Grindset là gì

Đây chỉ là một bộ sưu tập những câu chuyện cười trên internet về các quy tắc nam giới sigma. Không có gì là nghiêm trọng ở đây chỉ làm cho vui. Vì vậy, hãy lấy cuốn sách quy tắc nam giới sigma của bạn ngay hôm nay và bắt đầu học. Quy tắc Sigma là quy tắc quan trọng nhất trong cuộc sống.

Sigma Grindset là một thỏa thuận thực sự và nó được thực hiện bởi những người như Keanu Reeves, đó là lý do tại sao anh ấy là một sigma như vậy. Thực hiện theo các máy xay trở thành sigma.

Đây là ứng dụng meme nam sigma không được tạo ra để xúc phạm nó theo nghĩa đen là meme để phóng đại nam giới sigma như cách một số người mô tả họ. Thưởng thức!

The perforated disks were created by reworking a potsherd into a circular form by chipping, drilling, and then grinding the edges to a smooth finish.

Samples from the normal smooth surface of the gneiss boulder show that the surface has been ground and polished during glacial transportation.

The soil was gently ground, passed through a 2-mm sieve and completely mixed prior to being placed in pots.

A p-rule is ground exactly when every atom in it is ground.

Time to stop the little saltmill grinding, before everything else has become bitter.

In cases of the latter sort, the values that ground our attitudes are not truly our own.

The tissue was dried by grinding with anhydrous sodium sulfate and extracted with several volumes of hexane to remove carotenoids, retinols, and retinyl esters.

Where the standards were unclear, gover nment officials faced the dilemma of how to ground the political justification for authoritative direction of private voluntary relationships.

The key to the answer lies in whether it is judged appropriate to ground primal faith on the quadriplegic nature of divine activity.

The remaining part of the body was ground in a small bowl with physiological saline.

Thus, the customers' utilities ground the utilities of the other constraints.

The sides were glowing and going round, grinding out a familiar rumble.

Instead, this analysis aims at characterizing the nature of grinding activities in larger par ts of the city.

Both features favor long, extended grinding strokes instead of the shor t, downward crushing strokes of less intensive grinding.

The latter manos vary considerably, being too small, too large, or too irregularly shaped for grinding large amounts of maize on a daily basis.

Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.

The sigma male grindset refers to the the superior mindset possessed by the male at the top of the social hierarchy, also known as the sigma. This grindset is often mentioned when the sigma does something that may be considered based and redpilled. Society (runned by betas) views the Sigma as a threat. He is thus often a victim of societal ostracism for his intrinsically based nature. He is the victim of a systematic societal hate crime.

Instance of the Sigma Male Grindset:

(Low IQ beta judge): you are charged with 17 counts of corporate embezzlement. What do you have to say in your defence?

(Sigma male, representing himself like a true chad): your honour, first of all, you're a stinky poo. Second, you do not understand the grind. I must exploit the weak to maximize entertainment value, and personal gains. It is simply in my based and redpilled nature. Is that really a crime?

(Beta judge, realising his substantial error): yooo my bad, all charges dropped. Respect the grindset bro 📈

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This expression refers to the strive of a sigma male to become better at something, or to attain a goal. "grindset" is a portmanteau of the words "grind" and "mindset", and it expresses the determination and complete focus of a sigma male towards the tedious tasks required for achieving a desired result, oftentimes to the detriment of other aspects of life, namely social and romantic, not because he is forced by circumstance, but because he wants to. It expresses complete and sometimes obsessive dedication towards reaching a certain personal goal.
This expression has been incorrectly and derogatorily used as a way to describe the actions of men who want to seem successful for ulterior motives, who want to justify being assholes, or who want to justify a lack of a social/romantic life. The man who has the sigma male grindset is not the guy who acts aloof in pubs in order to impress women, or the guy who uses it as an excuse for not having friends. The man who has the sigma male grindset is the guy who always clocks in early at his job, always leaves late, and always overperforms. He's the guy who is constantly working, constantly studying, constantly advancing and working towards his goals.

Joe: Hey Bob. Have you seen Frank?
Bob: Yea, he's at his desk.
Joe: Is he ok? I wanted to go and grab a beer with him the other day, and he said that he's busy, then hung up. What's up with that?
Bob: Frank has that sigma male grindset. He's got his eyes on that promotion, and he's not gonna let it get away. Not to mention that he's been working towards building a side business. He's crazy busy, I don't know how he handles it.

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