What are the special days in 2023?


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What are important dates in 2023?

Notable Dates 2023.

Why 2023 is a special year?

UNGA has declared 2023 as which special year, based on the resolution led by India? Notes: The United Nations General Assembly has unanimously declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets. The unanimously adopted resolution was sponsored by India and supported by over 70 nations.

How many holidays are there in 2023?

2023 India Public Holidays Calendar Here are all of the 17 gazetted holidays [mandatory public holidays] in India in 2023.

What are the UN official holidays for 2023?

Monday, 2 January
[in lieu of 1 January] New Year's Day
Monday, 10 April
Easter Monday
Monday, 24 April
[in lieu of 22 April] Eid al-Fitr
Monday, 1 May
May Day
Thursday, 29 June
Eid al-Adha
Holidays at the UN in Vienna - UNISunis.unvienna.org › unis › events › calendar › un-holidays › holidaysnull

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