branding là gì - Nghĩa của từ branding

branding có nghĩa là

Something characteristic for the personal image [your brand] you are trying to project. Usually used to say something is 'not on brand' for you.

Ví dụ

Someone: You should totally just go for that lipstick!
You: Nah, red is so not on brand for me.

branding có nghĩa là

Creating a permanent marking in a human or animal by heating a metal object, often molded to form the shape of the owner's initials, and pressed hard into the receipent's body.

This was common among farmers who branded their cattle to identify them as belonging to them. This can also be found in extreme BDSM and sadomasochistic scenarios, where the dominant partner "brands" the submissive partner as his or her own.

Ví dụ

Someone: You should totally just go for that lipstick!

branding có nghĩa là

You: Nah, red is so not on brand for me.

Ví dụ

Someone: You should totally just go for that lipstick!

branding có nghĩa là

You: Nah, red is so not on brand for me.

Ví dụ

Someone: You should totally just go for that lipstick!
You: Nah, red is so not on brand for me.

branding có nghĩa là

Creating a permanent marking in a human or animal by heating a metal object, often molded to form the shape of the owner's initials, and pressed hard into the receipent's body.

Ví dụ

Eric is a master of branding.

branding có nghĩa là

This was common among farmers who branded their cattle to identify them as belonging to them. This can also be found in extreme BDSM and sadomasochistic scenarios, where the dominant partner "brands" the submissive partner as his or her own.

Ví dụ

Jimbo enjoys branding his cattle. A marketing goal and methodology which involves elevating hype over substance; of imparting great value to the name whether or not the thing so named is worth anything at all. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are successful examples of branding, even though the value of soft drinks and preferring one over the other is debateable.

branding có nghĩa là

Taking a piece of $hi* and spray painting it.

Ví dụ

Adam: Did you see the crap they were selling in there?

branding có nghĩa là

Mark: Yeah, but the packaging and branding made it smell less awful...

Ví dụ

Any marketing idea that involves large amounts of money and no measurable returns. Eric is a master of branding. The Aryan Brotherhood prison gang. The Brand is the shamrock, the AB's most coveted symbol Shovelhead: [Showing off ink] Check out my sick ass shamrock tatt!

branding có nghĩa là

Loki: Don't be getting prison tatts of shamrocks without The Brand's permission! Or your ass is gonna end up on the Hard Candy List!

Ví dụ

writing your initials on a girl with liquid energy, [ejaculate]; it only counts if it is your own ejaculate

branding có nghĩa là

"I really like this girl. I think I'm going to do some branding tonight."

Ví dụ

Branding is when a girl and guy are making out. the guy has no clothing on and neither does the girl. the girl kisses all the way down the front of the guys body until she gets to his member. she gives him an hj which goes to bj then hj bj combo. While giving him head she massages his sack in her hands gently. then she kisses back up and they continue making out. this is the girl branding her guy aka claiming what is hers.

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