The root of the problem là gì

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Get to the root of = đi đến gốc rễ -> nghĩa là hiểu hoặc tìm được nguyên nhân hay nguồn gốc sự việc.
Ví dụ
A competent [giỏi; thạo] mechanic should be able to get to the root of the problem.
Deloitte may finally have got to the root of what happened to the no vote that the Dens Park club submitted before the requested 5pm deadline on Friday, March 10, and determined that it had simply been quarantined [cô lập]. But many unanswered questions remain despite the forensic probe [thăm dò pháp lý].

Ottawa Public Health conducts [tiến hành] public engagement surveys to try to better understand what is going on in the community and has worked to get to the root of what has led to transmissions [lây nhiễm] in some cases. It has released details of spread resulting from several gatherings in the city. In one case, Etches highlighted that infections were resulting from carpools [đi chung xe] and people socializing before and after team sports.

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