The volunteer agency IELTS Listening answers

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Questions 1-5

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Volunteer Applicant Details

Name of enquirer: Ben Oppermann

Age: [1]

Qualifications: BA in Social Studies

Postgraduate Certificate in [2] Education

Interested in a placement lasting [3] years

Other skills and interests:

Experience of [4] work

Member of a [5] protection group.

Questions 6-10

Answer the questions.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

[6] how long can the selection procedure for applicants take ?


[7] When are short-listed applicants usually interviewed ?


[8] Approximately what proportion of the cost of their training and travel are applicants expected to contribute ?


[9] How long does each volunteers training last ?


[10] when do placements generally begin ?



Questions 11-16

Identify the areas on the map.

Write the correct letter A-J next to the questions.

[11] Wilsons

[12] DVD shop

[13] Student Union Office

[14] Engineering Institute

[15] Fitness Room

[16] Bookshop

Questions 17-20

Complete the time table.

Write the correct letter A-I next the questions.

[17] Yoga club

[18] Aerobic Dancing

[19] Prayer Centre

[20] Chess Club


Questions 21-26

Choose the correct letter A , B or C.

[21] The Apollo Leisure Centre opened in

A 2000.

B 2001.

C 2002.

[22] Which charts shows the different types of members currently ?

[23] Which facility is planned for next year ?

A swimming pool

B rock climbing wall

C massage room

[24] Which type of membership is the best value for money ?

A red

B green

C blue

[25] When does the café close ?

A 8.00

B 8.30

C 9.00

[26] How long is a typical consultation with the personal trainer ?

A 45 minutes

B 1 hour

C 1 hour 15 minutes

Questions 27-30

Complete the time table below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

MondayClass title
4.00 5.00[27]
5.00 6.00[28]
6.15 7.30[29]
7.45 9.15[30]


Questions 31-32

Choose the correct letters A , B or C.

[31] The main problem is

A cats in towns.

B the poor condition of feral cats.

C public awareness.

[32] Emergency veterinary treatment is provided by

A the government

B a small number of people

C nobody

Questions 33-39

Complete the sentences below

Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

[33] Sterilization is usually performed only on females

[34] Sterilization is carried out in centres.

[35] Cats remain there for about approximately twenty four .

[36] To show that an animal has been sterilized, one ear is

Ways of publicizing the issue

Poster campaign,A kitten is not just for [37]Now
[38] AdsFamilies may get bored with the responsibility of owning a petPerhaps before next Christmas
Newspaper advertisementsAbandoned animals cause problems for other peopleLast [39]

Question 40

Choose the correct letters A , B or C.

[40] A wider problem of feral cats is that they can

A injure children.

B damage human health.

C become infested with parasites.

ANSWERS [ielts listening practice test 18]

  1. 22
  2. Primary
  3. Two
  4. Conservation
  5. Wildlife
  6. Nine months
  7. January
  8. Two thirds
  9. One week
  10. September
  11. B
  12. G
  13. E
  14. I
  15. H
  16. F
  17. C
  18. E
  19. I
  20. G
  21. C
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. Gentle exercise
  28. Weight lifting
  29. Healthy Living
  30. Relaxation
  31. C
  32. B
  33. Animals/Cats
  34. Temporary
  35. Hours
  36. Clipped
  37. Christmas
  38. Radio
  39. Last
  40. B

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Er. Nachhattar Singh [ CEO, blogger,youtuber,Motivational speaker]


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