Play with fire nghĩa là gì

play with fire Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

play with fire

To do something that risks causing one harm, damage, or misfortune; to do something dangerous. They're playing with fire if they think they can get away with dodging these corporate taxes. Jen swears she's being safe when she experiments with drugs, but I think she's playing with fire.See also: fire, play

play with fire

1. Lit. to use fire as a toy; to experiment with flames and fire. Jimmy! I've told you never to play with fire!
2. Fig. to do something dangerous or risky. [Usually playing with fire.] Be careful with that knife! You are playing with fire! If you mess with Max, you are playing with fire.See also: fire, play

play with fire

Take part in a dangerous undertaking, as in You're playing with fire if you go behind his back and commit his department. Although the idea behind this metaphor is ancient, it was first recorded only in 1655. See also: fire, play

play with fire

take foolish risks.See also: fire, play

play with ˈfire

take unnecessary and dangerous risks: Be very careful, Mike. Youre playing with fire. If you ask me shes playing with fire, getting involved with a married man.See also: fire, play

play with fire

in. to do something dangerous or risky. Going out at night in a neighborhood like that is playing with fire. See also: fire, play

play with fire

To take part in a dangerous or risky undertaking.See also: fire, play

play with fire, to

To court danger. This metaphor has been around for hundreds of years. Poet Henry Vaughan put it this way in 1655 [The Garland]: I played with fire, did counsell spurn . . . But never thought that fire would burn. See also: play
See also:
  • [I] wouldn't [do something] if I were you
  • a/the feel of [something]
  • all right
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • [one] could use [something]
  • a crack at [someone or something]
  • [you] wanna make something of it?
  • [one] never would have guessed
  • all for the best
  • a thing of the past

play with fire

invite danger or trouble You are playing with fire if you get involved with those people.

play with fire|fire|play

v. phr. To put oneself in danger; to take risks. Leaving your door unlocked in New York City is playing with fire. The doctor told Mr. Smith that he must watch his diet if he doesn't want to play with fire.

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