To collect data from internal source marketers use

As we all know, marketing is vital to a business’s success, but what do you do when you exhaust all of your ideas? Look at the data! Companies own an immense amount of data but most don’t use it because they don’t know how or where to even look. We told you about a few internal data sources for marketing a few years ago, but it’s time to take another look:

Sales Data

We mentioned sales data briefly in our previous edition of internal data sources to transform your marketing, but let’s go more into depth. Sales data is essential for planning out the future approaches to selling your product or service.

Sales improvement is always the goal, so pulling your sales data to learn what went right and what went wrong is essential in driving your business forward. This data can be anything from how much you charge customers/clients to how long they stay with your brand. The data can open doors to new growth opportunities that might have gone unnoticed before.

Customer Data

How can you promote your product or service if you don’t know who your customers are? Collecting and using customer data helps you better understand your audience: where they live, their age, and more.

If you want to go even further and learn things about your customers such as whether they like cats or dogs, what their profession is or what activities they like to do on the weekends, then try HUCKLE. The SaaS platform takes your customer data, compares it with over 270 million US profiles and gives you an interactive dashboard of your results within minutes! It’s a great way to truly understand your customers.

Company Data

This could involve work culture, churn rate, company initiatives and more. Using this data can increase transparency with your audience while promoting your brand. Not to mention, it’s specific to your company, so it’s original!

Not to mention, your data is the most credible content you can produce. Most audiences want the cold, hard facts that prove what you’re claiming is true and your data does just that!

Survey Data

Hearing directly from your audience is a tried and true method. Learning about what your audience does and who they are through customer data is the first step. Moving onto finding out what they think about your brand is the next step.

When used correctly, surveys provide valuable data to inform your marketing strategy in addition to laying out credible and trustworthy content your audience will love. With that being said, it’s important to learn how to optimize your survey design to elicit the most accurate response from survey participants.

Marketing Data

The best way to inform your marketing strategy is to pull data from previous marketing efforts. These metrics can be from audience feedback, how many times a user clicked on your website, how long they stayed on the website and more.

Chances are you ran a marketing campaign in the past. Instead of sitting on this data, use it to plan your marketing strategy and make more informed predictions. 

This is all easier said than done. If you have the internal data sources but don’t know where to start in interpreting it, Futurety is here to help! Contact us and we’ll clean, organize and visualize your data to drive your business forward!

What is an internal data source that marketers use?

Internal data is data retrieved from inside the company to make decisions for successful operations. There are four different areas a company can gather internal data from: sales, finance, marketing, and human resources. Internal sales data is collected to determine revenue, profit, and the bottom line.

What is internal source of data collection?

An internal data source is defined as information that your organization is generating. One of the most valuable internal data sources you can collect is sales data. With proper data governance, you can create a rich dataset that details your customer's buying behavior.

Which is the most popular source of internal data?

1] Surveys Surveys are one of our favorite data sources because they let you tap into the thoughts and feelings of specific groups. These insights can provide great fodder for stories, and help you educate your customers, employees, or industry peers.

What are examples of internal data sources?

Internal data is private or proprietary data that your organization owns, controls or collects. Examples of internal data include sales data, website data, customer information and financial data.

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