Names for stylist

509 Salon Name Ideas for 2022 | Inspirational Names For You

Bartek Kulasza
24 Dec 2020

Coming up with perfect salon name ideas for your new hair salon can be tough...

So you're opening your new salon?


But there's one incredibly important step to take before you unlock the doors to greet your very first customer - coming up with a name for your hair salon.

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  1. How Important Is Your Hair Salon Name?
  2. What Should A Good Salon Name Do?
  3. What Are Good Hair Salon Names?
  4. How To Choose A Salon Name?
  5. Classy Hair Salon Names
  6. Cool Salon Hair Names
  7. Catchy Hair Salon Names
  8. French Hair Salon Names
  9. Spanish Hair Salon Names
  10. Unique Hair Salon Names
  11. Elegant Hair Salon Names
  12. Cute Salon Hair Names
  13. Sophisticated Hair Salon Names
  14. Natural Hair Salon Names
  15. Next Steps
  16. Conclusion

How Important Is Your Hair Salon Name?

Unless you're setting up in a village or very small town, chances are that you'll be competing with many other salons and spas, or high-end beauty salons.

So although choosing a unique name can be a challenge, it's the essential part of the necessary marketing strategy to make your hair and beauty salon stand out from the competition.

Your hair salon name plays a monumental role in a businesses perception and growth, meaning it can completely make or break your success.

It's amazing just how crucial your choice of a good name can be.

Take time to choose the right name for your business, as it is something which will be with you for years to come.

What Should a Good Salon Name Do?

Giving a good name to your salon business should as mentioned previously is your biggest marketing tool - apart from giving your clients a great product and customer experience.

Here are some of the key factors in choosing the best hair salon name.

Give the Right Impression

Unless you're running a cheap & cheerful barber shop-type salon, the name of your salon should suggest class and a touch of luxury.

Clients [of all genders and non-genders] today want to feel pampered when they get their hair cut, colored or blow-dried, so pick a name that gives the right impression.

Consider Your Market

A good name should reflect the clientele you're aiming your services at.

If you're opening in a hip, up-and-coming district with lots of trendy businesses moving in, the name should be suitably cool.

However, if your clients are likely to be more mature, choose something more traditional and 'safe'.

What Are Good Hair Salon Names?

Good Hair Salon Names

A good salon name is something that ensures that your clients clearly understand your offering and can easily relate to it.

It should be something that is clear, simple, and direct. You should also consider making it catchy, as catchy names are easier for customers to recall.

If customers dont understand your name at a quick glance, theyre unlikely to remember it later on. Good brand names dont require too much explanation.

Hair Salon Names are Visual

The name of your salon is going to be all over the premises - literally.

It'll be on the shop front, your website, the leaflets you distribute so before you decide on a name, study how it looks.

Create a mockup of the shop front in online design tool like and play with different fonts, colors and layouts. You might find that a name you love looks completely 'wrong' in print.

Reflect The Business

The name needs to indicate what the business is about.
It doesn't have to be as blunt as 'Hayley's Hair Salon' [which we don't recommend when naming your hair salon], but does need to hint that it's a salon.

Don't Make Potential Customers Cringe

The days are gone when the likes of Curl Up & Dye would appeal to customers.
Today's customers are more sophisticated and will immediately see this type of name as dated and belonging to the 1980s.

Play with creative hair salon names, but don't go too far and make your customers cringe.

Consider Your Focus

If your salon is going to specialize in a particular aspect of hair care, such as extensions or braids, choose a name that points towards that speciality.

This will remind customers of what you offer.

Using Your Name in The Name of Your Salon

Many salon owners use their own first or last name for to make their salon names unique.

Initially this may seem like a good idea but can cause problems if you ever come to sell your business. Putting your name above the door can cause issues for the new owner, staff and clients as people are expecting you to be within the business.

We always suggest if you are going to choose a name, always choose a surname which may not be relating to the owner. A good example of this is Taylor Taylor London, which was started by Bradley Taylor and although Bradley has nothing to do with the salon anymore, due to the wordplay of his surname, the salon continues to go from strength to strength.

The Best Names are Clever, but Not Too Clever

Playing with words to create a cool business name is fun and memorable.

But be careful that you don't take it too far, and make your potential customers groan and move on to the next salon because they can't bear to get their hair cut at the Hair Care Bunch, and take their business to Hair Beauty Salon for instance.

Keep It Short

Business names shouldn't be too long, or they'll take up too much space on the shop front. Think about your salon logo.

How To Choose Your Salon Name?

How to Choose a Salon Name

Now we are getting to the exciting part and going through they steps to choosing the perfect name for your hair salon.

Here are some key steps to go through when choosing a name:

Start Early

The time to begin working on a name is when you first think of opening a salon. Then once you've made a choice you've got time to reflect and decide if it's really the name you want.
If you conclude that it's not really working, after all, you've got time to pick another one.

Check out Google

Research another city or town [even in another country], such as hair salon names in London, and browse through the Google results and get inspiration from that.

Check Your Own Town

As well as coming up with ideas, you need to eliminate hair salon names that are too similar or identical to those of your competitors.
Check what other salons in the area are called so that you don't inadvertently pick a name that might lead to your salon being confused with another.

Check Out that Your Domain Name is Available

Having a website for your salon is becoming more and more important as it is one of the first

Check Out Social Media

With the thousands of hair salons in the USA, you need to search Facebook and Instagram to see which salons also have similar [or the same] to the ones on your shortlist.

If there are too many then think about your clients when referring their friends to you and whether it is easy to find you to make that all-important first appointment.

Ask Your Friends and Family

Get some of your friends together, open some bottles of wine, and get them to come up with hair salon name ideas. Make sure you're sober when you actually make the choice though, or you could end up with a name you regret!

Use a Business Name Generator

There are lots of free tools to help you pick a name. You can use a tool that's specifically for hair salons, or a general business name generator. But even if you don't see a name you like, the suggestions may give you ideas of your own.

Search Pinterest for Name Ideas

Check out Pinterest for suggestions. You'll find countless ideas to choose from or spark off ideas of your own.

Classy Hair Salon Names

Below you will find our preselected list of classy hair salon names for your inspiration.

  1. Salon Divine
  2. Color Lab
  3. Hair Grande
  4. Adore
  5. Lux
  6. The one
  7. Limerence
  8. Platinum Salon
  9. Rettro Beauty Salon
  10. Styllete
Check out 41 more classy salon names

Cool Hair Salon Names

Here is a list of cool names that will help your future clients that you are a creative and forward-thinking salon.

  1. Urban Forward
  2. Future Salon
  3. Salon Nation
  4. Hair Nation
  5. Capillus
  6. United Hair
  7. Fluid Salon
  8. Vision Salon
  9. Salon Fusion
  10. Hair Dock
Check out 43 more cool hair salon names

Catchy Hair Salon Names

We have come up with a list of catchy hair salon names just to give you a head start in your research.

  1. As You Like It
  2. A Hairy Situation
  3. Bad Hair Day Salon
  4. Girly Girl
  5. Curl Me Crazy
  6. Hot Heads
  7. Mister Cutts
  8. Hair Designs
  9. Hairtology
  10. Bombshell Studio
Check out 43 more catchy hair salon names

French Hair Salon Names

If you would like your salon to exude luxury and class here is a preselected list of French hair salon names for you.

  1. Le Salon
  2. Hair Boutique
  3. Salon de Elegance
  4. Joi Salon
  5. Noir [Black]
  6. Blanche [White]
  7. Elle [She]
  8. Petit Salon [Small]
  9. Grande Salon
  10. Salon Elegant
Check out 33 more French hair salon names

Spanish Hair Salon Names

Here is a list of Spanish hair salon names that will bring some cool vibe to your business

  1. Bellegente [Beauty & People]
  2. Bella Vida [Good Life]
  3. Corte [Cut]
  4. Corte de Lujo [Luxury]
  5. Inmersión [Complete Involvement]
  6. Estilo Salon [Style]
  7. Estudio Imagen [Image Study]
  8. Alisanea [Smooth]
  9. Peluquería Orgánica
  10. Elegante
Check out 19 more Spanish hair salon names

Unique Hair Salon Names

Let's look at some unique hair salon names that will help your salon stand out from the crowd.

  1. [Name] Hair Salon
  2. Salon [name of the place]
  3. Express
  4. Fusion Salon
  5. Mod Salon
  6. Blunt Cut
  7. Art of Hair
  8. Shears
  9. Urban Bay Salon
  10. Cutting Up Salon
Check out 39 more unique hair salon names

Elegant Hair Salon Names

Here is a names list that will help your clients see that you are an elegant and sophisticated salon.

  1. Premiere Hair
  2. élégante
  3. Raffiné
  4. Gracieux
  5. Graceful
  6. Gracious
  7. Beau Salon
  8. Future Chic
  9. Ornate Salon
  10. The Green Room
Check out 31 more elegant hair salon names

Cute Hair Salon Names

If you are focused more on providing haircuts to kids or simply would like your salon to sound adorable, here is a list of cute hair salon names for you.

  1. Cute Cute
  2. Hair Happens
  3. Mirror Mirror
  4. First Flirt Hair Salon
  5. Wired Hair
  6. Comb n Shine
  7. Guys and Gals
  8. HelloBelle
  9. CurlyTales Hair Salon
  10. Le Posh
Check out 43 more cute hair salon names

Sophisticated Hair Salon Names

Are you looking to attract more posh and high-end hair salon clientele? Here is a list of sophisticated hair salon names that will help you achieve that.

  1. Platinum
  2. Bellissimo [Beautiful in Italian]
  3. Sublime
  4. Color Bar
  5. Rebirth hair
  6. Corte Salon
  7. Inspirations Salon
  8. Indulgent Hair Salon
  9. Vanity Hair
  10. Deluxe
Check out 35 more sophisticated hair salon names

Creative Hair Salon Names

Do your clients like change and usually go for more trendy and bold looks? Check out our list of creative hair salon names with fresh and new vibes all over them.

  1. Smart & Glam
  2. Turning Heads
  3. BusyStreet
  4. Designers Edge
  5. Chop Shop
  6. Mars and Venus Hair Salon
  7. LadyLove Hair Salon
  8. Hair Moguls
  9. Get Buzzed
  10. YouLooksGood Salon
Check out 41 more creative hair salon names

Natural Hair Salon Names

Here is a list of names that will help your future clients that you are a natural and organic salon.

  1. ImproveMood Salon
  2. Pure Organic
  3. Salon Pure
  4. Salon Life
  5. Natures Salon
  6. Organic Cove
  7. Salon Natural
  8. Organic Gorgeous
  9. Organic Love
  10. Organic Advantage
Check out 31 more natural hair salon names

Next Steps

Once you have selected your shortlist of names for your salon you should have a structured approach to to reduce the shortlist down to your final choice.

Create a Shortlist

Pick three unique hair salon names that you like. You might find that your second choice is actually the one that you prefer.

Once you have selected the 3 then test them out on your family and friends. It is a good idea to tell them your salon's concept, which will allow them to make a better decision for you.

Don't be standing over their shoulder asking them which one, simply send it to them together with your concept and let them decide stress-free.

Take Your Time

You want your salon to be a success, so you're hopefully going to be using the name for a long time.

This means you need to pick a name you're comfortable with, just like choosing a name for your child!

Rebranding is expensive, and confusing for customers, so you don't want to regret your choice of salon name.


Deciding on a name for your salon should take time and effort. Dont simply pick the first one you like, test a couple of ideas at least. Don't forget to do your market research and find inspirational salon names that suit your target market.

A good salon name will become synonymous with your brand and image, so make sure you feel proud of it. Test whether you enjoy working with and how people react to it. Try out your logos and check that lots of salons around you dont have the same name.

A good salon name could signal a successful business, so make sure you choose wisely.

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