Remote Desktop keyboard not working Windows 10

I have 2 PCs at home, one that is headless and I remote desktop into.

Everything works great except for 1 thing..

When I connect via Remote Desktop, it closes the current user session and opens a session for Remote Desktop. Any input used with the keyboard of the remote machine inputs it into the login screen outside of the Remote Desktop session. I need to be able to use the keyboard of the remote desktop inside of its remote desktop session.
I've tried everything, from logging out and back in, rebooting both machines, replugging USB devices in other USB slots, all the different settings in local resources. Absolutely nothing does it. I've scoured every single link on google. Seems like this was an issue a while back but, I can't figure it out for the life of me.

Remote desktop [headless] is on Windows 10 Pro.

Desktop I'm using to access the remote machine is Windows 10 Home.

Both Windows are updated.

Any ideas? I need to be able to use the keyboard on both machines on the fly.

This is my ONLY issue with Windows Remote Desktop, it's simple and fast on LAN.

submitted by /u/Cruxall
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Remote desktop connectivity issues


A factor why you're having issues remotely accessing your computer is due to settings configuration. We suggest that you refer to this article:

How to use Remote Desktop and follow the on-screen instructions.

About your concern regarding setting the Windows Firewall and Local Group Policy back to default, follow the steps below:

  • Press Windows key + X > Go to Control Panel.
  • In the View by: drop-down menu, select Small icons
    > Click Windows Firewall.
  • On the left side panel, hit Restore defaults.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.

To restore Local Group Policy to default:

  • Press Windows key + R > Enter gpedit.msc
  • Navigate to the following path on the left side panel: Local Computer Policy >
    Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates >
    All Settings
  • On the right side panel, sort the policy settings by State > Set the state from
    Enabled/Disable to Not Configured > Apply the settings.
  • Repeat the same for this path: Local Computer Policy >
    User Configuration
    > Administrative Templates >
    All Settings.

Let us know what happens after following the suggested troubleshooting steps.

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