hintons là gì - Nghĩa của từ hintons

hintons có nghĩa là

Aka "The Hinton Bear", "Hinhin".
A mythical bear, enormous in size, thought to scour the city of London. There have been a few cases of people supposedly hearing the Hinton's roar, and even one case mauled - However there have been many disappearances throughout London rumoured to have been caused by the Hinton.

Ví dụ

OMFG - Look over there! Its the hinton! Oh noesss he's coming our way!

hintons có nghĩa là

A very, very, very overwieght individual. Generally English with blonde, homosexual hair. They are usually complete assholes with no sense of humour. They think they are cool but are not nearly anything like this. They [not to be rude] have a small penis.

Ví dụ

OMFG - Look over there! Its the hinton! Oh noesss he's coming our way! A very, very, very overwieght individual. Generally English with blonde, homosexual hair. They are usually complete assholes with no sense of humour. They think they are cool but are not nearly anything like this. They [not to be rude] have a small penis. Guy1: Hey whos that fat faggot over there?
Guy2: Hey he must be Tom Hinton

hintons có nghĩa là

Guy1: Yeah forgot bout that

Ví dụ

OMFG - Look over there! Its the hinton! Oh noesss he's coming our way!

hintons có nghĩa là

A very, very, very overwieght individual. Generally English with blonde, homosexual hair. They are usually complete assholes with no sense of humour. They think they are cool but are not nearly anything like this. They [not to be rude] have a small penis.

Ví dụ

OMFG - Look over there! Its the hinton! Oh noesss he's coming our way!

hintons có nghĩa là

A very, very, very overwieght individual. Generally English with blonde, homosexual hair. They are usually complete assholes with no sense of humour. They think they are cool but are not nearly anything like this. They [not to be rude] have a small penis.

Ví dụ

Guy1: Hey whos that fat faggot over there?

hintons có nghĩa là

Guy2: Hey he must be Tom Hinton
Guy1: Yeah forgot bout that
Guy2: Watch out he might roll over you

Ví dụ

A small town located 45 minutes east of Jasper, Alberta. Hinton has a pulp mill that smells like old broccoli across the road from the High School, Local 7-11, and the Rec. Trung tâm. Very boring town unless you're into outdoorsy things such as quading, sledding, hiking, fishing, camping, etc. Very beautiful scenery. Now has lots of rigs around it. Let's take a trip to Hinton so we're closer to the National Parks! A beautiful black goddess who is good at the booty drop, and is typically a husky person.

hintons có nghĩa là

"Yo, check out that sexy ass hinton!" shittest fuckin town everrrrrrrrr, youll get raped by swamp monsters hinton - "i once went to hinton... i came back with a side of cow, a crv and the plague"

Ví dụ

In my opinion, one of the worst towns ever . I mean , some people think it's great , but then again I don't . It has a stinky ass pulp mill that smells like old broccoli and across from that there is fantastic 7-11, Harry Collinge Highschool , and the Recreation Center .

hintons có nghĩa là

There's really nothing to do here , but okay have fun if you like .

Ví dụ

Even though tourists act like it's fucking fantastical when they come here . Tourist 1: Hey ! Have you went to Hinton ? It's so nice there !

hintons có nghĩa là

Tourist 2: Yeah it's so nice there !

Ví dụ

Resident 1: . . Tourists . .

hintons có nghĩa là

A Professor Sean Hinton [usually shortened to a 'Sean Hinton' or a 'Prof Sean'] is a cocktail. Served in a tall glass with ice it is composed of two shots of Jamieson's irish whisky, two shots of Jack Daniel's and is topped up with coke.

Ví dụ

That kid Robert Hinton is a cool kid

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