wannabe là gì - Nghĩa của từ wannabe

wannabe có nghĩa là

Someone who wants to be what they are not.


A big problem these days is white kids wanting to be ghetto.

wannabe có nghĩa là

1. Someone trying too hard to fit in with a specific crowd of peepz. They usually change the way they act, dress and or talk.

2. A faker, a poser


Milagros Redondo is SUCH a WANNABE!

wannabe có nghĩa là

'wannabe', is a slang version of the actual english equivilant - 'want to be'. there are several ways in which the term can be expressed: in example a] someone who wants to be someone else, they may aspire to the person in question's fashion sense [general appearance], ideas, attitude or music. whereas in b] the noun form of wannabe is infact an insult. it is very likely that you would see this in practice on any of the following, an up and coming popstar, a goth, a chav/townie, and sometimes even old spinsters. all of these stereotypical groupings of people will certainly have wannabes among them. a common one i find in everyday life is that of a wannabe goth. these are people who attempt to dress all in black and wear long matrix like jackets with excessive eyeliner and dye their hair a rather pitiful rainbow colour. someone who is a fully fledged and well known goth will have no worries at being called a wannabe; but small insignificant losers that shop in tammy, mk one, b-wise, and other cheap reproduction shops are a very strong form of wannabes. they will buy overly baggy trousers from tammy, teamed up with a tight black top from mk-one - possibly with already fastened on safety pins and shitty fishnet sleeves, then a un-fiied black hoody from b-wise with the logo 'bitch', 'come get me', or my favourite 'punk'. then they will go around the local market picking up inexspensive replicas of spiked chokers, skull earrings and black sweatbands with a cannabis leaf embroided on them. now, after all of this preparation, the 'wannabe goth' in this case goes out with all of their [usually girls] friends and thinks they look 'hard' or 'cool'. well they dont. and basically they will be taunted into submission by older more wiser forms of proper goths, and then eventually turn chav. chavs are often found underneath your shoe in the unfortunate case when you tread in dog shit. but that is another story.


a] i wannabe like them when i grow up mummy *the young child points to a poster of dale winton, as the parent's eyes widen with utter despair*

b] ''look at my new 'flares' from tammy, they dont fit me properly and i look really c..BANG'' *they are punched in the face by an agressive chav. what a wanna...BANG'' the chav is punched in the face by a much more pleasant goth.

then all the chavs die.

because they are wannabes.

wannabe có nghĩa là

someone attempting to emulate a person or genre of people but failing and earning the disgust of those he is attempting to become like


you try to be a punk, but youre just a wannabe emo fucker. go dead, please.

wannabe có nghĩa là

A stupid little loser who tries to be something they're not and fit in with a particular group, usually they try to be "goth" or metal.


Taylor Rutherford is such a wannabe!

wannabe có nghĩa là

A phony/a fake. good examples of wannabes are all those fake rappers who try to be real rappers eg. Tupac Skakur or Biggie Smalls.


Tha Realist, Ja Rule, Blac Haze, Master P, C Murder and Krazy = TUPAC WANNABES

Shyne and Guerilla Black = BIGGIE SMALLS WANNABES


Angelous - JAY-Z WANNABE

wannabe có nghĩa là

Anyone who makes an attempt to emulate another person/subculture/lifestyle; usually done to look cool, make friends, or to get attention. More often than not a wannabe is either insecure and wants to find their niche in society or they are just craving attention. These groups include "prep", "gangsta", "goth", "emo", "nerd", and "redneck" ["goth" and "emo" being the most popular]. It all starts out when the wannabe sees a certain group as cool and then they try to adopt the style/attitude/musical taste of that group. This normally results in ridicule and the disgust of the people they try to be like.


Example 1:

For starters, whoever posted entry #10 here. I think I know who you are and the person you are talking about... thats not a very nice thing to say about one of your fellow bandmates, now is it?

Example 2:

Seth [emo]: Hey... you know that Jacob kid, right?

Henry [another emo]: Yeah what about him?

Seth: Well.. he kept staring at me all week last week and today at school he had the same shoes as yours and the same haircut I have.. and he keeps trying to talk to me about how cool Hawthorne Heights and MCR are.

Henry: Dude... thats f*cked up. What a wannabe!

wannabe có nghĩa là

People, especially in middle school, who try to be like the cool kids. These certain people often end up being ditched by their larger group of friends. In general, wannabes aren't liked or desired, and often considered annoying by a majority.


Omg, Nicole is such a wannabe.
Guys don't like wannabes.

wannabe có nghĩa là

a person who wants to be someone they cannot be


A: k#y accused his co-worker of being as sinister and bitesome as a cobra.
B: that k#y is just a fucking wannabe who is jelly to his co-worker.

wannabe có nghĩa là

Poser, follower, a charlatan of sorts. One who copies or immitates all or most of the aspects dealing with their idol. They may wish to have certain clothing, skills, vocabulary, etc., of their idols instead of their own. Most likely a wannabe is lacking in self confidence and is looking for guidance.


Vanessa is a wannabe

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