curler là gì - Nghĩa của từ curler

curler có nghĩa là

In utilizing a gym's weights and exercise equipment, it is common knowledge that there is a certain code of etiquette that all must adhere to in order for the gym to run functionally. "Frat Curlers" do the exact opposite. A "Frat Curler" is normally easily to spot, for they are usually the skinniest and most thin of all men "working" out at a gym. Because of their sheer size, they resort to wearing "wife-beaters" or cut up tank tops to show off their well defined, enormously vascular 13 inch arms and 28 inch chest. They are always wearing some type of fitted baseball hat, usually the local college they attend [or pretend to attend, as is usually the case in northwest Indiana]. They also always have tattoos. Frat Curler tattoos are always easily identified because they are cliche'd, lame and about 5 years out of style. Straight up, their barb wire/tribal/chain around the arm, Big hollow sharp point cross, Japanese/Chinese/Asian character font on the arm are "played out". A Frat Curler never does his research or bothers to try out anything innovative that would gain him an upper hand in trying to get a bigger body, hence the "reason" most frat curlers come to the gym is to try and hit on "cardio bunnies". Frat Curlers completely ignore all aspects of afforementioned "gym etiquette" by picking up a barbell, loading it up with a few plates, then having the audacity to stand in the power cage/squat rack and perform bicep curls, much to the dismay of actual bodybuilders and weight lifters that are at the gym to get something accomplished. It doesn't just stop there though, as the typical frat curler has to try and show off how amazingly HUGE his 13 inch teenage girl looking arms are by flexing in the mirror after he finishes his NO-XPLODE Drink and finishes his "dude!" every-3-word conversation on his iphone.
If you see a frat curler at your gym, please drop a 25 pound plate on his sandaled feet, this will act as a repellant and you will be able to squat/deadlift in the power cage/rack in peace, the way it should be.


Think of a "prep" with shaggy hair, wearing a wife beater and college hat and you have a "frat curler"

Frat Curlers usually leave plates around, with complete disregard to gym etiquette.

frat curlers usually have a physique similar to Hannah Montana: small and weak

curler có nghĩa là

When you cum so hard that your toes curl.


"I came so hard in her mouth, that it gave me a toe curler."

curler có nghĩa là

When you take a shit and it curls around the bowl in a "C" shape.


Damn, that's the third curler Erm took today. That Colonix shit he drinks must really work!

curler có nghĩa là

1. The act of sticking a heated curling iron into female's vaginal area [pussy], thus creating great amounts of steam due to the heated metal reacting with the moisture inside the vagina. The curling iron is then pushed and pulled in and out of the vagina until the girl climaxes. WARNING: Usually ruins a girl's pussy due to 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns inside of the girl's baby maker.
2. A very sweaty athlete who takes part in the sport of curling, who, due the intense cold from the ice, steams.


Dude, I gave Eddie's sister a steaming curler last night! There was so much steam, I couldn't see 5 inches in front of me!
Eddie's sister is such a freak dude!
Yeah, I know she LOVED it, but she is going to have to take a LONG break after going through that!

curler có nghĩa là

a female's breasts that peak at the nipple [like the Matterhorn] and protrude outward like a ducks' stance, while remaining a fair distance apart from one another. Distance between each breast varies from 4-6 inches. However, in extreme cases, each breast can appear to be it's own entity, as if they're trying to run away from eachother. Bra required in order to give off the appearance of a normal chest.


CB, who also got a gnarly ass tat the other day, has quite a vivacious set of danish curlers. "Dog, that slampiece's danish curlers are extra sloppy. Minimum 8 inches separation bro... Whoa" "That bitch got some fujatitties [few-juh-tit-ees]"

curler có nghĩa là

a person who gives handjobs.


"That girl is a curler, she gave a lot of handjobs."

curler có nghĩa là

Someone who loves to snuggle on a regular basis and has an unusual affinity to gay sex


Look at that little baby jenna curler.

curler có nghĩa là

the unlawful act of getting denied a free burger resulting in the mass grope of 10 birds, and 6 people getting sniped with a singular cold chicken nugget. Then the artful act of dropping your kaks bending over at a 45 degree angle and proceeding to perform a 'hernbanian curler' onto the concrete below followed by a huge boot across the road.


he couldnt wait for the train he walked into tbe road and performed a hernbanian curler

curler có nghĩa là

When you reach orgasm and curl your toes whilst its happening.


webb: I nutted and couldn't help curling my toes, it was soo good - a right toe curler!

curler có nghĩa là

An acquaintance of a friend [generally, but not always, from Australia] that parties with you and your friend and ends up crashing at your place. Whilst everyone is asleep he takes a bowl from your kitchen and perfectly curls a turd in it and leaves - never to be seen again.


“Dude, that guy from Australia is a turd curler. He curled one in my cereal bowl last night and left it on the kitchen counter.”

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