Possession utility is most closely related to which part of the marketing mix?

The marketing mix is the set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that a company uses to produce a desired response from its target market. It consists of everything that a company can do to influence demand for its product. It is also a tool to help marketing planning and execution.

The four Ps of marketing: product, price, place and promotion

The marketing mix can be divided into four groups of variables commonly known as the four Ps:

  1. Product: The goods and/or services offered by a company to its customers.
  2. Price: The amount of money paid by customers to purchase the product.
  3. Place [or distribution]: The activities that make the product available to consumers.
  4. Promotion: The activities that communicate the product’s features and benefits and persuade customers to purchase the product.

Marketing tools

Each of the four Ps has its own tools to contribute to the marketing mix:

  • Product: variety, quality, design, features, brand name, packaging, services
  • Price: list price, discounts, allowance, payment period, credit terms
  • Place: channels, coverage, assortments, locations, inventory, transportation, logistics
  • Promotion: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, public relations

An effective marketing strategy combines the 4 Ps of the marketing mix. It is designed to meet the company’s marketing objectives by providing its customers with value. The 4 Ps of the marketing mix are related, and combine to establish the product’s position within its target markets.

Weaknesses of the marketing mix

The four Ps of the marketing mix have a number of weaknesses in that they omit or underemphasize some important marketing activities. For example, services are not explicitly mentioned, although they can be categorized as products [that is, service products]. As well, other important marketing activities [such as packaging] are not specifically addressed but are placed within one of the four P groups.

Another key problem is that the four Ps focus on the seller’s view of the market. The buyer’s view should be marketing’s main concern.

The four Ps as the four Cs

The four Ps of the marketing mix can be reinterpreted as the four Cs. They put the customer’s interests [the buyer] ahead of the marketer’s interests [the seller].

  • Customer solutions, not products: Customers want to buy value or a solution to their problems.
  • Customer cost, not price: Customers want to know the total cost of acquiring, using and disposing of a product.
  • Convenience, not place: Customers want products and services to be as convenient to purchase as possible.
  • Communication, not promotion: Customers want two-way communication with the companies that make the product.

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Four components – time, place, possession and form – make up the utility marketing model. Marketing models educate business owners, marketing and advertising professionals about consumer spending habits. Consumers purchase products for a variety of reasons. The utility marketing model takes into consideration how consumers feel about a product, the convenience of purchasing the product and obtaining the product when they want it.


Four components – time, place, possession and form – make up the utility marketing model. Marketing models educate business owners, marketing and advertising professionals about consumer spending habits.

The Time Utility Component

Ensuring a product is available when the customer wants it adheres to time utility. Consumer demand for products varies depending on the weather, holiday season or everyday wants and needs. For example, the demand for warm coats increases during the winter, and the demand for Christmas, Halloween or Easter decorations increases when these holidays approach, while the demand for soda and other soft drink products may remain the same throughout the year because customers can drink these products at any time.

The Place Utility Component

Place utility is the value consumers put on where they purchase products. Stores make it easier for the consumers to purchase items, as opposed to driving to a factory or warehouse where the products are manufactured or stored. Consumers find what they need in a place conveniently located near home or work.

The Possession Utility Component

Possession utility is the value consumers put on purchasing a product and having the freedom to use the product as it was intended or finding a new use for the product. For example, many people use flower pots for planting, but these pots have other uses such as storage for small objects found around the house or as a centerpiece for the dining room table.

The Form Utility Component

Form utility is the value a consumer sees in a finished product. Consumers purchase items such as furniture, electronics or vehicles in part because the consumer is incapable of finding and putting all the parts together to create the product. The customer sees value in the finished product, or the form created by each product part.

Importance of Utility Marketing

Understanding consumer demand allows you to make better business decisions. For example, determining when to increase production and inventory allows you to meet increased demand during specific times of year. Pinpointing which regions sell the most products or the types of retail outlets, including department stores or discount stores, that sell the majority of your inventory helps when determining how much inventory to send and where to send it. Understanding why consumers value your products helps you create more effective marketing campaigns.

Drawbacks of Utility Marketing

Since consumers purchase products for reasons other than the four types described in utility marketing, business owners should not rely solely on this method. Consumers make these decisions based on emotion, necessity, boredom or the need to compete with others.

What is a possession utility in marketing?

the value given to a product by virtue of the fact that the purchaser has the legal right to own and use it freely.

What are the 4 types of utility in marketing?

The Four Components of the Utility Marketing Model.
The utility marketing model helps business owners design marketing campaigns that appeal to the psychological motivations that drive consumers to make purchases. ... .
Form Utility. ... .
Time Utility. ... .
Place Utility. ... .
Possession Utility..

In what way is marketing related to for utility?

In marketing, utility refers to how a product can be useful to customers in a way that convinces them to make a purchase. Marketing utility is the idea that the best way to sell a product to a consumer is to show them how the product could provide value to their life.

What is the best description of possession utility quizlet?

Possession Utility is the Value to a consumer in making the product or service easy to purchase.

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