How do I put the Mac desktop on the sidebar?

Here's what you'll want to do add personal filedirectoriesback to the Mac Finder sidebars:
  1. Pull down the Finder menu and selectPreferences[or just hit Command+,]
  2. Click on the Sidebar icon.
  3. Select the checkboxes next to items you want to appear inyourdesktop window sidebars.

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Likewise, how do I put an icon on my desktop for favorites?

How to Create Desktop Shortcut to Favorites in Windows 7and8

  1. Right click on your desktop and go to New>>Shortcut.
  2. Now paste the following in the location field andclickNext.
  3. No name the shortcut as Favorites and click Finish.
  4. If you want to change the shortcut icon, right click on itandselect Properties.
  5. Then click the Change Icon button under the Shortcut tab.

Subsequently, question is, how do I put a shortcut on my desktop for libraries? Windows 7 - Create a shortcut to accessyourLibraries

  1. On an empty area of your desktop > Right Click > New>Shortcut.
  2. In the location field, enter the following"explorer.exeshell:Libraries"
  3. Click on Next > It is named as "Explorer" by default.
  4. Once it is created you can pin it to the taskbar.

In this regard, how do I add recents to my sidebar?

2 Answers

  1. Right click the Finder in the Dock.
  2. Select New Smart Folder.
  3. Press the plus button.
  4. Select kind.
  5. Select Last Modified/Opened or whatever you want.
  6. Select 'This Mac'
  7. Save your smart folder. When saving, make sure 'Add toSidebar'is checked. Name your smart folder and you're good togo!

How do I add downloads to my Mac sidebar?

1 Answer

  1. Open a Finder window and go to your user folder.
  2. In the user folder you should see the downloads folder.
  3. Drag the downloads folder to the place you want it inthesidebar.
  4. Drag the Downloads folder to the right side of the verticalbarin the Dock.

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