Top nat 5 siege defense teams summoners war

A Siege Battle is a type of Free for All Guild Battle taking place between three Guilds. Each Guild is positioned on opposite sides of a battlefield, with the goal being to occupy the various Bases scattered around. Siege Points are awarded to each guild based on the number of bases occupied, and the amount of time they are occupied. The Guild which reaches 20,000 points before the time limit expires wins the Siege Battle. If no Guild is able to reach the 20,000 point threshold in time, Guild ranking is determined by the amount of Siege Points accrued by each Guild before time expired.

Scheduling and preparation[]

Siege Battles take place twice a week in two rounds. Each round begins with a registration period, during which Guild Masters and Vice Masters can register their guild and select guild members to participate in the upcoming round, although auto registration can be enabled to allow Guilds to be registered automatically. Matchmaking will be based on Victory Points accrued from the last Siege Battle. Only Guilds with at least 15 and up to 25 members can register for Siege Battles.

After the registration process has ended, matchmaking will take place during a one hour period, followed by the actual battle itself. The battle is divided into two halves, with an armistice period in-between during which no battling can take place. The first Guild to reach 20,000 Siege Points in the first half will win the whole battle, otherwise the the battle will be carried over to the second half where the first to 20,000 Siege Points will win the battle.

After the battle has concluded, the results will be tallied up and rewards will once again be distributed. This will conclude the first round. The second round will start during the middle of the week with the exact same process as the first round.

The following is an exact schedule:

Round 1 Phase Time period Registration and preparation Saturday 12 AM [PST] - Monday 11 AM [PST] Matchmaking Monday 11 AM [PST] - Monday 12 PM [PST] Battle [First Half] Monday 12 PM [PST] - Tuesday 12 AM [PST] Armistice Tuesday 12 AM [PST] - Tuesday 12 PM [PST] Battle [Second half] Tuesday 12 PM [PST] - Tuesday 11 PM [PST] Tally Tuesday 11 PM [PST] - Wednesday 12 PM [PST] Round 2 Registration and preparation Wednesday 12 AM [PST] - Thursday 11 AM [PST] Matchmaking Thursday 11 AM [PST] - Thursday 12 PM [PST] Battle [First Half] Thursday 12 PM [PST] - Friday 12 AM [PST] Armistice Friday 12 AM [PST] - Friday 12 PM [PST] Battle [Second half] Friday 12 PM [PST] - Friday 11 PM [PST] Tally Friday 11 PM [PST] - Saturday 12 PM [PST]


1. Headquarters 2. Base 3. Siege Points 4. Isolated Base

Each guild will start with 12 bases on their respective side of the field, as well as a headquarters. During each battle phase of each round, Guilds must battle each other in 3v3 monsters battles to take control of the other bases, although the headquarters cannot be taken. Guilds are awarded Siege Points based on the number of bases controlled, as well as the length of time they are controlled for. Bases must be connected to the headquarters, whether directly or through other controlled bases. If a base is cut off from the headquarters, it becomes an isolated base and will no longer award Siege Points until it is reconnected to the headquarters. Siege Points will also be awarded for successfully attacking a base, as well as defending one. The headquarters will award no siege points for any of the guilds. The first guild to reach 20,000 Siege Points wins the current battle outright. If no guild reaches the 20,000 point threshold before the end of the first half, the battle will be carried on to the second half of the battle where the winner will again be decided by whoever reaches 20,000 points first. If no Guild reaches 20,000 points before time expires in the second half, ranking is determined by the amount of points each Guild accrued, with Guild having the most points declared the winner.

Defense formations[]

Defense formations of 3 monsters can be set

Each Guild can place up to five defense formations in each base to defend. Preset defense formations can be created at the respective guild's headquarters, and transferred to any base currently being controlled by the guild. Any member of the Guild can move preset defense formations to any base, including defense formations belonging to other Guild members. Each player can only create a maximum of 10 defense formations in either the headquarters and/or the bases.

Base occupation/defense[]

Bases whose defenses have been cleared get occupied by the attacking team.

During battles, monsters in defense formations will be controlled by the in-game AI. When a defense formation has been defeated by a guild, it will be marked by that guild's flag and players from the same guild will be unable to battle it again. Multiple guilds can attack the same base and defense formations at the same time. The first Guild to defeat all defense formations currently placed at the base will gain control of that base. The controlling Guild will then have one hour, during which the base enters a rebuilding period, to place their own defense formations. During the rebuilding phase, players can add saved defense formations already saved, or they may create new formations. Other guilds may not attack a base that's in the rebuilding phase. Furthermore, Siege Points will be accumulated even during the rebuilding phase. Once the rebuilding phase has ended, players can no longer modify defense formations at that base until the next rebuilding phase, or the next registration phase. Bases can be occupied and reoccupied multiple times.

Guilds can only attack bases which are near a currently controlled base. Additionally, only natural 4-star monsters and below can be used to attack or defense a small base. Small bases will appear physically smaller on the field compared to the other bases. If a base has been defeated and occupied by another guild, all defense formations will automatically return to the headquarters.

Each Guild member will be allowed to use up to 30 monsters to battle in each round of battles. Players are allowed to select monsters currently being used in defense formations. Once each monster is used, it can no longer be used again for subsequent battles, regardless of whether the monsters were defeated or not. Players can use up all 30 monsters in one half of the round/battle, divide their monsters evenly between the halves, or any other combination, but once all 30 monsters have been used, players will no longer be able to battle.


The siege battle is scored Domination style: the more bases under a guild's control, that guild gains more siege points per second. The first guild to reach 20,000 siege points wins the battle.

Each player's contribution is measured according to their activity:

Activity Contribution Points Successful attack +15 Successful defense +5

At the end of the battle, the total number of contribution points from all of the guild's players is added, and each player's percentage contribution is calculated.


Guild members can select from from any of the Trophy Boxes displayed, with a random chance of getting a Shiny Trophy Box

Guild members are given rewards in the form of Trophy Boxes, as well as Crystals and Guild Points, based on the current grade [which is decided on regular Guild Battles] and rank of the Guild when the Siege Battle ends. Crystals and Guild Points are awarded to each player in proportion to their contribution points.

Trophy Boxes contain a random assortment of rewards ranging from Mana Stones to more sought after prizes like Devilmon and Legendary Scrolls. The amount of rewards in the Trophy Box pool will depend on Guild Grade and battle rank. Every member of the Guild will be given a chance to open their own Trophy Box and access the same pool of rewards. Depending on where a Guild places in the the battle, a number of Shiny Trophy Boxes will be added to the Trophy Box pool for some lucky members of the Guild to open. The following chart illustrates the rewards available to Guilds.

Guild Points Battle results Ranking Crystals Guild Points Trophy Box Grade Quantity Guardian★★★ Rank 1 ~50 22% of Siege Points 37% of Siege Points SSS No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 15% of Siege Points 30% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 15% of Siege Points 30% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Guardian★★ Rank 1 ~100 19% of Siege Points 32% of Siege Points SS No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 13% of Siege Points 25% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 13% of Siege Points 25% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Guardian★ Rank 1 ~10% 17% of Siege Points 27% of Siege Points S No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 11% of Siege Points 20% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 11% of Siege Points 20% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Conqueror★★★ Rank 1 ~15% 10% of Siege Points 21% of Siege Points A+ No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 7% of Siege Points 15% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 7% of Siege Points 15% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Conqueror★★ Rank 1 ~20% 9% of Siege Points 18% of Siege Points A No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 6% of Siege Points 13% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 6% of Siege Points 13% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Conqueror★ Rank 1 ~30% 7% of Siege Points 15% of Siege Points A- No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 5% of Siege Points 11% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 5% of Siege Points 11% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Fighter★★★ Rank 1 ~40% 5% of Siege Points 11% of Siege Points B+ No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 3% of Siege Points 8% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 3% of Siege Points 8% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Fighter★★ Rank 1 ~50% 4% of Siege Points 9% of Siege Points B No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 3% of Siege Points 6% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 3% of Siege Points 6% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Fighter★ Rank 1 ~70% 4% of Siege Points 9% of Siege Points B- No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [4 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 2% of Siege Points 4% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [2 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 3 2% of Siege Points 4% of Siege Points No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [1 Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Challenger Rank 1 ~100% 2% of Siege Points 3% of Siege Points C No. of Guild Members that participated in the Siege Battle [No Shiny Trophy Boxes included] Rank 2 2% of Siege Points D Rank 3 2% of Siege Points F

The MAX amount of Crystals and Guild Points that Guild Members can acquire from Siege Battles is limited. A Guild Member can only acquire a given reward corresponding to 30% contribution.

Crystals/Guild Points that exceed the upper limit will be evenly distributed to all Guild Members who participated in the corresponding Siege Battle.


  • If a user ended a Siege Battle achieving 50% of contribution with the Conqueror 3, 10,000 Siege Points, and Rank No. 2 conditions, the user would have received 350 Crystals as a reward.

However, with the upper limit on the acquisition, the user will instead acquire 210 Crystals and the remaining 140 Crystals will be evenly distributed to other Guild Members who participated in the Siege Battle.

  • Note that the user with 50% contribution would also receives the evenly distributed Crystals.

The Guild Point acquisition and distribution work with the same logic.

Which Guild members end up pulling a Shiny Trophy box is random, with the odds based on how many Shiny Trophy Boxes are still in the pool. The more Shiny Trophy Boxes handed out, the better the odds. Shiny Trophy Boxes, if pulled, will guarantee players at least one premium item, as well as a 5-6 star rune, whose grade will depend on Guild Grade, in addition to an assortment of the more common prizes available from regular trophy boxes. The following tables illustrate the assortment of rewards available from both regular and Shiny Trophy Boxes.

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