What is a sentence that contains a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses?

Basically there are two types of clauses, MAIN [or PRINCIPAL] CLAUSES [MCl] and SUBORDINATE CLAUSES [SCl].

A main clause is an independent unit which can stand alone as a sentence {Se}. Every sentence must have a main clause. Since simple sentences have only one clause, that clause must by definition be a main clause.





A subordinate clause cannot stand alone as a sentence. It contains further information about some element in the main clause and is linked to the MCl in some way. Thus [3a] and [3b] are not complete units grammatically; only [3c] is acceptable:






3c. Se{ MCl[ He married Anne Hathaway SCl[ who was older SCl[ than he was]]]}

The convention for sub-clauses is that their brackets are placed within those of the main clause so that their dependence is clearly indicated. Since sub-clauses can also be subordinated within other sub-clauses, bracketing can become fairly complicated. A golden rule is that brackets come in pairs; if you open a pair of brackets, you must eventually close it. If you do an analysis and end up with five left-facing brackets and only three right-facing ones, then there is something wrong!

A sentence like [3c], which contains a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses, is a COMPLEX sentence.

A sentence which contains two or more main clauses, like [4] below, is a COMPOUND sentence. The two clauses are CO-ORDINATE clauses.The relationship between such clauses is called CO-ORDINATION.

4. Se{ MCl[ He married her]


MCl[ they had three children]}

Each of the clauses in [4] could stand alone as a sentence [as they do in [1a] above], and hence has its own independent set of brackets. Notice too the position of the conjunctions. In [4] the conjunction belongs to both clauses equally, and is therefore placed outside the brackets. [ It might have made a difference to Anne Hathaway if the clauses were reversed, but it makes no difference grammatically.] In [3b] the conjunction indicates the type of subordination and is therefore placed within the SCl brackets. If a SCl moves to a new position in a clause, then its conjunction or other marker of subordination moves with it.

5a. Se{ MCl[ He married her SCl[


he came home]]}

5b. Se{ MCl[ SCl[


he came home] he married her]}

5c. Se{ MCl[ They had three children]


MCl[he married her]}

5d. *Se{ MCl[


they had three children] MCl[he married her]}

A subordinate clause is a clause that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence; it merely complements a sentence’s main clause, thereby adding to the whole unit of meaning. Because a subordinate clause is dependent upon a main clause to be meaningful, it is also referred to as a dependent clause.

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Whether you use the term subordinate or dependent to describe the clause, this clause’s function is clear: It provides informational support to the main event of the sentence. This main clause will be independent: it can stand on its own as a complete sentence.

This sentence is an independent clause. It has a subject and a verb, and on its own, it presents a complete unit of meaning: All of us are able to go out and have ice cream. [Hooray!]

But perhaps this isn’t all we need to convey.

If I can find my wallet adds substantially to the meaning of the sentence. It is too soon to celebrate about our ice cream outing because there is a task at hand. We have to first find that wallet.

On its own, if I can find my wallet is a subordinate clause; it is not a full unit of meaning. If it was written separately as a sentence, the result would be a sentence fragment—your English teacher’s pet peeve.

What will happen if I can find my wallet? If a clause in your sentence leaves us hanging like this when set apart on its own, it is a subordinate clause.

Words that begin subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses will often begin with subordinating conjunctions, which are words that link dependent clauses to independent clauses, such as for, as, since, therefore, hence, consequently, though, due to, provided that, because, unless, once, while, when, whenever, where, wherever, before, and after.

They can also begin with relative pronouns such as that, which, who, whom, whichever, whoever, whomever, and whose.

Spotting these words can tip you off that you are dealing with a subordinate clause rather than a main clause.

Why do I need to know which clauses are subordinate?

Now that you can identify a subordinate or dependent clause, you may wonder how this information can be helpful to you. The answer to that is simple.

It will help you to avoid hearing the words [from a teacher, editor, or coworker], “You should put a comma there.” Or the equally delightful, “You shouldn’t have put a comma there.”

Knowing which clauses are main [independent] and which are subordinate [dependent] will help you organize your ideas and place your commas correctly. The best part is, it is actually quite simple. When a subordinate clause begins a sentence, it has a comma after it. When the main clause begins the sentence, there is no comma to separate it from the dependent clause.

Comma placement level 2: Restrictive vs. nonrestrictive clauses

Punctuating subordinate clauses only gets tricky when they begin with relative pronouns such as that, which, who, when, where, and whose. Conveniently, this type of subordinate clause can be referred to as a relative clause. There are two types of relative clauses: restrictive and nonrestrictive.

Restrictive clauses are sometimes referred to as essential clauses. This is because they are essential to the meaning of the sentences they are a part of. Elements of a sentence that are essential should not be set apart with commas.

There should be no comma separating the restrictive clause that employ lots of special effects from the main clause I enjoy watching movies because it is essential to the meaning of the sentence.

The opposite is true with nonrestrictive clauses: They can be excised from a sentence without altering its core meaning. Since they are nonessential, they should always be set apart with commas in a sentence. Often, nonrestrictive clauses will “interrupt” a main clause, as in the example below, and when that happens, you should insert a comma both before and after the clause.

Star Wars, which has lots of special effects, is my favorite thing to do.

What has one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses?

A sentence which consists of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses is called a complex sentence.

What is a sentence with two or more main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses?

Compound-Complex Sentence A compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

What is a main clause and a subordinate clause?

Main clauses have a subject and verb and can stand on their own. Subordinate clauses begin with a conjunction and therefore cannot stand on their own. They leave the reader thinking “yes…and then?”

What is a sentence with one principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses called a compound sentence B complex sentence c simple sentence d principal sentence?

A sentence which consists of a main clause [an independent clause] and one or more subordinate[dependent] clause is known as a complex sentence.

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