VR Virtual Desktop latency

Userlevel 1
  • anothermartz
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  • 4 replies

Disclaimer: This isa community workaround [not official].Please advance at your own risk.

Since about 30th June, people using the Paris datacentre have been experiencing really high latency but only while using Virtual Desktop or the VR app and not while using the desktop or mobile app.

If this is what you experience, try this simple fix!

If you just get a high ping in general, this will likely have no effect.

Step 1: On your Shadow, Open Settings [shortcut: win+x, n] then click "Network & Internet"

Step 2: Click Change adapter options

Step 3: Right click "Ethernet" and click "Properties"

Step 4: Click "Configure"

Step 5: Find Large Send Offload V2 [IPv4] and change Value to Disabled

The stream will break, so quit Shadow [Win+Alt+Q] and reconnect.

Quit the Virtual Desktop Streamer app and re-open.

Enjoy VR streaming without the insane latency!

If this doesnt work, try disabling Large Send Offload V2 [IPv6] too.

Many thanks to @Jamielamb#0279 on the Shadow Discord #vr-chat for figuring this out!

  • Technical support
  • Latency
  • VR
  • Virtual Desktop
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Userlevel 2
  • thade69
  • Traveler
  • 22 replies
  • 4 months ago
    14 September 2021

Thanks for this, it was a game changer! Half life alyx running like a dream... Awsome!

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  • desktopdoug
  • Explorer
  • 1 reply
  • 14 days ago
    10 January 2022

I literally cant thank you enough.I've been trying so many different things...for days...to try and improve virtual desktop. This was an instant fix!

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