Cambridge ielts 8 listening test 3 transcript




Busyboard is a concentration of children's interests, it is the most intense children's toy of all possible, it is a real children's delight in its purest form! And to help this in business boards, such useful elements as: doors, gears, latches, wheels, a faucet-twist, buttons, chains, a switch, a flashlight, a plug, zippers, Velcro, lacing, knitting with beads, xylophone, locks contribute to the formation of different types gripping with small fingers, various types and directions of door opening, a bell and a bicycle bell for hearing development. This toy can be purchased in our store //

Section 1: Questions 1-3
Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.

Rented Properties Customer’s Requirements

Name:        Steven Godfrey No. of bedrooms:         4

Preferred location:                        in the [1] ____________ area of town

Maximum monthly rent:             [2] £ ____________
Length of let required:                 [3] ____________
Starting:                                          September 1st

Questions 4-8
Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER.

Questions 9 and 10
Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO facilities in the district of Devon Close are open to the public at the moment?

A museum
B concert hall
C cinema
D sports centre
E swimming pool

Section 2: Questions 11-16
Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.


Well known for: [11] ____________ Complex consists of: concert rooms, theatres, cinemas, art galleries, public library,

restaurants and a [12] ____________

Historical background: 1940-area destroyed by bombs

1960s-1970s: centre was [13] ____________ and built in [14] ____________ – opened to public

Managed by: the [15] ____________
Open: [16] ____________ days per year

Questions 17-20
Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER.

Section 3: Questions 21-26
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Latin American Studies

21. Paul decided to get work experience in South America because he wanted

A to teach English there
B to improve his Spanish
C to learn about Latin American life

22. What project work did Paul originally intend to get involved in?

A construction
B agriculture
C tourism

23. Why did Paul change from one project to another?

A His first job was not well organized
B He found doing the routine work very boring
C The work was too physically demanding

24. In the village community, he learnt how important it was to

A respect family life
B develop trust
C use money wisely

25. What does Paul say about his project manager?

A He let Paul do most of the work
B His plans were too ambitious
C He was very supportive of Paul

26. Paul was surprised to be given

A a computer to use
B so little money to live on
C an extension to his contract

Questions 27-30

What does Paul decide about each of the following modules?
Write the correct letter A, B or C next to questions 27-30.

27. Gender studies in Latin America ____________
28. Second language acquisition ____________
29. Indigenous women’s lives ____________
30. Portuguese language studies ____________

A He will do this.
B He might do this.
C He won’t do this.

Section 4: Questions 31-34
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

Trying to repeat success

31. Compared to introducing new business processes, attempts to copy existing processes are

A more attractive
B more frequent
C more straightforward

32. Most research into the repetition of success in business has

A been done outside the United States
B produced consistent findings
C related to only a few contexts

33. What does the speaker say about consulting experts?

A Too few managers ever do it
B It can be useful in certain circumstances
C Experts are sometimes unwilling to give advice

34. An expert’s knowledge about a business system may be incomplete because

A some details are difficult for workers to explain
B workers choose not to mention certain details
C details are sometimes altered by workers

Questions 35-40
Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY.

Setting up systems based on an existing process

Two mistakes:
Manager tries to: • Improve on the original process

• Create an ideal [35] ____________ from the best parts of several processes

Cause of problems • Information was inaccurate • Comparison between the business settings was invalid

• Disadvantages were overlooked e.g. effect of changes on [36] ____________

• Change [37] ____________
• Impose rigorous [38] ____________
• Copy original very closely:

Physical features of the [39] ____________
The [40] ____________ of original employees

1. central 2. 600 3. 2 years 4. garage 5. garden 6. study 7. noisy 8. 595 9. B 10. E 11. classical music concerts 12. bookshop 13. planned 14. 1983 15. city council 16. 363 17. garden hall 18. three lives 19. 4.50

20. faces of China

21. C 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. combination/ system 36. safety 37. attitude 38. control 39. factory

40. skills

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