gradied là gì - Nghĩa của từ gradied

gradied có nghĩa là

1. a person who is likely to make anyone smile do to his good looks and extreme funnines.


Grady! your so damn hilarious do you have a slide by chance?

gradied có nghĩa là

The guy that none of the girls appreciate. He has a way of saying things to make you smile, and you can tell him anything. He'll go to great heights to keep his girl happy, and won't leave her side for the world. He's incredibly cute, tall, intelligent, patient, funny, and the nicest guy you'll ever know, and he doesn't even know it. A Grady isn't afraid to dream with you, or let you decorate his head with daisies. He's able to look past your drama or complications because he really cares about you. He always says the perfect thing and knows exactly how to react. A Grady is the most amazing guy you'll ever meet. He'll never tire of you. Ever. You'll never find a player named Grady. However, they usually have low self-esteem, so make sure you let him know how amazing he is every day. Often times if you have a relationship with a Grady, you two will have a lot of things in common that you don't notice immediately, and even more that you will notice immediately, like favorite restaurants, beliefs, thoughts, movies, etc.


Person 1: I met the most amazing guy last night! First he took me to dinner at my favorite restaurant that nobody knows, then we went for a walk in the park, on the way to my place bought a tub of ice cream, and watched our favorite Jim Carrey movie, before staying up until 2 in the morning talking about dreams and the future! Person 2: Sounds like a Grady!

gradied có nghĩa là

The coolest most G'd up fucker out their. has bitches go in and out his house all day every day.


i wish i could be Grady, that niggas the shit.

gradied có nghĩa là

A Grady is very trustworthy and someone who you can tell anything to. He is smart, funny and caring. If something happens he would be there in a heartbeat. A Grady treats his girlfriend very well and holds on to her. He doesn't flirt with other girls while he is in a relationship. It is very easy to talk to a Grady. He is amazing, fun to hang out with and Mr. Perfect.


Grady, of course!

gradied có nghĩa là

Variation of the word rad. Since in certain situations rad can be used to refer to something good or something bad, words were needed to differentiate between the two. It is what most people understand rad to be. It is the opposite of "bradley".
Something that is rad in a good way [ie. good-rad].


Guy1: Dude, after everyone left she totally relaxed and got close. Was right in next to me with her head on my shoulder.
Guy2: That's grady dude, she's cool.

gradied có nghĩa là

Grady is an amazing guy. He's super caring and always has your back. Grady's the happiest person you'll ever meet. A Grady seems loud and outgoing but he can also be quite shy and anxious. Don't forget to reassure him that you really do care! He's easy to talk to and will never judge you. He talks just enough to keep things interesting. He will do anything for you and he rarely asks for anything in return. It's extremely rare to meet a Grady so if you do, don't take him for granted. Oh and he's also great in bed


"I met such a cool dude yesterday!"
"Was his name Grady?
"Yeah how'd you know?
"Cause Grady's are always cool dudes"

gradied có nghĩa là

Variation of the word rad. Since in certain situations rad can be used to refer to something good or something bad, words were needed to differentiate between the two. "Grady" originally started out as "grad" [as it meant rad in a good way, ie. good-rad], but evolved into "grady".


Guy1: Dude, after everyone left she totally relaxed and got close. Was right in next to me with her head on my shoulder.
Guy2: That's grady dude, she's cool.

gradied có nghĩa là

The guy that none of the girls appreciate. He has a way of saying things to make you smile, and you can tell him anything. He'll go to great heights to keep his girl happy, and won't leave her side for the world. He's incredibly cute, tall, intelligent, patient, and the nicest guy you'll ever know, and he doesn't even know it. A Grady isn't afraid to dream with you, or let you decorate his head with daisies. He's able to look past your drama or complications because he really cares about you. He always says the perfect thing and knows exactly how to react. A Grady is the most amazing guy you'll ever meet. He'll never tire of you. Ever. You'll never find a player named Grady. However, they usually have low self-esteem, so make sure you let him know how amazing he is every day. Often times if you have a relationship with a Grady, you two will have a lot of things in common that you don't notice immediately, and even more that you will notice immediately, like favorite restaurants, beliefs, thoughts, movies, etc.


Person 1: I met the most amazing guy last night! First he took me to dinner at my favorite restaurant that nobody knows, then we went for a walk in the park, on the way to my place bought a tub of ice cream, and watched our favorite Jim Carrey movie, before staying up until 2 in the morning talking about dreams and the future!
Person 2: Sounds like a Grady!

gradied có nghĩa là

A male slut with an ass that don't quit!


Grady slapped Camryn with his flappy ass.

gradied có nghĩa là

The act of getting your manager agitated or spun up before your coworker has to meet with them.


He was in a pretty good mood, until I gradied him. I feel sorry for whoever he meets with next, he's pissed now!

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