Lỗi windows could not update the computers boot configuration năm 2024

I'm trying to create an automated windows 10 installer in order to make easy reinstall/deploy my systems. At the end of the installation process I'm getting the error "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration".

I'm testing the deploy in a Workstation DELL T5820. This is my first time using the ntlite, see attached my preset and log files. I tried to watch videos and search for a solution on the forum, I saw some things about secure boot, UEFI and oem activation that could be getting in the way, but I couldn't solve it yet...

See attached my current preset, the error screen and log files.

Thank you in advance.

  • Windows_Deploy_error.jpg 118.1 KB
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I ran into the same issue at one time, and I still do not know why, or what I did to solve it...

I am pretty sure it has to do with BIOS configuration though. Just for testing purposes I would try to reset the bios to defaults, then try again. If it still does not work, then go through and change 1 setting at a time, and keep trying, such as disable UEFI boot and enable Legacy, take a look at booting to USB settings, and so forth, just like you mentioned.

One of the things I noticed is there is for sure a bug in my specific BIOS, and it doesn't listen to my boot order that I've set. So try either moving around your sata cables on the drives and make sure they are in the correct numbering order, and also be sure to manually reorder it so that boot to USB comes after your main drive.

Last edited: Aug 31, 2022

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This is a classic symptom of a GPT/MBR mismatch where BIOS and Setup's disk partitioning disagree. Check your UEFI doesn't have a legacy compatibility mode [some do], and boot the plain ISO [no autounattend] to check the install disk's layout.

Boot ISO [without autounttend], and stop at the Setup screen -- open CMD window with shift-F10.

diskpart select disk 0

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