Edit list view Actions Salesforce

In this post, we are going to show how to add custom actions to the list view in the salesforce lightning framework. This is an easy way to configure the buttons in the custom list view.

Create a button from the setup

Login to Salesforce

Click on the Gear icon, click on the setup

Once navigated to the setup page, click on the object manager

As part of this article, we are adding a new button to the list view of the case object.

Search for Case object and drill down on it, expect the below-mentioned screen

Find submenu and click on Buttons, Links, and Actions and click on New Action button, options are highlighted in the below screenshot

Add the details as mentioned below

Click on save button

Click on theSave button again. we have created the button, now we will add it to the list view layout.

Add button to the layout

In the same screen, go to submenu > click on the Search layouts > click on Edit option for List view

Select the newly created button and add to Selected quick actions column > Click on save button

We are done with the configurations. Verify the same in the layout.


In case if you are looking for something different, mention it in the comments section. Our team is glad to support your salesforce implementations and troubleshooting.

Edit: Search layouts are split between the Search layouts and Search layouts for salesforce classic. Add your Action to the Search layouts for salesforce classic.

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