cias là gì - Nghĩa của từ cias

cias có nghĩa là

The pleasurable practice of ass fucking to completion; hence - Cum In Ass


Chongo: "So how was your GFE last night?"
Mono: "That ho let me do both the CIA and CIM to her! I guess you can say I ATM'd her! You should try it, but be warned, YMMV!"

cias có nghĩa là

The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, formed in 1947 to conduct foreign intelligence collection, covert action, and counterintelligence operations abroad.


The CIA is also responsible for providing finished intelligence to U.S. policymakers.

cias có nghĩa là

Central Intelligence Agency. While the FBI handles domestic affairs and the ATF burns people in Waco, the CIA works overseas. Their job is similar to KGB, MI6, NSA, and Mossad.
But unlike Mossad, the CIA is one of the most fuckup-prone "intelligence" agency seems to be unable to handle anything without a huge fucking mess.

Story # 1: Iran and the Shah
The nation of Iran after world war 2 was doing fine. There was a moderate, elected president running the country. There was money. There was peace. But he was officialy a socialist according to the CIA so we went and overthrew him for a dictator called the shah. This of course pissed the Iranians off, and in the 80's the Ayatollah started a radical islamic revolution, took our embassy hostage for a year, and America's crisis in the middle east had officialy started.

Story #2: The Bay of Pigs
Fidel Castro is a communist. The CIA doesn't like commies in their 'hood, so the best course of action seemed to be training about 1000 Cuban boat people who fled Cuba after having supported Castro's enemy, arm them, and plan to send them over on ancient battleships dating back to 1940, with some tiny air support, and have them conquer a nation of 20 million that had mostly given Castro's revolution popular support. So one fine day, in a D-Day reenactment that would give any WW2 vet a heart attack, this imposing force stormed the beaches at this place called "Bay of Pigs." The few US airplanes supporting the assault got shot down, one of the boats sank, and the rest of the soldiers made it ashore and held out for a while before one of the worst mass surenders in us military history
Following this were many attempts to kill Fidel with exploding cigars (the cigars were noticed to be strangely heavy), a poisoned scubadiving suit (did nothing at all), spear-gun him while he was swimming (the spear-gunner drowned), stab him with a poisonous pen (the guy doing this turned out to be KGB), etc. Castro has survived for 40 years since, outliving 5 US presidents and Che.

Story #3: Nicaragua
What do you think when you hear the word "nun?" If you're thinking "Danger, must destroy" you'd make a good CIA agent. In Nicaragua during the 80's Contras(our guys) were fighting the Sandinistas(their guys), there was an order of Nuns that went around in war-torn Sandinista villages trying to help restore something resembling order. They couldn't go to the Contra villages, you see, because the Sandinistas controlled the country. But no matter, nothing wins the hearts and minds of the people like a group of US-equipped thugs kidnapping/shooting/raping nuns. Another little episode was the murder of Bishop Oscar Romero while he was saying mass on Easter morning in the cathedral in front of his entire congregation.

Story # 4: Panama
The dictator of Panama, Manuel Noriega, was a CIA agent and smalltime drug dealer. Long story made short: We come after him, they kill some of us, we kill some of them, and our disgraced agent is busted.

Story # 5: Operation Iraqi Freedom
Without a doubt the BIGGEST fuckup since

Story # 6: The Vietnam War


The CIA is actively working to protect you from nuns and bishops and far away countries you didn't know existed with scary names day and night.
The second worst federal agency after fema.

cias có nghĩa là

(Central Intelligence Agency). An organization designed to report international secrets, foreign time bombs, counterespionage and covert operations (here and overseas). Many suspect they are involved in clandestine conspiraces ranging from UFO's to 9/11. (Who's to know? Tenet'll tell you.) They are often thought of as akin to the FBI; though they may have external differences, the CIA~FBI mission relationship does exist similarly regulation-wise with the purpose of national security.


An agent: a trenchcoat with a pocket watch. Usu. seen with manila folders, Italian-tailored shoes and tinted windowed cars. An example of the organization would be Britain's MI6, Israel's Mossad, Russia's FSB/Soviet's KGB.

cias có nghĩa là

Cocaine Import Agency. A cynical re-definition of the acronym for the Central Intelligence Agency commonly used by conspiracy advocates. It has its roots in Air America from the Vietnam War era that established drug sales as a way for the CIA to fun black operations "off books". It was during the Iran-Contra affair when the CIA used the funds from illegal arms sales to Iran to fund support for the far right Contra rebels fighting the Sandanista communists in Nicaragua and also the support of General Noreaga of Panama who was a major cocaine trafficker as were the Contras, that this acronym had its origins.


Noreaga was the Cocaine Import Agency's boy, then the CIA rolled that poor bastard and put him in the big house!

cias có nghĩa là

A terrorist organization sponsored by American tax dollars.


Communism works well in theory, but in practice it gets upended by a CIA-sponsored coup.

cias có nghĩa là

In a MMORPG specifically, World of Warcraft, to loot an item which you do not have the right to loot. Simply to steal an item by looting it before it can be given to its rightful recipiant.

Closely related to Ninja looter


"That bastard rogue cias'ed my boots! He can't even wear mail!"

cias có nghĩa là

Use this to tell a little bitch to go Cry in a shower.


stfu I hate you!
go cias emo.

cias có nghĩa là

a terrorist organization disguised as a government body


The CIA really does love to kill citizens in other countries and overthrow democratically elected governments

cias có nghĩa là

if you know any leftist south americans who have been murdered, it was probably these guys. Also, they edit wikipedia to make them sound like the good guys, and that they are to protect you.


"I dont like the CIA"
"your days are numbered, hide"