What are the main characteristics of capability lists and access lists


What are the main differences between capability lists and access lists?

Access Control Lists

The original Multics protection mechanism was based on the idea of adding an access control list or ACL to each file, protecting the right to open that file. An access control list is a list of user, access-access rights pairs. Consider the access matrix:


We can express the same access constraints given in the above matrix with the by attaching the following access control lists to the four files shown:

aaa -- Alice:R/W, Bob:R, Carol:R

bbb -- Alice:R, Bob:R/W, Carol:R, Dave:R/W

ccc -- Alice:R, Carol:R/W, Dave:R/W

ddd -- Bob:R, Carol:R, Dave:R

Note, with access control lists, that we only list users who have access to some file, omitting from the list those users who have no access. It should be immediately clear that access control lists have the potential to completely encode every aspect of the access matrix.

Sparse Matrices

In the field of numerical analysis, a matrix where most of the elements are zero is called a sparse matrix. Conventional [non-sparse] matrices can be efficiently stored as two-dimensional arrays, but in computations involving very large numbers of sparse matrices, memory can be used more efficiently by storing each matrix as a list of non-empty rows, where each row is stored as a list of nonzero elements.

It should be immediately clear that the access-control-list idea is really just a sparse-matrix representation for the access matrix. We only store an access control list for objects that someone has access to, and the only entries in the list are entries for current users.

Default Access Rights and Groups

Access control lists, in the basic form described above, are only efficient if the average file is accessible to only a few users, for example, if most files are private. The basic access control list idea was enhanced very early in the development of systems by adding a special entry for the default access rights. Typically, this was put at the very end. If we use the distinguished name Others for this, the above example can be reformulated as:

aaa -- Alice:R/W, Bob:R, Carol:R

bbb -- Bob:R/W, Dave:R/W, Others:R

ccc -- Alice:R, Carol:R/W, Dave:R/W

ddd -- Bob:R, Carol:R, Dave:R

The Others entry is at the end of the list so that a linear search will find individual ownership before it finds an entry that matches everyone. The basic model of the access control list had no such concept of ordering. The list was just a set of pairs.

Once the idea of creating a single "wild card" group was hit upon, it was natural to invent group memberships for users. This can shorten the access control lists, but there are two costs:

  • First, it means that the algorithm for searching for a particular user's access rights to a particular file is no longer simple. Instead of searching for that user in the ACL, we must search for that user and all groups that user is a member of.

    Second, it means that multiple ACL entries may refer to a particular user. A user might match the ACL under his or her own personal identity as well as under any of several groups that user belongs to. Do we give the user the union of all access rights from the different matches? Do we give the user the intersection of the access rights? Do we search from the start of the list and give the user the first rights that match?

It is worth noting that the access rights system of Unix is a degenerate form of the access control list idea. Each Unix file has a 3-entry access control list, where the first entry lists just one user [the owner], while the second entry lists a group [the group], and the third entry is the wildcard [others].

Fully general access control lists have been added in various ways to various versions of Unix. Unfortunately, these have not been entirely compatable, but a standard is emerging. Typically, the shell command getfacl gets the access control list of a file and setfacl sets the access control list. The man page acl gives more details, including pointers to a variety of ACL manipulation routines.

Windows NT and .NET both use access control models that owe a considerable debt to the Multics ACL idea. Some security standards consider ACLs to be the minimum reasonable access rights enforcement mechanism.

Access Control Matrix and Capability List


There is often confusion about the relationship between access control matrix and capability list or access control list when in fact these can be captured in a single image for clarity and simplicity purposes. You can think of access control matrix as a security access table which combines ACL and user capability list to define who can access what and to which degree. In the ACM, columns define objects and assigned privileges or ACL, rows list users or subjects, and relationships between rows and columns define user capabilities or UCL.

Access-Lists [ACL]

Access-list [ACL] is a set of rules defined for controlling network traffic and reducing network attacks. ACLs are used to filter traffic based on the set of rules defined for the incoming or outgoing of the network.

ACL features –

  1. The set of rules defined are matched serial wise i.e matching starts with the first line, then 2nd, then 3rd, and so on.
  2. The packets are matched only until it matches the rule. Once a rule is matched then no further comparison takes place and that rule will be performed.
  3. There is an implicit deny at the end of every ACL, i.e., if no condition or rule matches then the packet will be discarded.

Once the access-list is built, then it should be applied to inbound or outbound of the interface:

  • Inbound access lists –
    When an access list is applied on inbound packets of the interface then first the packets will be processed according to the access list and then routed to the outbound interface.
  • Outbound access lists –
    When an access list is applied on outbound packets of the interface then first the packet will be routed and then processed at the outbound interface.

Types of ACL –
There are two main different types of Access-list namely:

  1. Standard Access-list –
    These are the Access-list that are made using the source IP address only. These ACLs permit or deny the entire protocol suite. They don’t distinguish between the IP traffic such as TCP, UDP, HTTPS, etc. By using numbers 1-99 or 1300-1999, the router will understand it as a standard ACL and the specified address as the source IP address.
  2. Extended Access-list –
    These are the ACL that uses source IP, Destination IP, source port, and Destination port. These types of ACL, we can also mention which IP traffic should be allowed or denied. These use range 100-199 and 2000-2699.

Also, there are two categories of access-list:

  1. Numbered access-list – These are the access list that cannot be deleted specifically once created i.e if we want to remove any rule from an Access-list then this is not permitted in the case of the numbered access list. If we try to delete a rule from the access list then the whole access list will be deleted. The numbered access-list can be used with both standard and extended access lists.
  2. Named access list – In this type of access list, a name is assigned to identify an access list. It is allowed to delete a named access list, unlike numbered access list. Like numbered access lists, these can be used with both standards and extended access lists.

Rules for ACL –

  1. The standard Access-list is generally applied close to the destination [but not always].
  2. The extended Access-list is generally applied close to the source [but not always].
  3. We can assign only one ACL per interface per protocol per direction, i.e., only one inbound and outbound ACL is permitted per interface.
  4. We can’t remove a rule from an Access-list if we are using numbered Access-list. If we try to remove a rule then the whole ACL will be removed. If we are using named access lists then we can delete a specific rule.
  5. Every new rule which is added to the access list will be placed at the bottom of the access list therefore before implementing the access lists, analyses the whole scenario carefully.
  6. As there is an implicit deny at the end of every access list, we should have at least a permit statement in our Access-list otherwise all traffic will be denied.
  7. Standard access lists and extended access lists cannot have the same name.

Advantages of ACL –

  • Improve network performance.
  • Provides security as the administrator can configure the access list according to the needs and deny the unwanted packets from entering the network.
  • Provides control over the traffic as it can permit or deny according to the need of the network.

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