antifeminist là gì - Nghĩa của từ antifeminist

antifeminist có nghĩa là

A realist. Someone who realizes men and women are not created equal and social expectations of men and woman evolve from simple biological truths. This is opposed to a feminist, who lives in a fantasy land where men and women are exactly the same and should be treated as such. Antifeminists do not wish for woman to be "enslaved". This is an appeal to fear by many prominent feminist who would like to ignore the fact that men are expected by traditional society to do certain things we may not find pleasent either - such as go to war, work at a job we don't like, etc. Rather, antifeminists wish to reduce the harm caused by feminists which has perverted the natural order of gender relations [which is largely a cultural universal] in favor of a plastic, manufactured society not based in reality. This type of society has lead to a gradual erosion of woman's happiness since the 1950's.


Feminist: Why should I be treated different from you just because you have a penis!!! Antifeminist: There are more differences between men and women than that. Look at upper body strength, different cognitive functioning, pitch of the voice, The skeletal, respiratory, and muscular system, reproduction... Feminist: aha! You just want to make me into a baby-making machine!!! You want to roll back society to the 50's!!!! Antifeminist: well, studies show women were much happier in the 50's... Feminist: So! I'd rather be miserable and free than happy and enslaved!!!! Antifeminist: i'm not trying to enslave you... Feminist: Yes, you said so!!!

antifeminist có nghĩa là

A person who denies that sexism exists and/or believes that women are inferior to men. These people claim that working towards gender equity is harmful to society.


Many students at Washington Univeristy protested the commencement speech of antifeminist author Phyllis Schlafly.

antifeminist có nghĩa là

A disturbed man who walks into a schoolhouse, orders all boys to leave, and then starts killing the girls [aged 6-13]. He forces the remaining girls to line up against the blackboard, where he ties their feet together. He then methodically executes all girls with a shot to the head. See Amish school shooting, Colorado Middle School shooting, École Polytechnique massacre, and many others around the world. An Anti-Feminist hates women and wants to kill them.


Burn in hell antifeminist scum.

antifeminist có nghĩa là

Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter.


Ted Nugent. He's an antifeminist.

antifeminist có nghĩa là

An anti feminist is someone who is against feminism as a movement. They do not hold the same beliefs as feminists. Otherwise known as an idiot. An antifeminist is usually also a chauvinistic arse, an occasionally suffers from a case of "getupallinyourbuisness"itis. Never trust an antifeminist


John " I'm an antifeminist because men need to be the head of the family." Robert "Men suffer from sexual discrimination just as much as women." Jill "You're all idiots."

antifeminist có nghĩa là

One who is against gender equality


The hashtag "#distractinglysexy" has recently become popular in response to antifeminist Tim Hunt's statement that claimed it was too difficult to work with female scientists in a lab.

antifeminist có nghĩa là

A group established to fight against the cause feminism. Often claiming to be egalitarian, they tend to renounce current woman issues while primarily focusing on men's issues. Their main cause is an anti-cause. Often reciting misogynistic and sexist views while butchering statistics to subjects they know nothing about. They are woman's problems.


The silliest thing about these antifeminists, is they don't understand the plight of feminism. I don't understand that if I believe in sexist roles, that I'm not for equality. I'm an antifeminist, not an egaltarian. Antifeminist have a distrupted feminist issues and failed all throughout history

antifeminist có nghĩa là

Women and men who reject equality in pay, in the work place, and in the military based on biological differences, and in many cases based on religious doctrine "Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream." - Rush Limbaugh "Women's liberation is just a lot of foolishness. It's men who are discriminated against. They can't bear children. And no one is likely to do anything about that." - Golda Meir "My analysis is that the gays are about 5% of the attack on marriage in this country, and the feminists are about 95%." - Phyllis Schlafly "This is what sexual liberation chiefly accomplishes-it liberates young women to pursue married men." - George Gilder "We must not allow ourselves to be deflected by the feminists who are anxious to force us to regard the two sexes as completely equal in position and worth." - Sigmund Freud "Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." - Pat Robertson "Most of the feminists need a man to tell them what time of day it is and to lead them home. And they blew it and they're mad at all men. Feminists hate men. They're sexist. They hate men - that's their problem." - Jerry Falwell


Antifeminists are at war with human rights and rational thinking.

antifeminist có nghĩa là

A group of people who are generally noted as being against or denying the concepts of feminism. There are three sub-groups within Antifeminism similar to the two sub-groups within Feminism [Feminism & Feminazism/Modern Feminism]. These groups are defined by their approach towards the subject of Feminism and how they stand towards the Feminism Sub-Groups, these three sub-groups are; Antifeminazisists, Standard Antifeminists & Misogynistic Antifeminists [A.K.A. Misogynists]. Antifeminazists know the difference between Feminazis & Feminists while Antifeminists, do not, both Sub-Groups agree however that some statements made by Feminists in general are wrong, poorly worded or warped in some way. Misogynistic Antifeminists are usually seen as partially sexist individuals who believe that some amount of time in the past, civilization had reached gender equality and that women have gotten too much power.


The following is an example of all five sub-groups between Feminism and Antifeminism, A is a Classic Feminist, B is a Feminazi, C is an Antifeminazist, D is a Standard Antifeminist & E is a misogynistic Antifeminst. A: Men and Women should be equal, there is bias towards men being hired at Company X
B: Men should always be put second to women, unless there are no women looking for work at Company X, Company X shouldn't hire any men and should fire all its current Male Staff, regardless of whether or not they'll be able to quickly fill the missing jobs.
C/D: The reason Company X doesn't hire as many women is because there are less women looking for work at Company X, therefore if Company X is hiring an equal percentage of the Male Employment Seekers & Female Employment Seekers then they are going to hire more males.
D: A & B, I don't understand why you are so against the idea of Men being allowed to work at Company X.
E: You're all wrong, Company X was better back when there were more men being hired, look at how ineffective it has gotten in its production, we reached gender equality Y years ago, this has just become about how much further women can force men to give in.

antifeminist có nghĩa là

An internet movement that overly criticizes the "feminism" found mainly on Tumblr [although not the only thing on the platform, contrary to popular belief] while ignoring the issues that minorities really face. [Sidenote: This definition is defitinely gonna get downvoted. A lot. Just know that I personally full support true equality, and do not think any gender, sexuality, race, etc. is better than any other. Hetero = bi = homo = a = queer, male = female = intersex = third gender.]


That youtuber is a *huge* antifeminist.

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