Các bước làm trứng bằng tiếng Anh

Trứng ốp la tiếng anh là Omelette. Trứng ốp la được xem là một trong những món ăn sáng vô cùng quen thuộc với mọi người, đặc biệt với những người bận rộn không có thời gian ăn uống cầu kỳ. Mặc dù khá đơn giản nhưng món trứng ốp la vẫn đem lại cho bạn một nguồn năng lượng để hoạt động đấy.

Bạn đang xem: Cách làm món trứng chiên bằng tiếng anh

Bạn đang xem: Cách làm món trứng chiên bằng tiếng anh

Hướng dẫn cách làm món trứng ốp la bằng tiếng anh ngon tuyệt

Chuẩn bị nguyên liệu và cách chiên trứng ốp la bằng tiếng anh

1. Ingredients make Omelette

1 tablespoon olive oil4 large free-range eggs1/16 teaspoon sea saltFreshly ground black pepper , to taste

2. Intructions make Omelette

– Get your frying pan on a medium to low heat and add enough olive oil to lightly coat the bottom of a large nonstick pan [about 1 tablespoon].

– Crack the eggs into the pan. As the oil gets hotter you’ll see it start to change the color of the eggs. If the oil starts to spit it’s because it’s too hot, so turn the heat right down. Cook until the tops of the whites are set but the yolk is still runny.

– When they’re ready, remove the pan from the heat and take the eggs out using a spatula. Place on a plate and dab them with some paper towels to soak up any excess oil.

– Serve on toast – no need to butter it – with a sprinkling of the sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.

– Serving suggestions: Serve on some 7-grain bread.

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– Don’t lift the egg too high above the pan and you’ll have no problem flipping the eggs without breaking the yolks. It’s easier to use a non-stick pan for this recipe.

– Eggs are nature’s perfect protein – although they’re low in saturated fat they’re high in cholesterol so if you eat eggs regularly it’s best to limit yourself to one a day.

– Egg whites have no cholesterol and only about 15 calories each depending on the size of the egg so you can eat more of them without feeling guilty.

– Fried eggs are a perfect example of a food best made at home – when you order fried eggs out, the griddles are often loaded with grease which makes the end result far worse for your health.

– Young children, the elderly and pgnant women may have weaker immune systems, which can put them at a higher risk of contracting things like salmonella.

– Make sure you use eggs by the ‘best before’ date shown on the egg or the box.

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At first, gather the ingredients. Crack the eggs into a glass mixing bowl and beat them until they turn a pale yellow color.Then, heat a heavy-bottomed nonstick sauté pan over medium-low heat. Add the butter and let it melt. After that, add the milk to the eggs and season to taste with salt and white pepper. Then, grab your whisk and whisk like crazy. Actually, you're trying to beat as much air as possible into the eggs. When the butter in the pan is hot enough to make a drop of water hiss, pour in the eggs. Don't stir! Let the eggs cook for up to a minute or until the bottom starts to set. With a heat-resistant rubber spatula, gently push one edge of the egg into the center of the pan, while tilting the pan to allow the still liquid egg to flow in underneath. Repeat with the other edges, until there's no liquid left. Your eggs should now resemble a bright yellow pancake, which should easily slide around on the nonstick surface. If it sticks at all, loosen it with your spatula. Now gently flip the egg pancake over, using your spatula to ease it over if necessary. Cook for another few seconds, or until there is no uncooked egg left. If you're adding any other ingredients, now's the time to do it. Spoon your filling across the center of the egg in straight line. With your spatula, lift one edge of the egg and fold it across and over, so that the edges line up. Cook for another minute or so, but don't overcook or allow the egg to turn brown. If necessary, you can flip the entire omelet over to cook the top for 30 seconds or so. Just don't let it get brown. Gently transfer the finished omelet to a plate. Garnish with chopped fresh herbs if desired. Serve and enjoy!

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Một nguyên liệu không xa lạ gì với tất cả mọi người đó là trứng. Trứng là một nguyên liệu có lượng dinh dưỡng cũng khá cao, và có thể cho rằng đây là thực phẩm bổ dưỡng. Trứng có thể chế  biến được nhiều món ăn khác nhau. Bài viết này sẽ hướng dẫn cách làm món trứng chiên bằng tiếng anh.

Fried egg ingredients

  • Chicken eggs: 3 eggs / Duck eggs: 2 eggs
  • Green onions: 2 plants
  • 1 teaspoon cooking oil
  • Seasoning: 1/2 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon fish sauce / 1 teaspoon salt

Instructions for making fried eggs

The usual way of frying eggs

  • Break the eggs into a bowl, chop the scallions into it, season with spices and use chopsticks to beat the eggs in one direction, add cooking oil to prevent the eggs from drying out when frying.
  • Heat the pan, add cooking oil, spread the oil evenly on the pan, wait for the oil to boil, then turn down the heat, pour the eggs in slowly, shake the pan handle gently to spread the eggs evenly all over the pan.
  • Note so that the amount of cooking oil is not too much or not too little, measure 1 tablespoon with a tbsp and then put it in the pan.
  • Wait 2 minutes to pour the eggs into the pan, then use the frying pan to turn them over, so the eggs will not be torn.

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Fried egg omelet

How to fry a cooked omelet on 1 side
  • Put the pan on the stove, put on medium heat, coat with a thin layer of oil, wait about 10-20 seconds for the oil to heat up, then quickly break the eggs, drop the eggs very gently into the pan so that the yolk is in the middle of the white.
  • Keep the heat and pan on for 10-15 seconds. When the whites start to cook, quickly turn off the heat and put the eggs on a plate.
How to fry a double-sided omelet
  • Put the pan on the stove, let the heat medium, wait for the pan to heat up and add a sufficient amount of oil so that the pan is not too submerged nor too thin.
  • Use a chopstick to check if the oil is hot. Break the eggs into a bowl, use a large spoon to separate the yolks and put them in the pan first, then pour the whites around the yolks.
  • Cover the pan with a lid for 20-30 seconds to cook the eggs on the surface. Turn off the heat and put the eggs on a plate.
  • The way of frying an omelet helps the cook to avoid the grease splash, while ensuring that the egg is cooked on both sides while still having an attractive peach inside.

How to fry an omelet fully cooked

  • Put the pan on the stove, put on medium heat, wait until the pan is hot, then put the oil in the pan. Use a chopstick to check the temperature of the oil.
  • When the heat is enough. Crack the eggs into the pan so that the yolks don’t break and the whites just surround.
  • Wait about 10-20 seconds, slowly turn the egg over and fry again. Use a chopstick to gently poke the middle of the yolk from the top down so that the yolk is slightly broken but still in the middle of the white.
  • After 1 minute the eggs start to hunt evenly and turn yellow at the edges, turn off the heat and put on a plate.
  • Frying eggs in this way will help the eggs not only to fully cook on both sides and inside, but also have a crispy aroma because the fried eggs are older than the two methods of frying the eggs above.
  • This way of frying eggs is suitable for making omelets for children because both the whites and yolks of the eggs are cooked, ensuring safety for the digestive system.

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Some notes when frying eggs

  • The way of frying the omelet will not give the same rich flavor as the normal way of frying eggs because it is not possible to stir the eggs with the spices. So while frying, use a spice jar with a hole to sprinkle pepper and salt evenly on top of the omelet!
  • The omelet is different from the usual fried egg in Vietnam, so you can use butter to replace cooking oil, helping to bring a delicious European-style flavor suitable for breakfast!
  • If you want an omelet to be cooked but still have a peach heart, never let the heat be too high, but turn it down to medium and low heat.

Bài viết trên hướng dẫn cách làm món trứng chiên bằng tiếng anh mong rằng sẽ giúp bạn làm được món trứng chiên ngon hơn.

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