Get-PnPListItem paging


In this article, you will learn how we can create, retrieve and delete the list views on SharePoint sites, using PnP PowerShell. The Client Side Object Model is used internally for these operations. The update operation is not available for the list views.


You need to have PowerShell 3.0, available on a Windows machine. You need to install or import PnP PowerShell packages. You can download the installers or view more documentation on the official site. The installers are available here.

The following operations will be compatible with SharePoint 2013 on-premise or Office 365 versions.

Connect To Site

Connect to the site, using the snippet given below. The PnP PowerShell code, given below, helps in getting the current context of the site, using the Client Side Object Model [CSOM].

  1. #GetCurrentContextSite[Root]
  2. $siteurl="//"
  3. Connect-SPOnline-Url$siteurl
  4. $ctx=Get-SPOContext

Once connected, you can carry out any of the operations mentioned below, based on the requirement:

Create List View

The list view can be added to SharePoint lists on the sites by setting the context, using the site URL. PnP CSOM PowerShell can be used to complete the operation.

Add-SPOView command, whichis used to create the list views on SharePoint sites. The required parameters for creating the new list views are existing list name, new view name, view type and the fields. The other parameters are set as default for setting the view as default view, row limit, paged for paging value, personal for creating personal views and a query for setting the queries. The new values can be passed as the parameters. In my example, I have created a new list view called "PnPView".

The following command snippet helps in creating a new list view:

  1. Add-SPOView-List"PnPList"-Title"PnPView"-ViewTypeNone-Fields@["ID","CustomColumn"]

The following snapshot shows the list view which iscreated:

Retrieve List View

The list views available for a list on the site can be retrieved by setting the content with the URL, using PnP PowerShell. Get-SPOView command can be used to retrieve the list views.

The following code shows the retrieval ofall the list views for aspecified list from the site:
  1. Get-SPOView-List"PnPList"

The list view can be retrieved, using the list view name or list view Id, using the identity parameter. The list view properties, which we can view from the retrieved view are:

  • Title
  • DefaultView:Boolean shows whether the view is default view or not
  • Id:View Id
  • JsLink:Existing JS links
  • ListViewXml:View XML
  • Paged:Is view paged?
  • PersonalView:Personal view
  • RowLimit:View row limit
  • ServerRelativeUrl:View URL
  • ViewFields:Fields of the view

The following code shows retrieving the list view for a list specified from the site using view name.

  1. $view=Get-SPOView-List"PnPList"-Identity"PnPView"
  2. $view.Title
  3. $view.DefaultView
  4. $view.BaseViewId
  5. $view.Id
  6. $view.Hidden
  7. $view.HtmlSchemaXml
  8. $view.JSLink
  9. $view.ListViewXml
  10. $view.MobileDefaultView
  11. $view.OrderedView
  12. $view.Paged
  13. $view.PersonalView
  14. $view.RowLimit
  15. $view.ServerRelativeUrl
  16. $view.ViewFields
  17. $view.ViewQuery

Delete List View

The list view can be deleted for a list from a SharePoint site, using PnP PowerShell. Remove-SPOView, whichis used to delete the list views from SharePoint list. The view name is passed todelete the list view. The name or Id can be passed with the command, using an identity parameter.

The following code shows deleting the list view, using the view name with the force attribute. The Force attribute is used to delete the view without any prompts.
  1. Remove-SPOView-List"PnPList"-Identity"PnPView"-Force


Thus, you have learned how to create, retrieve or delete the list views on SharePoint sites, using PnP PowerShell on SharePoint 2013 / SharePoint online sites.

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