apple fanboy là gì - Nghĩa của từ apple fanboy

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

1. A person who believes in almost anything that apple says and gives into it's marketing strategy. 2. A prime target for apple marketers to impose their superfluously costing products to. 3. A person who honestly believes that Windows XP or Vista is Archaic, Inferior, Does Not Work, or just plain ripped off ideas from the Mac OS. 4. One who waits in line for days in some instances, for Apple keynote speeches. 5. One who believes adding an "i" prefix to anything is automatically superior to anything that does not have an "i" in front of it.


Most apple fanboys will possess three or more of the following:

1. iPod
2. iPhone
3. Macbook
4. iMac
5. Mac Pro
6. 3 or more Apple Connector Cables
7. A membership at

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

A single-layered thinking drone originally thought to exist in only small numbers. To help them assimilate into the real world, a computer with only simple functions so that the drones don't get confused was created. Eventually, more products were produced after it was discovered that the number or drones are in the millions. While scientists have been unable to find ways to increase brain performance in this species, a corporation named "Apple" has had financial success in at least convincing that the drone specimen is vastly superior to that of everything else.


A specimen of "Apple fanboy" of this species will act partially retarded.

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

A person who fits at least one of the following: 1. only knows how to use a Mac and cannot handle a PC, gets very frustrated using one. 2. thinks that Macs' hardware are much better [although statistically their failure rates are not that different than other laptops]. 3. over exaggerate his/her passion for Mac products. e.g. I *need* an iPad to read my newspaper and magazines. 4. uses Apple as a status symbol. 5. buys a new Mac product without knowing the prominent features. e.g. GPS and FaceTime in iPhone 4. 6. thinks he/she is technologically savvy but actually knows very little about technology e.g. does not know the difference between 3G and EDGE, 3G versus Wi-fi. 7. Owns many Mac products and is very proud of it. 8. Feels entitled to get a new Mac product on launch day and get unreasonably angry when failing to do so. 9. Has absolutely no idea what open source is. 10. Thinks that the new features that Apple introduces are ground-breaking even though they had been available for years. e.g. 3G, multitasking. 11. When their Apple products fail instead of admitting that Macs can fail sometimes just like PCs, focus on how amazing the experience of getting it replaced at the Genius Bar. 12. Although Macs are better than a PC in some areas [and vice versa], does not know any of the evidences; just *think* that Macs are better. 13. Feels special and cool to own a Mac product although it is no longer a cult to own a Mac product, unlike 10 years ago.


I just think Macs are better. I'm not an Apple fanboy though.

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

Someone who bows before an apple shrine 2 times a day [sunrise and sunset]. Usually ignorant and having a go at Microsoft and Google nerds.


- Have you seen that ignorant prick applefboy spreading his crap about Microsoft all over Twitter?
- Yeah, what an apple fanboy!

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

[n] a person who owns a Macbook, iPod, iPhone, and iPad, doesn't work in graphic design or something that would justify owning all Apple products, is probably a hipster working on their screenplay, and who believes that somehow, that makes them better than you.


Fanboy: "You use a PC? Oh, this? It's just my Macbook Air. I'm using it to write my memoirs. Macs don't get viruses, you know." Human: "You're an Apple fanboy, and I'm going to immediately disregard anything you say about technology ever."

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

A bunch of people brainwashed by a giant company called Apple. Who only knows what Apple had told them is good. They all at least fit in one of these silly scenarios: - Go and hate all competition, pretending only Apple shall exist in the mobile gadget market - Think Apple devices have the best benchmark scores on earth, esp. believe iPad is the most powerful tablet on earth while ignoring Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 has real multitasking that iPad never have. - Go live in the concealed Apple planet and never see the day of light. - Thinking a Mac computer never need any modern functions as those in PC. They don't need games, optical drives and blu-ray encoding in their Macs. - He has no problems with Apple softwares, so are you! Don't shout out any problems you have with Apple softwares because those Fanbois assumes Apple software are free of that. - Love to buy tons of accessories for their Apple devices, like plastic cases for their aluminium iPhones/iPads - Own iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad at the same time do the same thing on each one - Always hate Samsung for no reason, but ignoring their iOS devices are mostly produced by Samsung - Always believe Apple creates, others only steal from Apple Strangely with all the Apple Fanbois around, Apple still brings up a "Why you will love iPhone/iPad" campaign to gain back fanbois confidence toward Apple.


PC guy: Hey, my PC has blu-ray encoding, how about your Mac? Apple fanboy: Who needs blu-ray anyway? Android user: I am so happy with the quad-core CPU in my Android phone, your iPad doesn't seem to have that? Apple fanboy: Go get a life Fandroid, we don't need quad-core CPU to run iOS.

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

annoying shits who think every single apple product/feature is revolutionary, even though it was on something else before


dude, theres a 12MP camera on the Nokie N8
apple fanboys are annoying

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

An apple fanboy is someone who has caught a common disease in which they praise Apple products and criticize everything else. The sickness is usually caught after the victim sees too many Apple TV advertisements, and buys into Apple's marketing strategy. The Apple fans will usually line up for hours, even days in extreme cases, to be one of the first to get their hands on a new, outrageously overpriced Apple product, which features technology that has been on the market on other handsets for months, if not years. Apple fanboys also support Apple in its constant legal disputes with rivaling companies, especially Samsung. Apple fanboys are convinced that every smartphone in existence is a copy of their precious iPhone, which has struggled to change over half a decade. The infected fanboys also try desperately to make up reasons why their "perfect" Apple products are so much better than other devices, particularly Android devices, to no avail. Unfortunately, it is a rare occurence to see an Apple fanboy fight off the sickness and give any other products a chance.


Apple fanboy: Why is the power button on your Samsung on the side of the phone? Regular person: Since the screen is bigger, it's easier to just press on the side instead of having to reach for the top of the phone. Apple fanboy: [Struggling] Well... you Samsung owners are just lazy and need to get off your fat asses and reach for the top of the phone.

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

An advocate of Apple/Mac products.


Tyler is such an Apple Fanboy he would buy an iToaster if Apple sold toasters!

apple fanboy có nghĩa là

People that are addicted to spending their money on Apple products.


Im not going to use Android. Im an apple fanboy.

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