republican là gì - Nghĩa của từ republican

republican có nghĩa là

Bible thumping idiots.


This is an actual conversation I had with an actual rebuplican.

Seth-So are you Republican or Democrat?
Me-Democrat. Why?
Seth-I'm a republican. If Obama becomes president me and my friend are going to assasinate him.
Me-Why? Obama seems like a pretty good guy to me.
Seth-I think our president should be full American. Not African American.
Me-Thats really rascist and stupid. You're a jerk. Do you even know what republicans believe?
Seth-Well, I don't know what we believe, but I know the democrats are stupid.
Me-Are you pro life or pro choice?
Seth-What does that mean?
Me-Pro choice means you're for the choice of abortion. Pro life means you're against abortion.
Seth-Pro choice because republicans are for choices.

republican có nghĩa là

Traditionally meant, "For the Republic," connotating "One for the people," as opposed to One who sides with an ideological "Empire," and initially had NOTHING to do with Right/Left-wing politics.

Ideologically speaking, Republicans' sworn enemy is not the Democrat, but the Imperial. However, there has been a switch in the labelling, and the party with interests in helping people by means of utilizing a/the Government run by the people [Republic/Republican] is actually a political view held by the Democrats [for example, Welfare, Civil Rights, Health Care, Education, ETC.]

The now-labelled "Republicans" bear a closer resemblance to Imperials [Exploitation, inconsideration, coercement of beliefs, etc.] than the traditional definition of Republicans.


Modern Democrat = Traditional Definition Republican

Modern Repubican = Imperial

republican có nghĩa là

1. a proud upright individual who indulges in gratutious fossil fuel burning, hunting, tractor driving, tax cuts for the wealthy, doing away with social welfare, and loving God and guns.

2. also a sworn enemy of liberals and people who care about trivial things like world peace, the environment, and education.


Dickey is a model republican. He smacked a PETA activist yesterday because he eats hamburgers, enjoys hunting, and thinks that protesters should get a job and pay their taxes instead of using welfare to drain the government.

republican có nghĩa là

a party that fights for a broader gap between the classes, oppression, fascism, gay execution ala radio commentator whose name i wont mention, and is generally a very mean grumpy assanine party


"dude, im a republican."
"you suck. you racis homophobic suv driving walmart shopping redneck"

republican có nghĩa là

A half brained, rascist, sexist asshole who honestly believes that a 12 year old who gets raped should be forced to have the baby and that those of darker skin colors are inferior. Who honestly believes that "God" is guiding them, even though half of the world has already been fucked over.


My Republican mom won't let me see that new romantic comedy because you see a boob for two seconds, so I guess I'll just have to see some new slasher flick.

republican có nghĩa là

Someone who is ready to kill innocent women and children because of something their leader did. An idiot whose brains would fit in an gnat's skull. A fool who is going to cause the world to hate us forever, and get the world to finally band together to kill us.


George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfield
Republicans are what happen when you take 100 IQ points from a democrat

republican có nghĩa là

While it is true that the Republican party used to be the party of Lincoln, and that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill than Democrats, modern day Republicans are very different.

In 1964 Democrats from northern states voted almost unanimously for the civil rights bill, Democrats from the south voted almost unanimously against it. The Democrats who opposed civil rights were southern conservatives, they would be Republicans today.

Strom Thurmond was a Democrat, he left the Democratic party in 1964 specifically because he opposed civil rights for blacks. Charles Pickering, the conservative judge appointed to a federal appeals court by GW Bush during a senate recess was a Democrat and switched to the Republican party in 1964, specifically because he opposed civil rights for African Americans. Many Republicans who supported civil rights became Democrats in 1964.

Look at a map of former slave states and compare it to a map of the 2004 electoral college results. Notice a pattern? Ohio, Indiana and Iowa changed from free states in 1861 to Republican states in 2004, Maryland and Delaware changed from slave states in 1861 to Democratic states in 2004. Except for those 5 states, the maps match up exactly.

2004 Electoral College Map:
1861 Slave State Map:


Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans.

republican có nghĩa là

While it is true that the Republican party used to be the party of Lincoln, and that a higher percentage of Republicans voted for the 1964 civil rights bill than Democrats, modern day Republicans are very different.

In 1964 Democrats from northern states voted almost unanimously for the civil rights bill, Democrats from the south voted almost unanimously against it. The Democrats who opposed civil rights were southern conservatives, they would be Republicans today.

Strom Thurmond was a Democrat, he left the Democratic party in 1964 specifically because he opposed civil rights for blacks. Charles Pickering, the conservative judge appointed to a federal appeals court by GW Bush during a senate recess was a Democrat and switched to the Republican party in 1964, specifically because he opposed civil rights for African Americans. Many Republicans who supported civil rights became Democrats in 1964.

Look at a map of former slave states and compare it to a map of the 2004 electoral college results. Notice a pattern? Ohio, Indiana and Iowa changed from free states in 1861 to Republican states in 2004, Maryland and Delaware changed from slave states in 1861 to Democratic states in 2004. Except for those 5 states, the maps match up exactly.

2004 Electoral College Map:
1861 Slave State Map:


Not all Republicans are racist, but all racists are Republicans.

republican có nghĩa là

A person who answers to their hivemind who presides in the capital building [Dick Cheney]. Bush Does not qualify for hivemind because by definition he has NO mind and there-for cannot qualify to be a hiveMIND.


why did that guy just say that the people of iraq are bunch of damn heathen, towelheads?

He's a Republican...

republican có nghĩa là

fucking morons who dont know anything about the world. people who only care about their money or are highly uneducated. they support war and kill innocent people without even knowing the cause. basicly faggots who suck cock and eat pussy.they like to push their bielfs on the rest of the world because they are so arrogant. they would rather get a million more dollars than help the rest of the world. MORONS, IDIOTS, JERKS, ASSHOLES, BITCHES, FAGGOTS, FUCKERS, HILLBILLYS


George Bush is a complete fag who pushes his own beliefs on the rest of the world.

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