the polices là gì - Nghĩa của từ the polices

the polices có nghĩa là

A honorable calling which is thankless and low paying. Also, a job dealing with the ignorant, the drunk and the stupid. Usually spending long nights away from family dealing with donut jokes from people who have no clue, getting spit on and disrespected while wasting time on charges that will be dismissed anyway by a chickenshit DA in a pinstripe suit the following month. Originally From the latin, "beatemus et releasus" [beat and release].


I don't know why I'm the police, I should have been a firefigher.

the polices có nghĩa là

The people you run from.



the polices có nghĩa là

A person whose job it is to enforce the laws passed down by the government. As in any job, there are good and bad police officers. Often sworn at for issuing speeding tickets by the ignorant who fail to realize that more people die in automobile accidents each year than in weapon violence; usually speed is a factor. Usually thankless job, until someone finds themselves needing the police, at which point attitudes often change.


The police issued a ticket to the businessman for doing 100 in a 40 zone.

the polices có nghĩa là

1]A Ridiculously Large Gang that is known for playing dirty and using the law as their excuse for their bullshit actions. 2]The Most Hated Gang


1]The Police caught me smoking bud and regulated me and used the law as their excuse for shooting me 3 times in the back even when I wasn't even resisting. 2]The Police caught me trying to help a little girl stand up and shot me twice because they thought i was raping her.

the polices có nghĩa là

A usually normal person sometimes given too much power. While police are definitely a necessity in any civilized society [in at least one form or another], in our 'nanny state' nation cops are known for giving people tickets for going too fast, commonly when there's no one in danger, busting up teenage parties, and arresting people for smoking marijuana who are not infringing on the rights of others. They have also been used as an excuse for gun control, except that in reality you need to be able to defend yourself and not rely on someone else.

Many people hate cops because of the 'pig' stereotype. There certainly are many who fit this; pushy, angry, forceful, et cetera. While it is important to be able to keep track of someone, it's not right to resort to extreme measures for bizarre reasons of 'safety' when there is no direct threat present. Also, as described before, many people hate cops because they frequently waste peoples' time with bureaucratic nonsense instead of truly protecting the people from dangerous criminals. However, this is more related to bad laws and flaws in a greedy and shortsighted system than the officers themselves.


Ex. 1: The police had a typical day; they gave five hundred tickets to irritated motorists, and arrested some kids for underage drinking at a party. [common]

Ex. 2: Wow, that police officer really saved our life! It really seemed as though that guy was going to kill us! [rare]

the polices có nghĩa là

The act of telling people what they can and can't do, according to your own personal viewpoint. This mainly extends to interests, hobbies, things they enjoy. Used most often by social justice bloggers on the website Tumblr, often turning to mass hate on people whose interests do not fall within the strict guidelines of what these bloggers deem acceptable for the masses. There are blogs set up literally so people can anonymously say they enjoy these things without being attacked. I'm pretty sure totalitarian governments do exactly the same thing.


"You can't watch [insert any tv show here] because the main character is a white male and the show makes offensive jokes. You are the scum of the earth if you enjoy it." "If you like [insert anything here] then unfollow me immediately, because you do not understand social justice and I will not be associated with you!" "I really enjoy Family Guy, I think it makes good social comment and it makes me laugh-" "Get off Tumblr! You don't belong here, you piece of shit. Go kill yourself you sexist racist homophobic transphobic privileged fuck!" "I'm not putting any of my interests on tumblr, there is always something "problematic" with them." "Policing social justice bloggers?" "Yeah."

the polices có nghĩa là

When your friend tries to enforce the rules upon you when it's for a stupid reason. The rules being broken are usually minor rules that schools or the law enforce.


Eric: STOP RUNNING IN THE HALLWAY! David: Stop policing me!

the polices có nghĩa là

A police who searches for polices who search police police


That police police police police well I AM A POLICE!

the polices có nghĩa là

Noun: 1 - Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in law enforcement. 2 - A belief that being a police officer is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities.


1 - People who think all police are are racist or pigs are guilty of policism. 2 - Colin kaepernick wearing pig socks is policism.

the polices có nghĩa là

the police who police police police


police police police police police police

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