The relationship your world has on well-being defines

Simply put, it’s about ‘how we’re doing’ as individuals, communities and as a nation, and how sustainable that is for the future. It is sometimes referred to as social welfare or social value.

Wellbeing is personal and subjective, but also universally relevant.

Wellbeing encompasses the environmental factors that affect us, and the experiences we have throughout our lives. These can fall into traditional policy areas of economy, health, education and so on. But wellbeing also crucially recognises the aspects of our lives that we determine ourselves: through our own capabilities as individuals; how we feel about ourselves; the quality of the relationships that we have with other people; and our sense of purpose.

These psychological needs are an important part of what makes us human, along with our ability to feel positive and negative emotions. It matters how often, and for how long, we experience positive emotions – such as pleasure and a sense of purpose – or potentially negative emotions, like anxiety.

If we accept that some aspects of wellbeing are subjective, we can better understand the interactions and trade-offs between different experiences. We can also take into account the longer-term effects and the different importance of these things to different people.

Part of the value of wellbeing as a concept is that wherever you are and whatever your cultural background or personal circumstances, people intuitively understand the value of happiness and wellbeing. But this universality that adapts to so many different contexts and perspectives, can sometimes make it difficult to share a common understanding of what exactly wellbeing is.

WHO / Vismita Gupta-Smith

  • Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders.
  • Mental health is an integral part of health; indeed, there is no health without mental health.
  • Mental health is determined by a range of socioeconomic, biological and environmental factors.
  • Cost-effective public health and intersectoral strategies and interventions exist to promote, protect and restore mental health.

Mental health is an integral and essential component of health. The WHO constitution states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." An important implication of this definition is that mental health is more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.

Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

Mental health is fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, emote, interact with each other, earn a living and enjoy life. On this basis, the promotion, protection and restoration of mental health can be regarded as a vital concern of individuals, communities and societies throughout the world.

Maternal mortality ratio [per 100 000 live births]

Skilled health professionals density [per 10 000 population]

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800 000

persons approximately die from suicide globally each year [one death every 40 seconds]

WHO Global, 2015

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Wellness is the pursuit of continued growth and balance in the seven dimensions of wellness. Many people think about "wellness" in terms of physical health only. The word invokes thoughts of nutrition, exercise, weight management, blood pressure, etc. Wellness, however, is much more than physical health. Wellness is a full integration of physical, mental and spiritual well-being. It is a complex interaction that leads to quality of life.

Wellness is commonly viewed as having seven dimensions. Each dimension contributes to our own sense of wellness or quality of life, and each affects and overlaps the others. At times one may be more prominent than others, but neglect of any one dimension for any length of time has adverse effects on overall health.

The Seven Dimensions of Wellness

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Intellectual
  • Social
  • Spiritual
  • Environmental
  • Occupational

Physical Dimension

Physical wellness encompasses a variety of healthy behaviors including adequate exercise, proper nutrition and abstaining from harmful habits such as drug use and alcohol abuse. It means learning about and identifying symptoms of disease, getting regular medical checkups, and protecting yourself from injuries and harm. Developing such healthy habits today will not only add years to your life but will enhance the enjoyment and quality of those years.

Tips for optimal physical wellness:

  • Exercise daily
  • Get adequate rest
  • Use seat belts, helmets, and other protective equipment
  • Learn to recognize early signs of illness
  • Eat a variety of healthy foods
  • Control your meal portions
  • Stop smoking and protect yourself against second-hand smoke
  • Use alcohol in moderation, if at all

Emotional Dimension

Emotional wellness is a dynamic state that fluctuates frequently with your other six dimensions of wellness. Being emotionally well is typically defined as possessing the ability to feel and express human emotions such as happiness, sadness and anger. It means having the ability to love and be loved and achieving a sense of fulfillment in life. Emotional wellness encompasses optimism, self-esteem, self-acceptance and the ability to share feelings.

Tips for optimal emotional wellness:

  • Tune-in to your thoughts and feelings
  • Cultivate an optimistic attitude
  • Seek and provide support
  • Learn time management skills
  • Practice stress management techniques
  • Accept and forgive yourself

Intellectual Dimension

The intellectual dimension encourages creative, stimulating mental activities. Our minds need to be continually inspired and exercised just as our bodies do. People who possess a high level of intellectual wellness have an active mind and continue to learn. An intellectually well person uses the resources available to expand one's knowledge and improve skills. Keeping up-to-date on current events and participating in activities that arouse our minds are also important.

Tips and suggestions for optimal intellectual wellness include:

  • Take a course or workshop
  • Learn [or perfect] a foreign language
  • Seek out people who challenge you intellectually
  • Read
  • Learn to appreciate art

Social Dimension

Social wellness refers to our ability to interact successfully in our global community and to live up to the expectations and demands of our personal roles. This means learning good communication skills, developing intimacy with others, and creating a support network of friends and family members.

Social wellness includes showing respect for others and yourself. Contributing to your community and to the world builds a sense of belonging.

Tips and suggestions for optimal social wellness include:

  • Cultivate healthy relationships
  • Get involved
  • Contribute to your community
  • Share your talents and skills
  • Communicate your thoughts, feelings and ideas

Spiritual Dimension

Spiritual wellness involves possessing a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that help give direction to one's life. It encompasses a high level of faith, hope and commitment to your individual beliefs that provide a sense of meaning and purpose. It is willingness to seek meaning and purpose in human existence, to question everything and to appreciate the things which cannot be readily explained or understood.

A spiritually well person seeks harmony between what lies within as well as the forces outside.

Tips and suggestions for optimal spiritual wellness:

  • Explore your spiritual core
  • Spend time alone/meditate regularly
  • Be inquisitive and curious
  • Be fully present in everything you do
  • Listen with your heart and live by your principles
  • Allow yourself and those around you the freedom to be who they are
  • See opportunities for growth in the challenges life brings you

Environmental Wellness

Environmental wellness is an awareness of the unstable state of the earth and the effects of your daily habits on the physical environment. It consists of maintaining a way of life that maximizes harmony with the earth and minimizes harm to the environment. It includes being involved in socially responsible activities to protect the environment.

Tips and suggestions for optimal environmental wellness:

  • Stop your junk mail
  • Conserve water and other resources
  • Minimize chemical use
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Renew your relationship with the earth

Occupational Dimension

Occupational/Vocational wellness involves preparing and making use of your gifts, skills, and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness, and enrichment in your life. The development of occupational satisfaction and wellness is related to your attitude about your work. Achieving optimal occupational wellness allows you to maintain a positive attitude and experience satisfaction/pleasure in your employment. Occupational wellness means successfully integrating a commitment to your occupation into a total lifestyle that is satisfying and rewarding.

Tips and suggestions for optimal occupational wellness include:

  • Explore a variety of career options
  • Create a vision for your future
  • Choose a career that suits your personality, interests and talents
  • Be open to change and learn new skills

How do you define wellbeing?

In simple terms, well-being can be described as judging life positively and feeling good. 36, 37. For public health purposes, physical well-being [e.g., feeling very healthy and full of energy] is also viewed as critical to overall well-being.

What is the relationship between health and wellbeing?

Health is one of the top things people say matters to wellbeing2. Both physical health and mental health can influence wellbeing3. Recent acute health problems affect wellbeing most but longer-term chronic ill health also has an effect on wellbeing4. wellbeing and wellbeing itself influences health.

Which dimension of health refers to the impact your world has on your well

Environment Well-Being Environmental Wellness is one of eight dimensions that contribute to overall health and wellness. This dimension encompasses all areas of health that relate to the environment and in turn, how the environment can impact human health.

What does wellbeing mean to you and why is it important?

Wellbeing is not just the absence of disease or illness. It's a complex combination of a person's physical, mental, emotional and social health factors. Wellbeing is strongly linked to happiness and life satisfaction. In short, wellbeing could be described as how you feel about yourself and your life.

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