little fellow một anh chàng bé nhưng dũng cảm gan dạ ⁃to die game chết anh dũng ■có nghị lực ⁃to be game for anything có nghị lực làm bất cứ cái gì ■bị bại liệt [chân, tay]; què, thọt

You are reading: “How long after smile eye surgery can you have sex”. This is a “hot” topic with 17,800,000 searches/month. Let’s learn more about How long after smile eye surgery can you have sex in this article


Google search results:

Sex After Eye Surgery – Slade & Baker Vision

As a result, as long as it doesn’t involve straining or supporting another person’s weight, resuming sexual activity 5 days after surgery should …. => Read Now

Sex after LASIK: Is it Safe? – drholzman

In general, the majority of sexual relations can resume, even during the first week post-operatively. But we recommend that special care is …. => Read Now

Can I have rough sex after LASIK surgery? – Quora

As long as eyes and head remain untouched. But as a rule I advise patients to avoid any ‘rough’ activity for atleast a month. Lasik in most cases is effective …. => Read Now

How soon is it safe to have sex after lasik or PIE eye surgery?

Flaps heal and attach quickly like a natural band aid. Sweating and consequent rubbing can still displace the flap. More than a few young …. => Read Now

Q. Is it alright to have sex three days after a laser eye surgery?

It is definitely safe to have normal sex after a retinal laser as it will not have any side effects. But, having said that, you did not mention …. => Read More

Post Eye Power Correction Surgery[Smile] – Hello, I Had The

Only your treating doctor will be in a position to give you the right advice after examining you physically. Blurring of vision which …. => Read More

How Much Days After Femto Lasik Surgery Can | Practo Consult

You can resume your work 1 week post Lasik. Black glasses aren’t required.. => Read More

Eye Care After Laser Eye Surgery – WebMD

How to Protect Your Eyes After Laser Eye Surgery … during the first few days after surgery. Be careful when you’re in the shower or bath.. => Read More

Quality of life after refractive surgery: ReLEx SMILE vs Femto …

by OA Klokova · 2019 · Cited by 13 — After laser correction of complex myopic astigmatism using … Patients were not included in the series if they had other serious ocular …. => Read More

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Other references:

Visual and optical quality outcomes of … – BMC Ophthalmology

by T Liu · 2019 · Cited by 10 — However, at 2 h and 4 h after surgery, OSI values in the SMILE group … However, FS-LASIK can also lead to complications, such as dry eye … => Read More

Thinking about getting laser eye surgery? Here’s everything …

Most people end up taking a week off work, but if your eyes heal quickly, you can go back to work sooner. Is laser surgery suitable for everyone …. => Read More


Eye drops for use after surgery: You will have received either a single bottle of drops we call our “combo” drop called. [Pred-Moxi- Ketor] OR … => Read More

exercise after laser eye surgery

You may want to wait until you can start with light weights by day three and slowly… First month once you have resumed exercise and sports activities after … => Read More

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