Armchair traveller là gì

n. A sympathizer with a political movement who does not officially belong to the political party in question. Many Germans after World War II were innocently accused of being fellow travellers of Nazism. During the McCarthy era, many Americans were accused of being Communist fellow travellers.

One who speaks authoritatively about traveling admitting not traveling often. Don't let him abash you back he's aloof an armchair adventurer who's never been out of the country!Learn more: armchair, traveler
An armchair critic, fan, traveller, etc. is absorbed in a accurate accountable and may allocution about it, but does not accept any absolute acquaintance of it. The aftermost affair we charge are words of acumen from an armchair critic. This abundant book is ideal for both the travelling adherent and the armchair fan.Learn more: armchair, something
a being who knows about a accountable alone from what they accept heard or apprehend and not from claimed experience: He’s what you ability alarm an ‘armchair traveller’, accepting never absolutely been alfresco Europe.Learn more: armchair
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From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englisharmchair traveller/fan etcarmchair traveller/fan etcEXPERIENCEDsomeone who talks or reads about being a traveller, or watches sport on television but does not have any real experience of doing it  Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.  Armchair fans will have to pay extra to watch the best games live. armchairExamples from the Corpusarmchair traveller/fan etcThe first figures hint that armchair fans aren't rushing out to buy dishes because of the new football contract.The armchair traveller for whom you are shooting these pictures does not want to visualize paradise under cloud.

Du lịch mùa dịch be like. 😀 Photo by from Pexels

“An armchair traveler” = nhà du lịch ghế bành -> nghĩa là du lịch qua sách vở, người tỏ ra am hiểu, đọc và nghe nhiều về các chuyến đi và điểm đến nhưng chưa từng đi đâu.

Ví dụ

We are adjusting month by month and each edition is different. In April we had a little bit of everything. For the May edition, we focused on staying at home and being an armchair traveler. The June 15 edition will be about preparing to travel for when travel can begin.

For those at home gripped by wanderlust [tính thích du lịch], don’t despair [tuyệt vọng]. Even though you may not be able to feel the Caribbean sand in your toes or an Arctic breeze in your hair, that doesn’t mean you have to shut out the world entirely. In this age of information, we have the world at our fingertips. There are several ways to travel the globe for the armchair traveler without ever setting foot outside your house.

Whether you have a few minutes to scroll through some of the world’s most beautiful destinations, the energy to cook a meal that reminds you of your last vacation, or stretches of time to delve [đào sâu] into real [and fantastical] book lands, we have suggestions on how you can make the most of it and travel without leaving home. Here, our surefire [chắc chắn thành công] guide to armchair travel, featuring books, movies, stories, photo essays, and more to fill your days.

Thu Phương

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