Topping D70 vs Schiit

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I'm surprised this hasn't been asked yet.... but anyone know how this compares against it's schiit equivalent, the bifrost, bifrost multi, or maybe even the Gungir??? I plan on hooking these up to my active emotiva 6s's and sub, fed through a PC as the source. Not sure if there are any better reccomendations for a DAC for this type of setup.... i know these weren't necessarily designed to be used with anything other than headphones, but not sure what else could fit the bill for this type of setup.

I didnt want to be that guy but Amirs measurements do not translate to How does it sound? Google Delta-Sigma or R-2R to read up more on what to expect. Theres an Airist [single-ended] DAC being offered that would sound much different than the clinical Topping DACs. And i I doubt anyone here whos promoting the Topping line has a Gungnir or Yggdrasil DAC or tried one. Schiits sound is too warm and punchy when compared to a Topping or IFI DAC. Read up on how all DACs sound, not what reads well on a graph. Because no one would like a tube amp if they saw the distortion that tubes generate [but they sound good]. Look up SBAFs DAC forums for blunt opinions by people who own the equipment [and not by people who have never heard them]. Disclaimer: I have an Yggdrasil.

And let me add a disclaimer or two: DACs sound different not just because of the chips they use but how the DAC itself is designed. Also, listening is subjective. Having said that, there is no way that a Topping DAC obliterates a Schiit DAC. That in itself is an incorrect statement and more of a [misguided] opinion. It would be entirely wrong if I said I would put my Yggdrasil up against any Topping DAC...bla bla bla... because both product lines are different beasts and will sound different. Also, much different price ranges. The choice is really up to you. If youre in Southern CA, Schiit has a listening room where you can audition their products and see for yourself which youd prefer. Their products might or might not be for you, but that way youll know for sure. I hope you find the DAC that works great for you. Just let your ears tell you what you like, not just a graph. Edit: I dont work for Schiit or consider myself a fanboy. I just like their DACs, and Im sure theres better out there, for 2x-3x the price.

Thanks so much for your input. I've heard this before, but it doesn't get covered enough to really explain it in any detail. It seems my ear tends to favor clarity above all else, so i'm assuming that if something measures well, my ear would favor it. I've done searches on R2R and delta sigma, but it hasn't helped my understanding any on the whole measured dac vs poorly measuring dac and why a "poor" measuring dac would still sound better.

That tells me that you need to listen to a couple of DACs and determine for yourself what sounds best to you. Despite all of the Schiit-bashing that happens, their sound is preferable to me. But Ive had to chance to listen to a small number of DACs [both DS and R2R] and I preferred the sound from the Schiit product line. But ultimately, form an opinion based on your listening results and you can explain why you prefer one DAC over another. A BIG mistake is to blindly believe a graph and assume a unit sounds horrible just because you were told that. You can always tell who never listened to a particular DAC by how much they spout numbers and graphs. Someone who has auditioned a product can tell you what they liked or didnt like about a product. But your listening preferences are what matters most.

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