a boa là gì - Nghĩa của từ a boa

a boa có nghĩa là

A 17 year old Korean singer who has also learned to speak Japanese, Chinese, and English. Her name is acutally Kwon Boa. Currently has 4 Japanese albums and 6 Korean albums. She is ver popular in both Korea and Japan.


Some of her songs named: Double, Shine We Are!, Sara, Milky Way.

a boa có nghĩa là

A hot Korean Pop star that has many talents. Known to be the Asian version of Britney Spear, but not as slutty and way better. She sings in Korean, japanese and as well as American pop.


BoA rocks! Probably the hottest Korean chick you'll ever seen in your life!

a boa có nghĩa là

A pretty Korean singer whom although she does not bear any credit to writing her own lyrics, has achieved things in her nineteen years that most people will never achieve.
The girl fluently speaks THREE other languages beside her native tongue of Korean; Japanese, Mandarin and English.
BoA is so popular in Asia, that she has two seperate official websites. One based in Korea and one based in Japan.
She also has a bunch of unofficial English websites created by her fans in America and Europe.
Once of BoA's recent Japanese single releases, 'DO THE MOTION' was so popular that it surpassed 200,000 copies, taking the top spot on the weekly Oricon Chart, and made BoA the first non-Japanese Asian to reach number one in over a decade. Her album sales have also broken official figures for biggest seller. BoA's first album released in Japan has recorded an order quantity of 1.2 million copies as did her recent greatest hits 'Best Of Soul'.
She is a star renoun throughout the whole of Asia and totally owns the stage next to most other Asian pop singers.
She has also opened the door to other Korean singers to come across to the Japanese market, eg;SE7EN, DBSK. Her popularity in Japan has also been seen as a positive aid in rebuilding past broken ties between the two nations.

Her dancing is unmatched and she can actually hold a note without the aid of voice sythesisers. Amazingly she performs live whilst conducting complicated dance routines; even for crummy tv appearances.
BoA has also done tons of modellling including a shoot for MAYBELLINE in New York.

Despite the fact that BoA is only fully exposed to the East Asian market, she is still often compared to Britney Spears for her overnight dominance and similar 'pop princess' countenance. This is questionable however as BoA is not half as slutty. That is just the tip of why BoA is not Britney Spears but I'm sure you can form your own opinion on that seperate matter.


As of writing, BoA currently has 5 Korean albums, as well as 3 mini albums.
She also has 15 Japanese singles and 3 albums including a greatest hits. This is not to mention her various collaberation projects with other artists.

a boa có nghĩa là

the hottest girl ever to walk the earth, she sings like an angel and is a quadrillion times better than britney spears in everything


BoA is way hotter than britney spears

a boa có nghĩa là

an urban ebonic way of saying boy. Made popular in Kansas City, Missouri by the african american youth. Not boy as in gender, but a term used to 1. explain agreement on a paticular topic, or 2. the seriousness of the speaker


1. : guy 1: "That party last nite was jerkin!" guy 2: "boa!"
2. : Bro that cheeky was bad "boa"!

a boa có nghĩa là

A hot, talented, and lovely Korean pop-singer who can actually 'sing' and 'dance' terrifically.
She is beloved by millions of people in Korea & Japan, and sold about ten million albums in both countries.
She can speak Korean, Japanese, and English.[She also has some English-version songs]
Her live performances are truely awesome, her dancing abilities are ass-kicking, and her songs are damn great.
She do emphasizes her appearances as well as her talents, but never shows sluttiness like those crappy sluts you-know-who.

She is known to be a sweet, modest, and bright 20 year-old girl in real life. She is an idol for many Korean teenage girls, and is also respected by many for her strong efforts.

BoA's famous songs include; 'VALENTI', 'Listen To My Heart', 'No.1', 'Amazing Kiss', 'Every Heart', 'Jewel Song', 'Merry-Chri', 'Do the Motion', 'Everlasting'.


Britney Spears, Hillary Duff, Lindsay Lohan and the other infamous sluts are nothing but slutty garbages, compared to the talented BoA.

a boa có nghĩa là

Boa Kwon [Kwon Boa, born November 5, 1986 in Kyunggi-Do, South Korea] is an iconic Korean singer who is better known by her artistic name BoA* [Beat of Angel]. She has released albums in both South Korea and Japan. Her Korean record label, SM Entertainment, has positioned her to become a cross-cultural idol for all of Asia.

She has released nine full-length albums, three mini-albums, two compilation albums, two remix albums, and over thirty singles in Japan and South Korea. Her albums have also been released as "overseas versions" throughout Asia and her total record sales are quickly approaching the ten million mark. BoA broke records in both Korea and Japan with her top songs, No. 1, Valenti, and Listen to My Heart. She has also made strides in music and acting with chart-breaking albums released in both Japanese and Korean.

BoA's first language is Korean, but she also speaks fluent Japanese and conversational English, and is also learning Mandarin Chinese. BoA has re-recorded her more popular songs in Mandarin and has composed and written lyrics for several of her songs.

Today, BoA is considered one of the most popular pop artists in both Korea and Japan, and is one of the leading stars of the Korean Wave otherwise known as "Hallyu". She has been credited as helping establish and improve relations between Japan and Korea, where tensions have traditionally existed. She is recognized as the "Queen of Asia" by fans across the globe.

BoA has re-signed an extended contract with SM Entertainment until 2012 for which she will receive 100,000 shares of SM Entertainment.


BoA is lame but rich.

a boa có nghĩa là

some shit gay niggas say


boa come suck my dick

a boa có nghĩa là

Bind on Account.
A World of Warcraft reference for items you can buy on one user and send it via mail to another user on the same account.
Boa item are bought with "Emblem of Heroism"
which you can get by defeating bosses in the Northrend Heroic Instances.


"Those are BoA shoulders which I transferred back from my main."

a boa có nghĩa là

A boa is someone that u secretly act like is your friend, but you’re really just want to kill him


Ari you are a boa

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