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2012s có nghĩa là

The mayans did predict the end of the world to be 12/21/2012, but not end as in everyone dies and it blows up. end as in stops this phase and becomes something else. the real story is they say we are in one phase or dimension, supposedly 1985 was the end of the 5th and we are between dimensions, and in 2012 we will enter the sixth and all become smarter, get weird new senses, and other stuff and changes in our mind and reality. it actually seems kinda cool. but i think u will go to like mayan hell according to them if u are bad. but the thing wasnt strict basically just be nice


i wonder what will happen in 2012

2012s có nghĩa là

the mayans didnt predict the end of the world. they predicted something to do w/ evolution.


so... how bout them red sox?

2012s có nghĩa là

December 21st of this year will be hell. Not because the world will end, but because of all the lunatics thinking that the world will end.
1-People will run red lights.
2-Minors will drink more than they ever have before.
3-The most terrible crimes will be committed.
4-The stock market will crash.
5-Thousands will gather in churches.
6-Religious groups will go wild preaching their beliefs and offering you your last chance for salvation.
7-Agnostics will question their doubts.
8-Atheists will ignore the crowds.
9-People who haven't done their christmas shopping yet will put it off just to see if tomorrow comes.
10-Casinos will be jam-packed. And then when everyone wakes up the next morning Most will regret their actions from the previous night, especially the criminals who will be rotting in jail and the minors who are hungover.


"Hey, did you hear that the apocolypse is coming in 2012?"
"Yeah, 2012 is gonna go down in history, man!"
"Not if no one is here to write about it!"
"This is just like Y2K."

2012s có nghĩa là

the supposed day of the end or a new beginning of this world. it is all off of the mayan calendar. yes they were very advanced and were right on everything but they did NOT predict the end of the world or a new dimension.

For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle” says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is “a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in.”


2012 is a stupid hoax. Planet X does not exist and a pole shift on that date is impossibe.


2012s có nghĩa là

A year just like any other. Nothing different will happen, the world will not end, and everyone who thought it was real will feel like an idiot.


2012 believer: The world will end in 2012
Rational person: Your an idiot.

2012s có nghĩa là

A commonly misunderstood theory. The Mayans DID NOT predict the end of the world in 2012. That's urban legend and myths, mixed with Christian Apocalyptic themes. There was no evidence that the Mayans predicted the end of the world. The Mayans loved to make calenders. One of their calenders was called the 'Great Cycle' or something similar, and it was supposed to last thousands upon thousands of years. 2012 is the estimated end of this calender. As of now we are in the 4th cycle. The Mayans never thought anything drastic was going to happen in 2012. It would be like New Years to us - just a change in the calender. The reason this theory is the end of the world is the Christian doomsayers began claiming that Armageddon was coming soon. However, they had no proof. When some of them discovered this Mayan 2012 theory, they twisted it so far than pop culture turned it into a phenomena - the end of the world. This is simply not true.


2012 is the year sophomores from 2009-2010 graduate.

2012s có nghĩa là

With the current climate of the world and all the ongoing problems -- economically, politically, heating of the sun & abnormal weather patterns, etc. -- it really does feel like something could happen by 2012 that will radically alter the course of that weird thing we call life. Time sure feels like it's speeding up, doesn't it?

It's not; creation is. More and more is happening in the world in less & less time, for the good & bad. In every aspect of our lives, change is happening at an accelerated pace, and it's going to continue to accelerate until everything possibly imaginable in creation will exist at the same time. So yeah, this leaves a realm of possibility open for more things to occur -- there could be a global cataclysmic-type event that wipes out 1/3 of the population, but there could also be some grand technological miracle/discovery that propels humanity into uncharted areas of novel & science.

The biggest misconception among people today [namely, archeologists and science-types whose consciousnesses are centered around physical, material evidence -- what they can see & measure only] is that the Mayan Calendar was keeping track of time the same way most modern day calendars keep track of time -- cycles of visible planetary objects in the sky around other planetary objects/ earth around the sun, etc.

The Mayan Calendar was actually a meter, or a gauge for the evolution of consciousness across the span of this galaxy. The reason the calendar abruptly "stops" on 12/21/12 is not because of some final doomsday event we're all going to watch unfold; it's because the schedule of creation will have completed. If a technology like a time machine [mind you, we've already teleported electrons] comes to exist by that year, what time will it really be? What need will there be for a calendar if the limitations of time & space dissolve? The truth is that the calendar "ends" because time as we know will no longer be linear, and so there won't be a need for a calendar. Now, that might seem hard to swallow at first, but keep in mind that there's a 17 mile long particle accelerator [lhc] under Switzerland that's set to recreate the conditions right after The Big Bang. Not so crazy now, huh?

This is what's really going to happen if your eyes are open enough for you to see. To whoever is reading this; these next few short years are the most important years in the 16.4 billion year long history of the universe. You should be very, very, very thankful to be alive at this period in time, because what's coming is bliss!


Paranoid stranger: The world's going to end in 2012 and we're all going to die!

Me: Smoke some sheeba and celebrate the moment. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.

2012s có nghĩa là

A date that which a bunch of naked guys who ran through the jungles thousands of years ago had as the end date for their calendar


Guy 1: Omg It's the end of the world... The Mayans said it would happen on 2012 and they are so intelligent! Guy 2: Dude. Watch Apocalypto and reconsider

2012s có nghĩa là

The biggest bullshit apocolypse theory since y2k and 6/6/06. The fuckin indians who wrote the damn calander couldve all died and none were left to finish it, I mean they've been writing that for like i dont know how many years. Also ive heard that the calander actually ends in november of the 4000's, so we all know thats like 2000 years so we wont be alive then anyway! I just saw a commercial about the fuckin military and shit tryna help us survive, thats why I wrote this.


I cant wait for 2013!!!!! hahahahaha!! fuck 2012 crackpot theory bullshit.

2012s có nghĩa là

Looking at an Urban Dictionary definition and feeling a sudden wave of nostalgia and depression when you see it's written in 2012


Dude 1: LMAO that definition is so fucking hilarious
Dude 2: Dude...It was written in 2012...
Dude 1: Fuck...

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