nervosa là gì - Nghĩa của từ nervosa

nervosa có nghĩa là

Anorexia Nervosa is a deadly disorder/ disease usually
people who really have anorexia nervosa have poor self esteem, similar personality traits, perfectionism in some aspect of their life and is influenced somewhat by pop culture [but not always]. If untreated somebody with a serious case of Anorexia Nervosa can and will die.
It's not your choice, and in real cases it's usually a way of coping with somthing in your life/past ! It's hell to get out of. FULL recovery is non existant. Treatment requires cooperation and willingness to participate.


"I don't want to make cookies because the oil from the batter is going to seep through my skin and make me fat!"
"are you crazy? no it won't! that's absoloutely impossible"
"that's what you think fatty!"
*deep voice* anorexia nervosa

nervosa có nghĩa là

Nervosa has no real definition in the English language. In Latin, it means "nervous". For contextual purposes, it means "the psychological addiction to a behavior, belief, or habit" that effects the body via the nervous system, or the mind. It is also a word commonly used in reference to botany. Nervosa, when used in botany, describes a trunk or tree like pattern of veins within the leaves.


Mary Sue has fallen prey to Anorexia Nervosa? Psychotria Nervosa has beautiful, bright green leaves.

nervosa có nghĩa là

An eating disorder [and a serious disease] that can either cause death, lasting symptoms or - if you're extremely lucky - nothing whatsoever. Anorexia Nervosa is the disease in which the person with it limits their eating, exercises too often, and the like. It, however, does not consist of binging and purging [e.g. eating a huge meal then puking it up later.]. This is called bulimia.

Holy crap, people, get it right. Learn the difference between these two, because they are extremely different.

Also, both of these diseases are extremely hard to "shake off" or get rid of. Even after two years of being "normal" I still have some symptoms, and I still think I'm fat at times, even though it has been two years, almost three, since I had stopped.


The anorexia nervosa caused the girl to go from ninety pounds to eighty in only a few weeks.

nervosa có nghĩa là

Audiophilia nervosa describes the anxiety resulting from the never-ending quest to obtain the ultimate performance from one's stereo system by means of employing state-of-the-art components, cables, and the use of certain "tweaks." Although the goal is supposedly to achieve maximum appreciation of the music, those afflicted with this condition are merely obsesed with their electronics.


Todd had spent well over $100,000 in speakers,monoblock amplifiers, fiber optic cables, Shakti stones, pre-amolifiers, and other equipment and tweaks. And yet he still wasn't convinced that Diana Krall's voice sounded "silky" enough. Todd was in deep denial concerning his audiophilia nervosa, and his wife was on the verge of calling a divorce lawyer.

nervosa có nghĩa là

A person suffering from Atypical Anorexia [AAN] must show body dissatisfaction, intentional restrictive behavior, and fear of gaining weight while maintaining a BMI of


I suffer from Tessorexia Nervosa! I’m in recovery from Anorexia! Don’t talk to me about my diet or I’ll starve myself again and it will be your fault!

nervosa có nghĩa là

Anorexia Nervosa [AN] essentially refers to a mental illness affecting both genders, but primarily females, whereby an individual has irregular perceptions of their body image. This causes them to develop extreme trepidation at the prospect of weight gain, dieting, starving themself, frequent exercise and calorie counting which subsequentally gives them what is known as emaciation. It requires inordinate amounts of mental and physical concentration and efforts if one wishes to conquer it, although they never really "conquer" it as it is still in them somewhere. Similarly, people with this eating disorder tend to have a very low body mass index [bmi], usually 16 or lower to the point where they may need a feeding tube. If it gets to the point where it gets below fifteen, without serious treatment, the patient will die, at least it is very feasible!


My friend is suffering from the eating disorder, Anorexia Nervosa.

nervosa có nghĩa là

When an emo person decides to call themself something.


emo screename = CelseteNervosa

nervosa có nghĩa là

Boylemia -Boyle-mi-a Ner-vo-sa- a tv talent induced nervous mania - characterised by the incoherent ramlings of middle aged women, often following rejection by wide social groups.


Had Sharon O taken a pill before the show on saturday evening as she was mumbling, could not be understood and had developed strange dance like twitches? no - its was more likely a case of Boylemia Nervosa. see also Boyles Syndrome

nervosa có nghĩa là

An eating disorder where one will binge eat then get rid of the food afterward, such as using laxatives or diuretics, or exercising excessively, or using self induced vomiting. Bulimia's Side Effects: erosion of the esophagus, thin hair, rotting teeth, brittle nails and bones, acid reflux, normal but fluctuating weight, anxiety, chest problems, anemia, depression, self harm, shrunken internal organs, loss of menstrual cycle in females, bad body image, bladder and bowel incontinence, deteriorating muscles, digestive issues, mental problems, drug use, etc.


Anorexia Nervosa, EDNOS, and Bulimia Nervosa are the most complex and deadly diseases known.

nervosa có nghĩa là

Nervosa means "the psychological addiction to a behavior, belief, or habit".


An example would be Anorexia Nervosa. Anorexia being in which someone starved themself / a serious mental disorder, where people [usually females] have a strong need to lose weight. When you combined Anorexia and Nervosa it would mean the addiction to the behavior, belief, or habit, of starvation.

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