Seminar topics in health

Inspirational Speaker Programs and Seminars

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Health and Wellness Topics:

BENEFITS from Neil Fiores customized Health & Wellness Seminars for patients, families and healthcare professionals. Audiences will have the tools to:

  • Build effective healthcare teams that help retain essential employees, acknowledge the contribution of your staff, and enhance communications and performance
  • Help patients adapt to medical treatment, participate in their healthcare and commit to healthy habits
  • Relax quickly, turn off the stress response, and get focused on top priority tasks
  • Replace messages of stress and worry with Effective Self-Coaching
  • Improve communications among doctors, nurses, and family members
  • Encourage patients to face difficult procedures and long-term recuperation, confident that they are in charge of their attitude and their reactions
  • Leave with an action plan and a commitment to start the process of healthy change in healthcare habits and attitudes
  • Build-in resilience to set-backs in maintaining healthcare goals

THE HUMAN SIDE OF MEDICINE: Making a difference in the lives of our patients, their families and our co-workers

Your presentation was great! You were an inspiration! Just to know that you survived cancer in spite of what your chances were, and how well youve done, helps us to have the faith to encourage others.
Association of South Carolina Oncology Managers

The role of the healthcare professional involves not just curing, but caring a combination of medical expertise and empathic communication. As Norman Cousins writes in the foreword of The Road Back to Health: If [the treatment of cancer] in any way ignores or minimizes the emotional needs of the patient, then the treatment is seriously incomplete. Delivering quality care to our patients, in a way that they want it and can embrace it, requires that we humanize the entire medical experience for both patients and staff. The human side of medicine starts, therefore, with treating each other the diverse members of your healthcare team with respect and understanding.

Making More Energy Available for Healing

Superior! The best workshop Ive ever attended. Its obvious that Dr. Fiore is very knowledgeable in the areas of hypnosis and pain management.
People Living Through Cancer

Learn to work with your body and unconscious wisdom to achieve improvements in health habits, wellness and robustness. When we take control of our attitude, focus our energies, and learn to speak in the language that evokes the inner strength and cooperation of our Inner Healer, we gain the most from medical treatment and the healing process.


Your keynote presentation was wonderful. It set just the right tone for the days activities. The remarks on the evaluations and the enthusiasm that so many expressed reflect high marks for your message. You definitely connected to the audiences experiences and feelings.
Catherine Logan, Executive Director, People Living Through Cancer

Veterans of life-altering experiences know that fighting for your life empowers you to live more fully. These experiences forever change our views of life, our attitudes, and priorities, endowing us with a drive to savor the present moment. Crisis survivors have something of value to teach their families and communities about living to the fullest the time that everyday gives us. The protective powers sparked during a battle for survival can be harnessed to free us from mundane concerns and remove the blocks to being fully alive after a life-threatening diagnosis or crisis.

Achieving and Maintaining Health Habits

My sincerest compliments to you as dynamic speaker. Not only are you able to communicate to others, but also with your own dynamic forces. The healing profession needs people like you.
Milton Cohen, M.D.

Learn to use Cognitive Behavioral and Dr. Milton Ericksons indirect-hypnotic approaches for working with a variety of client symptoms and goals with an emphasis on Improving Health Habits. Through demonstrations, structured procedures, and role-played practice you will learn techniques for smoking cessation, healthy eating habits, exercise and commitment to medical treatment. Learn how to enlist the clients unconscious mind and ego states in a cooperative effort to enhance health and achieve goals. Topics include: the use of self-hypnosis to maintain health habits; identification of pathogenic beliefs; addressing dissociation and spontaneous regression; and integrating Ego-States around a common purpose.

Effective Self-Coaching

The nurses and health care professionals who attended your presentation had many positive comments . . . Relevant techniques that will be effective at work Good communicator. Keeps the audience attentive Self-coaching skills are what I need right now on my job. Have him back!
Candice Speers, RN, Nurse Manager, Stanford Hospital

Rapidly shift to a leadership perspective. Get unstuck from old ruts and unify your energies around your core values and vision. Youre familiar with the latest personal development concepts, but probably dont know how to make them work in your life. Effective Self-Coaching gives you the tools to apply your knowledge giving you both the strategic perspective and the tactical applications that bring about transformational change in behavior and attitude. Participants leave with a long-term plan and commitment to on-going learning and improvement.

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