top off meaning oil

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1. To add to something until it is full, especially if it was already close to being full. A noun or pronoun can be used between "top" and "off." I'd like to top the car off with gas before we set out on the road tomorrow. Here, let me top off your glass with a bit more wine.

2. To finish or complete something by adding a final element or flourish to it. A noun or pronoun can be used between "top" and "off." The party was great! There was dinner, games, and dancing, and they topped the evening off with a karaoke competition. The cake is almost finished, let me just top it off with a few chocolate strawberries. We topped off our vacation in Greece with a trip to the Acropolis of Athens.

3. To add something unpleasant or difficult to an already troublesome situation. In this usage, a noun or pronoun is used between "top" and "off." I got a flat tire halfway through my bicycle ride, and to top that off, I had left my phone at home so I couldn't call anyone for help! The boss tore me a new one today, and to top it all off, my boyfriend said he was moving out.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

 [with something]

1. to end or terminate something with something; to put something on the top of something. They topped the building off with a tall flagpole. He topped off each piece of pie with a heap of whipped cream.

2. to celebrate an end to something with something. They topped the evening off with a bottle of champagne. They topped off the evening with a bottle of champagne.

to add to the difficulty of something. Jane lost her job, and to top that off, she caught the flu. I had a bad day, and to top it off, I have to go to a meeting tonight.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

1. Fill a container, especially when it is almost full to begin with. For example, I don't need much gas; just top off the tank, please. [First half of 1900s]

2. Finish, especially in a spectacular way, as in They topped off their trip with a visit to the White House. [First half of 1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. To fill some container completely, especially when it is almost full to begin with: Before we returned the rental car, we topped off the gas tank. Every time I took a sip of my water, the server would come back and top it off.

2. To finish something appropriately: The couple topped off the romantic evening with a walk along the river.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

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She added: "I was asked to take my top off and Dr Banarjee asked me to go and face the wall which I did and he stroked my back."

That phase gives way to a countdown, when people top off their supplies and choose where they will celebrate or ride out the date change.

To top off the fiasco, last October, the Michigan Minority Business Development Council [MMBDC], a private agency viewed as the state's top certifying body, revoked Summa-Harrison's status as a minority-owned and -operated firm.

In addition, five loft-style floor-through apartments that top off the tower are now being offered to the public at $4 million each.

But the search for better charge-storing solids -- an effort, basically, to do away with the corrosive juices that top off most wet-cell batteries -- has been hamstrung by inadequate knowledge about the physical configurations of certain polymers.

Healers concocted an elaborate remedy for Aztec rulers who complained of tiredness, according to Robert Bye of the Botanical Garden in Mexico City, They would boil some herbs in water, add some animal blood, and top off the potion with digestive "stones" found in bird gizzards.

Summarising for the BBC's live coverage of the Celtic v Falkirk cup tie on Tuesday, the former Dundee United boss came out with this gem when Bairns scorer Alan Gow went bare-chested as he got carried away in the excitement of his goal: "If I had a physique like that, I'd take my top off as well." Just as well our Ian isn't a regular at the local gym then.

It is important to go to scheduled maintenances for your vehicle so it can run efficiently as possible. It is also critical to make sure the fluids in your vehicle are topped off. The amount each fluid is recommended at can be determined by each fluid reservoir. Some of these fluids, like the oil, should be changed on a regular basis so it can stay clean while running through the vehicle.

The Transmission fluid should be inspected

The transmission fluid in your vehicle is beneficial because it is what helps to keep your vehicle working properly. This is because it lubricates and cools down your vehicle as needed. The transmission fluid can also help you to avoid costly repairs on transmission problems down the road. If you inspect the transmission fluid at home, you should pay attention to what color it is. If the color is dark or black in color, it should be replaced soon. Ideally the transmission fluid should be red or green. Dirty transmission fluid can cause damage to your transmission, and result in higher repair bills.

Check the Brake Fluid

The brake fluid is hydraulic fluid that gives your brakes the pressure and power needed to stop the vehicle. As the brake fluid ages, it will collect moisture and will need to be replaced. This is because the moisture content will get to high, and make the fluid less efficient. The moisture content happens slowly, so the brake fluid may need to be replaced once every one or two years. If you notice that the brake fluid becomes low, it may indicate that there is a problem with your vehicle.

The Coolant needs to be checked

The coolant is the fluid in your vehicle that helps control the heat that is produced under the hood. Excessive heat can cause major damage to parts of your vehicle. The coolant is a fluid that has additives in it so it is less likely to harm the vehicle. The coolant has corrosion inhibitors and lubricant for the coolant pump, to help avoid any damage to the system.

Don’t forget about the Oil

The oil is one of the most important fluids for your vehicle. It is able to lubricate, protect, and cool the engine as it operates. Staying on a schedule to change the oil regularly can be beneficial for your overall maintenance. As the oil is used in the vehicle, it begins to collect soot and other particles from the engine. Over time, these particles will rub over the engine components and cause wear and tear to them.

Remember to check the Power Steering fluid

The power steering fluid helps to supply power to turn the wheel of your vehicle easily. When seals and other internal parts begin to wear out, the fluid can become contaminated with dust or debris. If anytime you notice a change in how your vehicle is handling, make sure to bring it in so we can inspect it. This way, you can have a pleasant driving experience.

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