Tải dev c++ cho mac


Xcode Free

by Apple Inc.

Xcode includes everything developers need to create great applications for Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Xcode provides developers a unified workflow for user interface design, coding, testing, and debugging.

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Eclipse Free

by Eclipse Foundation

Eclipse is a program that helps the users to develop integrated tools. Eclipse projects now cover runtimes; static and dynamic languages; thick-client, thin-client, and server-side frameworks; modeling and business reporting; embedded and mobile.

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CodeBlocks Free

by The Code::Blocks team

Code::Blocks is a free C++ IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed to be very extensible and fully configurable.It's an IDE with all the features you need, having a consistent look, feel and operation across...

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CodeLite Free

by Eran Ifrah

CodeLite is an open-source, cross platform IDE for the C/C programming languages [build and tested on Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, Ubuntu 9.10, and Mac OSX 10.5.6]. CodeLite is distributed under the terms of the GPLv2 license

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Qt Free

by The Qt Company

Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. Using Qt, you can write web-enabled applications once and deploy them across desktop, mobile and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code. Qt Creator includes:

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Turbo C++ for Mac

Turbo C++ by Borland Software Corporation is the new and improved version of the popular Borland...


UEStudio for Mac

UEStudio by IDM Computer Solutions, Inc is an IDE [integrated development environment...


Visual Studio for Mac

Visual Studio by Microsoft Corporation is a very popular IDE [integrated development...


SharpDevelop for Mac

SharpDevelop by AlphaSierraPapa for the SharpDevelop Team is an open source IDE...


BabelPad for Mac

BabelPad by BabelStone is a free to use text editor that comes with Unicode character support...


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Feel free to add any alternative to Dev-C++ for Mac that you know of.

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If you are an app developer or programmer you might already be knowing about Dev C++ For Mac software. It is an Integrated Development Environment that lets you create C++ based applications for Windows or consoles.

This software uses the MinGW compiler to create those apps. Other GCC-based compilers like Cygwin can also be used with it. This software also enables you to edit and compile resources files.

  • Download Dev C++ For Mac
  • Alternatives for Dev C++ For Mac
    • Eclipse
    • Qt Creator
    • Apache NetBeans
    • Editra
  •  Dev C++ For Mac FAQs
  • Conclusion

Download Now

As mentioned above this IDE platform will enable you to start programming in C and C++ language under the GNU General Public License for free.

Different tools from the Tool Manager can be used in different projects. Comes with an inbuilt ‘Find’ and ‘Replace’ facility.

If you recently switched to a Mac computer you might be looking for a way to download Dev C++ on your Mac or a similar replacement for Dev C++ as it is not officially launched for Mac.

For the same reason we have listed for you, some of the most amazing alternatives for Dev  C++ For Mac which you can easily run on your Mac.

Also Read: Paint.NET For Mac [Free Download]

Alternatives for Dev C++ For Mac

  • Eclipse

Eclipse is created by Eclipse Foundation Inc. which is a free tool for building software with C++ language and managing it for its lifetime.

Eclipse is also known as a Java IDE but it is more than that, it consists of more than 60 projects. These projects are organized into the given categories.

  • Application framework.
  • Rich Client performance.
  • Embedded and device development.
  • Application lifecycle management [ALM]
  • Service Orientation Architecture [SOA]
  • Qt Creator

Qt is a dual-licensed program which means it is available for free under GPL and LGPLv3 but also you can buy its commercial license to get access to more of its functions.

This is a cross-platform for C++, Javascript, and QML Integrated Development Environment. Qt Creator is available for both Mac OS and Windows operating systems.

It has an integral graphical user interface layout and form designer along with a visual debugger. It uses the C++ compiler from the GNU compiler collection.

  • Apache NetBeans

For software developers and programmers, this is one of the best open-source Integrated Development Environment.

This software supports a variety of languages including C++, Javascript, PHP, Groovy, and Ruby. With the help of these languages, you can create applications for your professional desktop and mobile easily.

NetBeans works on any of the operating systems like Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Solaris and is easy to install and use.

  • Editra

Editra is a compact and easy to use a text editor which is freely available under the terms of GPL. The trial version can be downloaded for Windows and Mac OS X both.

It supports syntax highlights and other useful features for more than 30 different programming languages.

This software focuses on creating a user-friendly interface and features that help in code development.

Also Read: Autorun For Mac [Free Download]

 Dev C++ For Mac FAQs

  • Is Dev C++ available for Mac?
    • No, Dev C++ is not yet developed by Orwell for Mac. That is why we have listed some of the best alternatives for Dev C++ above.
  • Is Dev C++ free?
    • Yes, Dev C++ is a free IDE distributed under General Public License for programming on C and C++ with all of its features.
  • Are Macs good for coding?
    • As you might already know Macs run on a UNIX-based OS which makes it a great option for developers.


Dev C++ really works like magic for developing and testing different apps for different platforms but Mac users won’t get their hands on it.

This is the reason we have listed some of the closest competitors of Dev C++ which you can access from your Mac.

You can try any of this software and select the one which goes with your personal taste and choice.

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StarMaker For PC Windows 7, 8, 10, Mac

SmartNews For PC Windows and Mac

Mobaxterm For Mac [Free Download]

An expert application developer, technology writer, who likes to discusses innovation and application development. His ability is in programming, portable applications, and games and on creating applications for Windows and Mac. You can contact me via email [email protected]

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