zoran là gì - Nghĩa của từ zoran

zoran có nghĩa là

Name Zoran have two roots/source. One is from old Persian [and/or Turkish] language and it's mean strong, donghty, dauntless, venturesome, fearless, brave, angry, wakeful, furious, savage, frantic, angry, sleepless, cheeky, saucy, unmannerly. Other root/source is from Serbian language and it's mean sunrise, sun up, aurora, daybreak, cock-crow.

Ví dụ

zora [Serbian] - sunrise
zoran [Persian] - fearless

zoran có nghĩa là

A sexually charged man.

Ví dụ

zora [Serbian] - sunrise

zoran có nghĩa là

zoran [Persian] - fearless A sexually charged man. Zoran is really horny tonight Zoran, the Norse god of speed, is a lesser know pagan god. Zoran is the son of Odin, the god of strife and war, and Hel, the goddess of death and daughter of Loki. Zoran had a small group of devout and fanatical followers who were often known to set fire to themselves and jump of cliffs in tribute to their god.

Zoran was the creator of Thor’s war chariot and was known for creating great machines that reached unfathomable speeds. Freyja, goddess of magic and death, was in infatuated with Zoran. But Zoran was well known to be in love with Sv, a Japanese Shinto spirit. Freyja poisoned Zoran because of her jealousy. Zoran was trapped in a deep sleep for an untold period of time.

Without the protection of Zoran, his followers were slaughtered in the Medieval Inquisition in the late 1100s.

Ví dụ

zora [Serbian] - sunrise
zoran [Persian] - fearless A sexually charged man.

zoran có nghĩa là

Zoran is really horny tonight

Ví dụ

zora [Serbian] - sunrise

zoran có nghĩa là

zoran [Persian] - fearless A sexually charged man. Zoran is really horny tonight Zoran, the Norse god of speed, is a lesser know pagan god. Zoran is the son of Odin, the god of strife and war, and Hel, the goddess of death and daughter of Loki. Zoran had a small group of devout and fanatical followers who were often known to set fire to themselves and jump of cliffs in tribute to their god.

Ví dụ

Zoran was the creator of Thor’s war chariot and was known for creating great machines that reached unfathomable speeds. Freyja, goddess of magic and death, was in infatuated with Zoran. But Zoran was well known to be in love with Sv, a Japanese Shinto spirit. Freyja poisoned Zoran because of her jealousy. Zoran was trapped in a deep sleep for an untold period of time.

zoran có nghĩa là

a sexy stick

Ví dụ

Without the protection of Zoran, his followers were slaughtered in the Medieval Inquisition in the late 1100s.

It is rumored that Zoran has awakened from the poison and now lives high in the mountains of the new Americas. The stories state the Zoran will sometimes show himself to humiliate mortal men in competitions of speed. Then after feeding off of their emotions, Zoran’s followers will sacrifice the mortals by setting them on fire and throwing them off a cliff.

zoran có nghĩa là

A person who misuses the definition of words. For example: A "glutten" is a person who

Ví dụ

Zoran eat the heart of my dog.

zoran có nghĩa là

He is my dad

Ví dụ

Davie met Zoran, then was lit on fire and thrown off a cliff.

zoran có nghĩa là

A siberian homosexual known to associate with gieuseppe's and participate in felching

Ví dụ

Zoran is a Zoran

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