Lisp hvac 2023


What issues are solved in AutoCAD 2023?


This document lists product fixes included in AutoCAD 2023.

REGEN doesn't display 3dsolids after ISOLINES 0 and ISOLINES 4
AutoCAD hangs in Material Dropdown for Custom Solids
Rectangular ring can't sweep along rectangle path
Difficulty scaling a drawing file from SAT [.sat file assembly] that is imported into AutoCAD
Unable to render vertical DWGs in AutoCAD
Text, annotations and dimensions
MTEXT Remove Character formatting shortcut keys Ctrl+Space is not working
The background mask is not displayed correctly - text displays as incomplete
Spelling mistake in an AutoCAD Message dialog - "occured"
Double-clicking to edit specific text hangs
Dimension gets flagged as disassociated annotation when using DIMCONTINUE for different 3D object types
Value of trans spatial dimension in an external reference changes after using Refclose
Dimensions on xref is not associative
When jog line is added to vertical dimension far from origin, jog line is missing.
Drafting and Editing
Crash when drag mline point on based drawing
Cannot exit MULTIPLE command after changing layer
HIDEOBJECTS "only" works 127 times per session
Blocks created with MEASURE command are not scaling
Crash when edit table cell with property preview on
Tangent lines of polylines won't be mirrored
SPLINE gives incorrect area property
OSNAP sometimes does not snap to the target point
Table from valid datalink fails for no reason without any error reported
In large-coordinates two poly lines are recognized as intersected though they are not actually
Impossible to trim 2 touching arcs in AutoCAD
Crash happened after closing autocad when you have opened background dialog
Error in the dialog box of the DSETTINGS command
Extend command causing freezing or unresponsiveness
Text color is black after pastespecial from Excel
Cursor jumps to a far point then back after click right mouse button to finish selection
OVERKILL never finishes
Random Spline gets created when adding hatch with 3D template in AutoCAD
Blocks created with MEASURE command are not scaling
When HPLINETYPE is set to 1, hatching object is detected as Only in Current Drawing in COMPARE command
dbConnect: Save drawing fails for Civil 3d drawing
OSNAP sometimes does not snap to the target point
In large-coordinates two poly lines are recognized as intersected though they are not actually
Cursor jumps to a far point then back after click right mouse button to finish selection
Blocks and XREFs
Internal block content is duplicated when doing RECOVER or AUDIT on certain files
Block palette should not regenerate all thumbnails in current tab when save drawing to legacy format
-WBLOCK command not creating thumbnail image
The reserved blocks are displayed on blocks palette library tab
The recent block will be deleted creating a new drawing
AutoCAD will crash calling "blockspalette" command twice
Can't specify the rotation angle for each instance when insert block via block palette with Repeat option checked
AutoCAD crashes when adding some blocks into Favorite
AutoCAD crashes when browsing the drawings with some blocks in blocks palette
Active viewport zooms out several times when open Block palette
Drawing Recover warning when saveas after detaching xref with associative dimension
Autodesk Docs
Truncation in "Push to Autodesk docs" dialog causes unreadable text
Autodesk Docs should save back up files by default
Update localization for PushToAutodeskDocs plugin
Share DWG: The link cannot be generated for share
Web and Cloud Data Flow
The "Start" page is blank if install the product under the path which includes non-English characters
Desktop Connector
RealDWG needs to improve Desktop Connector performance.
Trace Palette not refreshing after clicking Close drawing Button on Right Top of window.
Trace visor closes after switch drawings when another drawing is running COMPARE
Tooltips on traces palette always use dark color theme even if Acad uses light color theme.
Xref compare toolbar goes missing after switch drawing and invoke count
Version compare toolbar missing after invoke count
Ellipse with dot linetype displays wrong when zoom in counting mode.
Count number cannot update on count palette after change the block to off or frozen layer
XCLIP boundary is not shown when change to 3d visual style with count palette opened
Move block is very slow if Count palette is opened
Group result is inconsistent with the order of opening in the count palette
ACAD will hang 60s, when "ctrl +z" when count palette has been opened
Incorrect count number on count palette for array
The drawing canvas zooms out to a very large level with COUNT toolbar after switch highlight to two remote blocks and REGEN
Compare mode shows no difference for Pline with 2DRETAINMODE on
F1 from command line can't call out help page for Count command
Count palette is not expanded when input COUNTLIST command with auto-hide
COUNTTABLE inserts a table that contains an extra row when a block is filtered by scale
A portion of the COUNT palette does not display correctly after Alt+Tab switch from drawing in compare status to normal drawing
Count palette hangs for long time if resize after expanding groups with 1000+ items
Choosing expand by mirror state for block is wrong
Expand by scale on a block which is used on dimension causes the countfield number to be inconsistent
Plot and Publish
Hidden lines plot as continuous
Rows in plot style table editor Table View are misaligned for stb opened via Plot dialog
Sheet set to pdf duplicating views bookmarks in pdf
Plot rotation angle cannot be aquired in the DBX modules
DWG TrueView plot behavior differs from AutoCAD
Significant PDF file size difference between AutoCAD and OEM
Incorrect colors for solid objects in pure ACAD when export to DWF / Navisworks
Xreffed TIF files plot incorrectly to PLT [HP/GL] file
"Memory allocation error" and failed plot when plotting large images to HPGL2 driver via Window plot
Unable to allocate memory error in hpg216.hdi plotter driver
Plot preview and plot hardcopy result displays incorrectly [blank, shifted-scaled] on specific plotter drivers
Publishing to PDF through accoreconsole changes text formatting
PDFs created from AutoCAD 2021 and above cause slowness when generating/opening PDF
Paper sizes and margins shown in Metric units
Incorrect custom page size on Spirit plotter driver
When custom paper size is set by [DocuWorks Printer], paper size is not applied in AutoCAD
OLE Table cells plot white text on black background
Plot and publish warning when plotting with GSF graphics turned ON
Issue plotting to Default Windows System Printer.pc3
An error occurs when plotting a drawing file with text that is corrupted and cannot interpret spaces correctly
User Interface and Options
Sheet Set Template file locations are missing in Options
Default Lineweight setting resets from 0 to 25 after restart
Edit text 128 times using Property-palette and the ESC key will not work and selection stops working
Crash when ribbon is updating status bar before file is opened
Palette Sheet Set Manager: Revision Number from Sheet Set will not work in Sheet Index
Unlocalized string in "Autodesk Connection Point Editor" dialog
Extra item in "Autodesk Connection Point Editor" dialog
LayerFilterComboControl ribbon icon is invisible on the home tab
Workspaces: Error dialog pops up and says "Windows cannot find "C:\Program""
The App Store link is incorrect for the Chinese Traditional product
Ribbon displayed wrong when undocked and user clicks minimize to panel buttons
Select Windows dialog box not resizable
Data Exchange and Interoperability
DGNEXPORT gives permission error when selecting a OneDrive folder for the output location
Some line display has differences when comared to the older AutoCAD versions when importing pro-E files
Raster Design: Property palette can't show properties for REM object and image mask
Vault addin is not showing in tool bar of AutoCAD 2022 if the setting is migrated from older release
Model Documentation: AutoCAD will hang after select an Inventor file - .iam file.
Impossible to zoom and pan with in place editor [IPE] activated on large MTEXT with missing font
Object independent transparency overflow more easily happens in machines with 4K monitor and GPU with more than 4G dedicated video memory
Crash when turn on Hardware Acceleration after switch drawing and open Materials Editor
Slow pan/zoom performance with Civil3D dwg and NVIDIA graphics card
AutoCAD Solid edges are dislocated in 3d Visual Styles
Graphics kernal error when quit ACAD after run script
Cursor disappears when calling lisp routine in command
Crosshair disappears in transparent zoom window
Crosshair disappears at GETANG function
Crash during preview display of multiple entities while using modify commands in a viewport when DRAGMODE=Auto
Some 3D entities in the drawing are not displayed when it's open after dedicated GPU memory usage reaches a high level
Crash when Pan raster image in the top left corner of the canvas after with large number of textures in the drawing
Extra lines displayed using DX12 graphics
Canvas is not updated when hold middle mouse button to pan during the MOCORO command
Crash closing multiple drawings if the graphics system released an object still in use
Crash when switch to layout after opening a lot of drawings on Intel display card with 4G GPU
Mouse disappears from drawing area during Editor.GetPoint[] while jigging
It does not show the jig preview when create objects via Lisp
Crash while MIRROR multiple entities in one of the viewports when dragp1 =0 and dragp2=500
Crash related to DX12 pipeline state
Crash using VIEWBASE with Scale option
Point cloud in Elevation Stylization shows graphical artifacts, flashing squares/sectors when orbiting in 2022 with Dx12 and units is unitless
Drawing flashes when you create a light and set vsshadows=2
Multi Monitor: Quick Access Toolbar resets after Civil 3D/AutoCAD changes screens in remote connection
Multi Monitor: When add an attribute twice on multi-monitor, the Edit Attribute dialog will show on another monitor
Cursor does not display on palettes in 4k Display
DesignCenter does not create DWG preview thumbnails on 4k monitors set to 200%
Drawing view turns to the original view after change to Parallel or Perspective
Ghost text is shown in dialog dropdown list on Windows 11 operating system
The temporary prompt history for an undocked command window displayed from the right instead of left on Win10 x64. Version 1903
Cursor disappears when calling lisp routine in command
Objects in the drawing will be hidden after zoom extents and zoom original
Floating Drawing Tab won't stick to screen edges when changing application focus
Floating Drawings: Close, Minimize, Maximize buttons disappear and reappear without working with menubar 1 and startmode 0
Toolbar commands need to be clicked twice with Floating Window active
Crash with structure objects
AutoCAD does not maintain the enlarged window mode
Text visibility is leaving artifacts after panning
AutoCAD does not maintain the enlarged window mode
Viewbase viewports causing crash
Crash live previewing hatch or properties
Slow picking and selecting in model space with certain drawings
Increase in filesize and slow performance when DISPSILH is 1
Strong increase of disk workload of accoreconsole.exe
SaveAs dialog causes network delays when path is invalid
Publishing a sheet set fails if Drawings contain apostrophe in file name
Crash with background publish to a path greater than 256 characters
There is an obvious delay when expanding the dropdown list in Autodesk Connection Point dialog
Crashes, hanging and corrupt drawings
STATUS command crashes and gives garbage data if drawing file is on disk with more than 4TB free space
Crash after autosave after BEDIT
AUDIT of a block name with "|" is not reported as error nor fixed
Crash when save/saveas/qsave certain drawings to pre-2018 file format
AutoCAD Error saving after purging Regapps "Object[s] added to DB too late during save"
Crash when Sign Out and Quit from Autodesk Account
Crash when save Advance Steel model in pure ACAD with DEMANDLOAD on 0
Crash when Close AutoCAD after Reset from Profiles tab on Option dialog
Objects in the drawing will be hidden after zoom extents and zoom original
AutoCAD hangs when copy/paste objects in specific drawing
Crash when 2nd user opens an already open Sheet Set Manager sheet in DST residing on BIM360 [Desktop Connector]
Crash when New drawing if Startmode = 0 and Count or Trace palette is open
Crash when switch from custom viewport configuration
Crash setting comand line editor
Spline edit causes AutoCAD to hang
Crash on resolving an xref when open a drawing
ACAD will hang 45s, when trim on certain drawings
Crash in "Compare results" drawing
AutoCad crash when use compare after -insertcontent
Hang when saving during formatThumbnail
Crash on resolving an xref when open a drawing
TRUEVIEW crashes when creating Plot Style Table from custom CFG file
Crash after failed to trigger Raster Design component when select image mask [Raster Design splash image pops up several times abnomally]
Merging a vector to Raster crashes
Model documentation: AutoCAD crashing when trying to dimension from VIEWBASE
Crash when switch to Model tab from layout
Crash from graphics code zooming in drawing file
Crash on closing document for ExportC3Ddrawing case
Getting Started
Wrong Product Icon in Help Browser Window
"My Insights" text needs to be updated for opted-out user
Crash on starting the application home page
Alert/notification expiration date not being honored and alerts display after
Application Home - Learning tab videos with long title or description overlap
Application Home's Insights need to use underscores not hyphens in locale URL strings
Object Arx: Cannot attach large text data by Xrecord
GetFilename returns autosaved filename after saveas
Real DWG API: Layout initialize doesn't set the default Paperspace viewport view direction to 0,0,1 resulting in an AUDIT error
OEM Make Wizard: In the Master/AOEM path, the file name acdchatch.arx is in the camel case, and in the MakeWizard path, it converts the camel case to lower case
ActionBody of deleted object is not getting deleted with saving DWG, when ISAVEPERCENT is set to 100
HTTP used instead of HTTPS values for ExchangeServerURL
Real DWG API: Wrong relative references returned when retrieved from original but a copy of the file exists in different folders
Object Arx: Crash when using ads_slide_image[] for a slide in a slide library
Crash on changing view with an active COM API event handler
Visual problem with transparent commands
Problems with navigation during LISP "getpoint" function
ObjectARX Load aborted notification that should not occur
Crashes after add-in is loaded
Verticals are not able to control dialog size to resize a dialog
RealDWG always returns absolute Path for xrefs rather than Saved Path
Need to be able to change the application home image for the start screen with the OEM Wizard
ATIL: Cannot MAPIIMPORT TIF raster correctly to Civil 3D 2022


AutoCAD Products;

What are the HVAC changes for 2023?

In 2023, the new minimum efficiency standards for heat pumps will increase by 1.0 SEER to 15.0 SEER. Split-system heat pumps must also achieve a minimum of 8.8 HSPF. Any 14.0 SEER heat pump built before January 1, 2023, can still be installed on or after January 1, 2023.

What refrigerant will be used in 2023?

Beginning next year, new cooling systems will contain a refrigerant called R-454b with a lower global warming potential. This refrigerant is more environment-friendly than its predecessors but also mildly flammable. You can rest assured our ACS Air Conditioning Services technicians know how to handle it safely.

Will AC prices go up in 2023?

HVAC industry alerts are now warning of significant price increases for 2023. There are four reasons for this increase: The cooling equipment components will perform higher to achieve a high-efficiency rating. This is a good thing as these components generally have higher quality and will last longer.

Should I wait to buy a heat pump until 2023?

You can save money immediately on utility bills by upgrading today to a high-efficiency system. Plus, you'll pay less in purchasing costs. Otherwise, wait until 2023 to buy a system with the new refrigerant and SEER ratings.

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