Collection of several interacting populations that inhabit a common environment

AB abiotic factornonliving parts of an organism's environment; temperature, moisture, light, and soil are examples biosphereportion of earth that supports life; extends from the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans biotic factorall the living organisms that inhabit an environment commensalismsymbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other species is neither harmed nor benefitted communitycollection of several interacting populations that inhabit a common environment ecologyscientific study of interactions among organisms and their environment ecosysteminteractions among populations in a community; the community's physical surroundings or abiotic factors habitatplace where an organism lives out its life mutualisma symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit nicherole and position a species has in its environment parasitismsymbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits at the expense of the other species populationgroup of organisms of one species that interbreed and live in the same place at the same time symbiosispermanent, close association between two or more organisms of different species autotrophorganisms that use energy from the sun or energy stored in chemical compounds to make their own nutrients decomposerorganisms such as fungi, that break down and absorb nutrients from dead organisms food chainsimple model that shows how matter and energy move through an ecosystem food webmodel that expresses all the possible feeding relationships at each trophic level in a community heterotrophorganisms that can not make their own food and must feed on other organisms for energy and nutrients scavengeranimals that feed on animals that have already died trophic levelorganisms in a food chain that represents a feeding step in the passage of energy and materials through an ecosystem

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All living organisms that inhabit an environment

All living organisms that inhabit an environment are called a community. A community includes multiple populations of organisms.

These populations rely on each other for survival. An example of a community is a coral reef. This includes many different species of fish living within a single ecosystem.

Table of Contents

  • All of the organisms on earth together with their physical environment comprise 
  • Collection of several interacting populations that inhabit a common environment
  • All the organisms plus the nonliving components of a defined area
  • All of the living organisms in a forest plus their environment is an example of
  • Which of the following terms describes all organisms on earth plus their environments
  • The sum of a species’ use of the biotic and abiotic resources in its environment is called
  • Which set of three parameters has the most effect on biome distributions?

All of the organisms on earth together with their physical environment comprise 

All of the organisms on earth together with their physical environment comprise the biosphere. 

All organisms on earth with their physical environment

A biosphere is a form of classification called an organization level. This is primarily used by ecologists. Understanding these organizational levels lets ecologists look at groups of organisms and environments as a whole.

You can think of each organizational level as an organism itself.

These organizational levels in ecology are individual species, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and finally the all-encompassing biosphere.

Collection of several interacting populations that inhabit a common environment

A collection of several interacting populations that inhabit a common environment is a community. A community comprises interdependent populations of organisms that interact with one another.

A community can also be described as all of the organisms in a given location or area.

Communities are what make up a majority of the living components of an ecosystem.

A collection of ecosystems in a particular geographic location is called a habitat. All living organisms in a habitat share evolutionary similarities. This is due to the process known as environmental evolution.

All the organisms plus the nonliving components of a defined area

All the organisms plus the nonliving components of a defined area are an ecosystem.

Organisms plus the nonliving components

Ecosystems are basically immovable bubbles of life, consisting of all the plants, animals, other organisms, land, and all additional components that affect life.

Ecosystem components are divided into biotic components and abiotic components.

Biotic components in an ecosystem:

·         Animals

·         Plants

·         Bacteria

·         Fungi

·         Virus’

·         Organic matter [E.g., dead plant matter]

Abiotic components in an ecosystem which are not part of an organism’s environment:

·         Water

·         Wind

·         Chemicals & Minerals [including nutrients]

·         Temperature

·         Light

·         Atmosphere

·         Radiation

·         pH

All of the living organisms in a forest plus their environment is an example of

All of the living organisms in a forest plus their environment is an example of an ecosystem. An ecosystem is in a defined geographical area and includes all living things [biotic] and their non-living environment [abiotic]. 

All living organisms in a forest plus their environment

The location and type of ecosystem affect which types of organisms live there. Organisms have to adapt to their environment to survive.

This means organisms that may thrive in a forest environment would not be able to survive in a desert environment. 

An example of a forest ecosystem is the redwood forest in Northern California. This forest environment is home to many birds, squirrels, chipmunks, and frogs. 

Which of the following terms describes all organisms on earth plus their environments

The term that describes all organisms on earth plus their environments is called the biosphere. The biosphere consists of all environments on earth that support life. 

This includes every ecosystem and biome. The biosphere extends from deep ocean volcanoes to the darkest caves.

The sum of a species’ use of the biotic and abiotic resources in its environment is called

The sum of a species’ use of the biotic and abiotic resources in its environment is called its ecological niche. An ecological niche can be seen as a species’ specific living conditions within an ecosystem.

Sum of a species use of the biotic and abiotic resources

The ecological niche defines where an organism fits into its ecosystem. This niche or spot in the ecosystem can only be occupied by one species at a time.

Which set of three parameters has the most effect on biome distributions?

The set of three parameters that have the most effect on biome distributions are location, precipitation, and temperature.

Location affects biome distributions because areas closer to the equator will be warmer and therefore can hold more moisture.

Set of three parameters that have the most effect on biome distributions

Higher latitude biomes are colder and drier because they are further away from the equator. 

Precipitation will affect the type of plants present in a specific biome. Biomes that receive higher levels of precipitation will contain a higher density of plant life.

Temperature affects biome distribution because animals require specific temperature levels to survive. 

What is a collection of interacting populations within the same environment?

A group of interacting populations forms a community. A community and its physical environment together form the ecosystem. When many ecosystems that are similar to each other interact with each other on a large scale, it is called a biome.

What is a collection of populations of different species that interact?

Together, the populations of all the different species that live together in an area make up what's called an ecological community.

What is a group of interacting populations that occupy the same area at the same time?

A biological community is a group of interacting populations that occupy the same area at the same time.

What is a community of interacting and their environment called?

An ecosystem is a community of organisms and their physical environment interacting together. For food, shelter, growth and development, all life systems interact with the environment.

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