Sửa lỗi the page has expired due to inactivity lỗi năm 2024

Sometimes clicking the Clear Cache button fixes it, sometimes not. It happens when managing GitBlit through the web UI. For example:

  • Add repository
  • Change access permissions to repository

Is this due to using LDAP authentication? Has anyone else experienced this?


Clay Anderson


Feb 28, 2013, 4:31:44 AM2/28/13

to git...@googlegroups.com

We are also getting the following in the logs. We're using SSL with a self-signed certificate.

WARN javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Inbound closed before receiving peer's close_notify: possible truncation attack?

James Moger


Feb 28, 2013, 4:50:18 AM2/28/13

to git...@googlegroups.com

The SSLException comes from Jetty and occurs [usually] because of Chrome clients. It can be ignored AFAIK, but I agree it is annoying.

The Page Expired message is a Wicket feature [insert sarcasm]. Gitblit tries hard to generate stateless pages. It mostly succeeds with the exception some pages [edit repository, edit user, and any page that has delete links because of an admin or owner login]. If the page is opened but the session is inactive for X time [can't remember X] the page will be removed from Wicket's server cache and those stateful links will be broken. If you are using the Back button or launching pages in multiple tabs you can also invalidate the cache for the older page and break it's stateful links.

If someone with more Wicket mastery than I wants to take a stab at improving this, that would be nice. In retrospect, Wicket was perhaps not the best pick.

If you are not doing any of those things and Add/Edit repository still fails, then that is a bug that I want to track down.


Clay Anderson


Feb 28, 2013, 7:14:50 AM2/28/13

to git...@googlegroups.com

Thanks for the quick reply. It does seem that clicking refresh on the page that generated the Page Expired message and trying again resolves the issue.



Jamey Graham


Aug 6, 2014, 2:39:50 AM8/6/14

to git...@googlegroups.com

Using the WAR on glassfish [AD authentication], i'm getting this all the time when working with tickets [using the BranchTicketService] anytime any of the ajax-ish actions are performed [adding a comment, changing the status/milestone/etc via the drop-down-buttons, etc]. Clicking "Edit" to go to the editor page works fine though [i.e. can change Status from there....but no ability to add comments from that page...] Once it starts happening, it keeps happening [i haven't been able to figure out either what triggers it to start, or what triggers it to stop.....logout/login doesn't do it, new browser session doesn't do it...perhaps server restart is the only fix].

Logs are polluted with the Logger serialization problem - i'm not sure if this is the root cause, but it does prevent me from figuring out what logs get produced when Page Expired pops up.

I'm hesitant to log an issue since i have so little information to provide, but figured i'd comment here in case anyone has more info

James Moger


Aug 6, 2014, 3:23:58 AM8/6/14

to git...@googlegroups.com

Page expirations are unforunately normal with server-side stateful frameworks like Wicket. They are usually caused by using a stale version of a page [older than some threshold time, like 20 mins] or the server-side session page cache has run out of room and dropped something. So opening several ticket pages simultaneously could lead to the page expired scenario.

Many pages, but not all, have heartbeats to ping the server to help ensure the serialized version of the page is not destroyed. I can't say if the serialization errors are related - perhaps; I've had trouble tracking those down as the stacktraces are just about useless and there are many, many pages. I also don't use Glassfish, so that introduces another variable.


Anand Medhekar


Aug 5, 2016, 2:39:36 PM8/5/16

to gitblit

Thanks for your reply. But this message is consistent every time when user close chrome browser without logout from site and try logging in again to the same site using login page. We have observed this behavior only on Chrome and not in Chromium/Firefox 45/ IE-11.

Any thoughts over this?

Jonathan Elkins


May 12, 2017, 7:30:32 AM5/12/17

to gitblit

Hi James,

Is there any work around for this? Maybe a setting on the Tomcat Server [I have version 7.xx]? Or in GitBlit [version 1.8.0]? Or a setting in Chrome [Version 58.0.3029.96 64-bit]?

I'm getting "Page Expired" when I try to delete a repository 100% of the time when using Chrome. And the repo does not delete.

Refreshing the page in Chrome just displays the Page expired message again and still the repo does not delete.

Tomcat is on a Windows 7-32 bit Server. I don't get the error when I try the same using Microsoft Edge BTW.

Bedsides this I'm really liking GitBlit. I'm learning Java and am feeling blessed that there is a Java open source project to manage my Java projects. What a world this is.

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