elizabethed là gì - Nghĩa của từ elizabethed

elizabethed có nghĩa là

1. a member of the human species with the biggest heart out of all of the rest. Kind to all. Smart but doesn't think so. So funny that one can make anyone laugh. Extremely beautiful because of physicality along with inward aspects. A wise ass in the best way possible. Talented in more ways then anyone can count. Non judgmental and makes the best friend. If you are lucky to be in a relationship with one you better treat them wonderful and hold on to them because they are not easily found. 2. The most wonderful and beautiful human being ever created.


You can tell by how she helped that stranger she's an Elizabeth.

elizabethed có nghĩa là

Beautiful, sweet, amazing, innocent, caring person you will ever meet. Caring about others all the time, and if something goes wrong she's always by your side. A very powerful woman, but can sometimes doubt herself. She is always loyal and has a good edge to her, and a good humor at that. Outstanding girl, beautiful inside and out. :]


I just love elizabeth so much, she's so great.

elizabethed có nghĩa là

Elizabeth is the best friend anyone could ever ask for. She has had sadness in her soul for as long as she can remember, so it's sometimes hard for her to recognize the great warmth in her heart but it's there. She will always underestimate just how incredibly amazing she is. Its hard not to fall in love with someone so beautiful inside and out.


I couldn't imagine my life without elizabeth.

elizabethed có nghĩa là

Elizabeth is what we call a "bubbly" person, she lets out this amazing vibe. Sometimes Elizabeth can be a little bit of a "blonde" at some situations but that just makes her 100% even more cuter. Elizabeth has an amazing personality to meet, anyone could get along with this person. Her jokes are just the cutest things out! Her jokes will make your day any day, and will put a ridiculously fat smile on your face. In summary Elizabeth is a cool person.


Jacob: Hey isn't that Elizabeth?
Ethan: Yeah! shes a friend at school! shes just amazing at everything she does! Jacob: WOW, she sounds like a really good person to meet!
Ethan: yeah, shes the best!

elizabethed có nghĩa là

Elizabeth, the E is for Elegant, the L is for Loving, the I is for Intelligent, the Z is for Zebra, the A is for Amazing, the B is for Beautiful, the E is for Extraordinary, the T is for Trustworthy and the H is for Humorous. Elegant, Loving, Intelligent, Zebra, Amazing, Beautiful, Extraordinary, Trustworthy and Humorous. Sounds like an Elizabeth Anastasi to me.


BillGates: Bro, you know that Elizabeth girl, she has one beautiful face.
Jacob: Bro?! thats my sister!
*Bill gets a punch in the face*

elizabethed có nghĩa là

Elizabeth is the love of my life she is more beautiful, unique, adorible, exciting, and Just absolutely crazy sexy then anyone could imagine one girl to be. you will never be able to express just how much you love her in words alone so actions is your best bet to win her heart. she desurves the world so give it to her.


I've never met anyone in my life like you Elizabeth.

elizabethed có nghĩa là

Elizabeth's are overall the best women out there. They always seem to be smart, funny, exceptionally beautiful, happy, someone who when she enters the room everyone will notice her. Some Elizabeth's may come from a "bad house" or were raised with one not so great parent but if they get past this they can overcome anything! Elizabeth's are the greatest friends possible they will support you when needed, worry for you when things aren't alright, and will always make you smile. Elizabeth's make the best of Bae's because they will always be there for you, to check how your life is, and to assist you in anyway possible. Elizabeth's will often have scars on her legs because of how daring and open to challenges and new things. Elizabeth's will often not have many friends, because she is far too hot for any girl to not be jealous of her, her main choice in friends is males because they aren't jealous of her. Elizabeth's will always be getting put down by girls so actually listen to what she has to say and try to help in anyway possibles even if you can do nothing she will thank you for it an love you more. She may have trust problems but after chatting for about two years she'll be an open book. Elizabeth's are short with big boobs not the biggest butt, but a nice looking booty none the less they also have beautiful hair. She may be an elegant woman but don't let that misdirect you! She's still a goof and a nerd some show it others will burry it down.


"Elizabeth is so hot! Holly damn!" "She's such a bitch! How does she look better than me!!!"

elizabethed có nghĩa là

The best girl in the world. She has little friends but is ok with that. She is wild when she is around her real friends and more quite when she is around the people she does hang out with. She is one of the most loving person in the world. She loves to help people too.


Elizabeth- Sara want to come over to my house
Sara- I would love to Elizabeth your my best friend

elizabethed có nghĩa là



Elizabeth: Elizabeth

elizabethed có nghĩa là

the act of eating a pizza in math class then putting it away acting like there was no pizza that ever existed


Man. Jimmy is so stupid he Elizabethed in math class.
Wow. What an idiot!!!

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