Holistic theory in Education

To say the difference in intelligence is the result of a single skill would be naive at best and a gross misrepresentation at worst. Most researchers believe genius is comprised of numerous abilities from creative problem solving to athletic or musical skill. But in our observations of how we learn and how other people, far more intelligent than us, learn there was one factor that really stuck out. People who learned concepts easily didnt learn the same way other people did. It wasnt that they were using the same strategy more effectively. These people were operating from a completely different approach that a casual glance could easily miss. We call this approach, holistic learning. Holistic learning is basically theshow more content

Definition: "Holistic Learning ... involves exploring and making connections. It attempts to move away from fragmentation to connectedness ... The focus of holistic education is on relationships: The relationship between linear thinking and intuition, the relationship between mind and body, the relationship among the various domains of knowledge, the relationship between the individual and community, the relationship to the earth, and the relationship between self and Self" [Miller, 1996, p 8].

Holistic learning, also known as global learning, is a learning style based on the principle that students will learn more effectively when all aspects of a person--mind, body and spirit--are involved in the experience. While there are various ways to approach a holistic education, all differ greatly from traditional educational methods

Holistic education is mainly characterized by its focus on fostering learning by relating to subjects on a personal level and by its emphasis on interrelating subjects and concepts. * The holistic method strives to mimic the way the brain learns information naturally; that is, with related bits of all subjects--history, science, literature--connected together. * Subjects are not learned separately, but rather in relation to one another and in relation to what the student already know. * Concepts are studied from many different perspectives and rote

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