west middle school là gì - Nghĩa của từ west middle school

west middle school có nghĩa là

where fake ass snakes fuck around with a ton of guys. the teachers are on some drugs and are always dick riding everyone. everyone at the school act so fruity and are ode annoying. this school also makes anyone want to commit die.


“yo what school do you go to?”
“ugh west middle school. it sucks ass my dude

west middle school có nghĩa là

A school where the teachers hate their jobs. There’s always a kid in their shirts juuling. All the kids have smoked weed. And there’s always at least one person who has lean in their locker. The girls are either emo or thots who cut for attention or talk shit about innocent people. Also, everyone screams “air” whenever given the chance


Row row”- said an 8th grader “Definitely from west Genesee middle school”, said a cms kid

west middle school có nghĩa là

West hollow middle school is full of japs and horrible teachers. Not only will you have a great learning experience but you will also learn how to be mindful. There is a no bully tolerance at west hollow, however you can see multiple people getting bullied on the daily. My personal favorite thing about west hollow is the incredible phone service they provide. Each grade feels they are superior. If you go to the bathroom you are guaranteed to see people vaping 6th graders: omg did you know jake and Emily are dating. They are such a good couple. I wonder When they will have their first hug! We should decorate their lockers when they do! 7th graders: so much drama i hate It *as they start more drama*. let’s Hu even though we don’t really know what it means. 8th graders: we run this bitch. And make fun of all the seventh and sixth graders. I’m so ready to leave this bitch. Bye seely bye mr hauk. Well anyways that’s westhollow for ya! It’s my favorite place to go. It brightens my day every time i walk In!


Jap 1: “where do you go to school?”
Jap 2: “ oh i go to west hollow. It’s a great school!” Kid 1: “bruh can i hit Your juul?”
Kid 2: “yes, let’s go to the west hollow middle school bathroom.”

west middle school có nghĩa là

Where fags skip class and the teachers are ass


Nobody wants to go to west middle school

west middle school có nghĩa là

It’s a middle school full of horny adolescent children. This middle is know for being ghetto,extra,and it’s diversity.There are fights almost every month for no reason🙄. At west we have a “fighting season” which is from October to December[ so watch your back]. Also west has tradition could Slap Ass August which recently got shut down because it’s “sexual harassment”. This school also has Funapolazas which is just a why for kids to waste their money on cringe music and nasty ass cottage inn pizza.Funapolazas are normally ruined because a sudden fight breaks between girls because one girl another’s man 😬. Kids tend to get caught vaping in the bathrooms at this event and some parents[chaperones] take there kids out of this school because of its “ghetto ness”. Last but not least West has rivals East they say they are the best or the beast but know that we beat them in almost every sport because they’re players are so small they only thing a agree about is we are all ghetto and even tho during football,basketball, and homecoming season we don’t like each other both school still have friends from both schools.


Grand Blanc West Middle School is a middle school

west middle school có nghĩa là

West Side Middle School also known as WSMS. It’s a ghetto ass school where the sixth graders getting into problem and seventh graders with pedophile ass teachers. Everybody always running their mouths talking shit bout “friends“, thinking they know how to fight when they don’t , always getting into problems and shi. And most importantly they care more about your dress code than education


Jimmy: Yeo i heard you go to West Side Middle School, good luck my bros

west middle school có nghĩa là

An absolute clusterfuck of a school with sailor mouthed teachers and WWE tier fights before and after school just don’t eat the lunch


Tim:I wanna see a good fight where should I go
Tom:I heard west Miami middle school is a good place to see fights

west middle school có nghĩa là

west middle school This is the place where every 8th grader wants to get out of as soon as possible, the teachers are always assuming, getting people in trouble for no reason, and where fake snakes walk around the halls. populars are 2 main groups of girls, 1 group of guys, and bitches be crazy


hey, what school do you go to?
- fucking west middle school. it sucks like shit. i wanna kermit suicide bc of that place.

west middle school có nghĩa là

West Middle School is a school located in Greenwood Village, CO, and is next to many rich neighborhoods packed with rich, white kids. The student population is 885 students with 72.5 percent being white. The high school WMS students go to after they graduate middle school, is Cherry Creek High School, the largest high school in the US, with kids from Campus Middle School,located right next to Cherry Creek High School, West, and more.


West Middle School is filled with a bunch of rich, white kids.

west middle school có nghĩa là

Middle school in Maryland, One of the english teachers talks about her ex husband and one of the music teachers seems like he's high during class. 7/10


"Dude! Don't you go to West Middle School?!" "*Que intense stare*"

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