Innisfree blueberry rebalancing skin lotion review

So about 2 weeks-ish ago I decided to try out the Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing line. I've always loved Innisfree's makeup so this is the first time I'm trying one of their skincare line. Some background on my skin type: I have combination skin, though leaning a wee bit to the oily side every so often. I also have sensitive skin and some parts of my face aren't as resilient as the others [the skin above my top lip and the skin right around my nostrils are often used as my test sites due to them being less resilient >:] ]. My acne usually occurs on my forehead, temples, and cheekbones. I do get acne on other parts of my face but very rarely.

Here's the list of the products I got:

  • Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing pH 5.5 cleanser
  • Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Skin [toner]
  • Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Cream
  • Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Watery Sun Cream SPF45 PA+++

Here's my AM/PM Routine too. My AM routine changes slightly on days I have morning labs.

AM :

  1. Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing 5.5 Cleanser
  2. Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Skin
  3. Kiehl's Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution [Won't use on morning lab days]
  4. Kiehl's Blue Herbal Spot Treatment [Won't use on morning lab days]
  5. Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Cream
  6. Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Watery Sun Cream SPF45 PA+++


  • The same as AM but I don't use the sun cream

So as you can see I pretty much used them for both my AM and PM routine ahah.

Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing pH 5.5 Cleanser

You've most likely heard people raving about this cleanser when talking about either the blueberry line specifically or Innisfree's best cleansers. And let me tell you they're not lying. The texture isn't watery, it's close to being almost paste-like? You'll have to mix it around with your hands to get it to foam but application is really smooth. There's fragrance in all of the products btw, and it smells quite citrusy. Something you'd probably smell in a hotel lobby is how I'd describe it. Very gentle cleanser nonetheless. This cleanser doesn't make my face sting! Or have that burning sensation! None!!! My brain was VERY confused when I applied it onto my "test sites" because there was no spiciness there. And A LOT of products tend to leave those areas on fire, even supposed "sensitive" products so I was really happy and relieved about this cleanser.

The cleanser doesn't leave my skin dry or give it that squeaky clean feeling. A really huge win for this line. Along with the low price point [SGD8.50 in my country], I would definitely buy it again. 9/10

Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Skin

This one I am personally a bit on the fence about. This is my first time using a toner so I don't have a basis to judge it on. It also has that citrusy smell but it's quite a faint smell. It generally doesn't make my skin tingle but I suspect that it may be causing some of my mini breakouts on my chin. [Not a full breakout, but just bumps that aren't there before.]

It's said to help soften the skin, and I think it did? My skin definitely feels a lot more softer, especially at my temple and cheeks. But due to it probably causing the bumps on my chin, I might not buy it again. It's still quite decent overall but just not for some parts of my skin. I will still be finishing the bottle because I don't like wasting stuff + it's not causing any major reactions. 6/10

Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Cream

I've been using this cream as my moisturiser for both my AM and PM routines. Also has that citrusy scent but a wee bit stronger than the toner. I am not a fan of the texture, it is quite thick for a cream. I'd probably consider it sort of having a lotion texture.

Despite the texture, it works well for the more "oilier" areas like my forehead. I could really feel the difference when I am wearing and when I am not. My forehead doesn't feel greasy even after 6 hours in school, compared to when I am not. It does leave a slight sticky texture on my normal areas like my cheeks so if you have normal skin, I won't recommend this product.

It unfortunately makes my "test sites" tingle a little which is a huge bummer. I'm currently looking through the ingredients to see what I might be sensitive towards. Would I buy it again? Probably as a backup moisturiser. It does its job but I won't use too much of it on my more reactive parts. 6.5/10

Innisfree Blueberry Rebalancing Watery Sun Cream SPF45 PA+++

Yes the last product! This really lives up to it's name. It is not so creamy but more of the slightly watery kind. It didn't leave a white cast on me and it doesn't feel heavy on my skin. It does have the citrusy smell but it's quite feint. It generally doesn't cause any tingles and it's really easy to apply. However, I wouldn't recommend using this if you're gonna be under the sun for so long. I'd say it's more of a lazy day sunscreen or as an indoor sunscreen. I would buy this again, but I'll also look for a more heavy duty one for more intense days. 8/10


Overall I'd say the line is quite decent. There's some products that works really well and some that just irritates my skin a wee bit. I'd recommend it if you have sensitive skin or you just want something simple and you don't mind the fragrance.

For the toner I'm thinking of trying the RoundLab Dokdo toner since I heard it's quite a simple toner and supposedly works for almost all skin types. I really do hope that it somehow has that skin softening effect or smthg like how the blueberry one did. >.

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